3 現場會議
每週上課 3 小時作業
每週 1-2 小時. Small tasks will be uploaded during the week to help with the consolidation process.我們無法翻譯此文,請刷新頁面並再試一次。
英語程度 - 未知
美國 9 - 10 年級
Intermediate - Advanced 等級
This is an ongoing course that will REVISE the British Curriculum for Year 10 & 11 - approx. age 14-16 for Summer 2024 Exam sitting. It is a loop course which will revert back to Year 1 study in September 2024, so as to prepare for the GCSE and IGCSE examinations. The age and level of work is also of a 9th and 10th grade standard. THIS COURSE HAS NOW CHANGED TO A REVISION CLASS to prepare pupils ready for the Summer exam sittings. IT WILL RE-LOOP AGAIN IN ONE YEARS' TIME AND GO BACK TO THE START. This class will be taught as a mini-classroom environment where the material will be taught by PowerPoint. There will be plenty of explained examples, and time for pupils to ask quick questions for clarification and to aid understanding as we go through. Each week, the new topics will be introduced and developed starting from basics, but allowing extension where possible. Online platforms may be used to monitor and assess progress in real-time, so that support can be given. Any work submitted will be marked online and feedback can be given. Some online resources will also give immediate feedback. The first lesson of the week will be to revise areas of prior knowledge that will be needed to understand the material that will be taught for the rest of the week. As lessons are recorded, pupils can re-watch the recordings in case they missed copying down examples, or wish to revisit the topic at a later date. If any pupils require additional support on a 1-to-1 basis, this can be arranged separately on request. CHRISTMAS BREAK Week Commencing 08.01.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Edexcel GCSE June 2019 Paper 1 (NC) Topics: HCF, Plan/elevation drawings, reflection/translation/rotation, ratio problems, estimation/power 10 manipulation/negative indices, mixed number calculations, quartiles from data, number proof Week Commencing 15.01.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Edexcel IGCSE A June 2020 Paper 2 Topics: Week Commencing 22.01.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: OCR GCSE Nov 2021 Paper 6 Topics: Week Commencing 29.01.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Edexcel IGCSE A June 2020 Paper 1 Topics: Week Commencing 05.02.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Edexcel GCSE June 2019 Paper 2 Topics: Week Commencing 12.02.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Cambridge IGCSE June 2022 Paper 2 & 4 Topics: HALF TERM BREAK - 1 WEEK Week Commencing 26.02.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: OCR GCSE Nov 2021 Paper 5(NC) & Edexcel IGCSE June 2021 Paper 2 Topics: Week Commencing 04.03.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Topics: Week Commencing 11.03.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Topics: Week Commencing 18.03.2024 - Topics Covered: NO LESSONS - ON A COURSE Week Commencing 25.03.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Topics: EASTER BREAK - 2 Weeks Week Commencing 15.04.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Topics: Week Commencing 22.04.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Topics: Week Commencing 29.04.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Topics: Week Commencing 06.05.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Topics: Week Commencing 13.05.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Topics: 16th MAY - EXAM PAPER 1 Week Commencing 20.05.2024 - Topics Covered: PAST EXAM PAPER PRACTICE Paper: Topics: HALF TERM and END OF COURSE 3rd JUNE - EXAM PAPER 2 10th JUNE - EXAM PAPER 3 (GCSE only) FIRST YEAR WORK ALREADY COVERED ON THIS COURSE: Week Commencing 05.09.2022 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 1.1 A Understand and use integers (positive, negative and zero) 1.1 B Understand place value 1.1 C Use directed numbers in practical situations 1.1 D Order Integers 1.1 E Use the four rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division 1.1 F Use Brackets and the hierarchy of operations 1.1 G Use the terms 'odd', 'even', 'prime numbers', 'factors' and 'multiples' 1.1 H Identify prime factors, common factors and common multiples 1.4 D Express integers as a product of powers of prime factors 1.4 E Find Highest common factors (HCF) and Lowest common multiples (LCM) Week Commencing 12.09.2022 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 1.2 A Understand and use equivalent fractions, simplifying a fraction by cancelling common factors (+ordering) 1.2 B Understand and use mixed numbers and vulgar fractions 1.2 C Identify common denominators 1.2 D order fractions and calculate a given fraction of a given quantity 1.2 E Express a given number as a fraction of another number 1.2 F Use common denominators to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers 1.2 G Convert a fraction to a decimal or a percentage 1.2 I Multiply and Divide fractions and mixed numbers 1.2 H Understand and use unit fractions as multiplicative inverses 1.3 D Convert a decimal to a fraction or a percentage 1.6 C Express a percentage as a fraction and as a decimal 1.3 A (H) Convert a recurring decimal into a fraction Week Commencing 19.09.2022 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 1.3 A Use decimal notation 1.3 B Understand place value 1.3 C Order Decimals 1.3 D Convert a decimal to a fraction or a percentage 1.3 E Recognise that a terminating decimal is a fraction 1.3 - Decimal division and multiplication with decimal 1.4 A Identify square numbers and cube numbers 1.4 B Calculate squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots 1.4 C Use index notation and index laws for multiplication and division of positive and negative integer powers including zero 2.1 C Use index notation for positive and negative integer powers (including zero) 2.1 D Use index laws in simple cases 2.1 A (H) Use index notation involving fractional, negative and zero powers 1.4 C (H) Use index laws to simplify and evaluate numerical expressions involving integer, fractional and negative powers Week Commencing 26.09.2021 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 2.1 A Understand that symbols may be used to represent numbers in equations or variables in expressions and formulae 2.1 B Understand that algebraic expressions follow the generalised rules of arithmetic 2.3 A Understand that a letter may represent an unknown number or a variable 2.3 B Use correct notational conventions for algebraic expressions and formulae 2.3 E Derive a formula or expression 2.2 A Evaluate expressions by substituting numerical values for letters 2.3 C Substitute positive and negative integers, decimals and fractions for words and letters in expressions and formulae 2.3 D Use formulae from maths and other real-life contexts expressed initially in words or diagrammatic form and convert to letters and symbols 2.2 B Collect like terms 2.2 C Multiply a single term over a bracket 2.2 D Take out common factors 2.2 E Expand the product of two simple linear expressions 2.2 A (H) Expand the product of two or more linear expressions Week Commencing 03.10.2022 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 2.3 F Change the subject of a formula where the subject appears once 2.3 - Understand and use the concepts of vocabulary of: expression, identity, equation, formulae, inequalities, terms and factors 2.3 - Use Kinematics Formulae (SUVAT) 2.3 A (H) Understand the process of manipulating formulae or equations to change the subject, to include cases where the subject appears twice or a power of the subject occurs 2.4 A Solve linear equations, with integer or fractional coefficients, in one unknown in which the unknown appears on wither side or both sides 2.4 B Set up simple linear equations from given data Week Commencing 10.10.2022 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 3.1 A Generate terms of a sequence using tern-to-term and position-to-term definitions of the sequence 3.1 B Find subsequent terms of an integer sequence and the rule for generating it 3.1 C Use linear expressions to describe the nth term of arithmetic sequences 3.1 A (H) Understand and use common differences (d) and first term (a) in an arithmetic sequence 3.1 Recognise special sequences like Fibonacci, quadratic sequences and simple geometric progressions 3.1 B (H) Know and use the nth term = a + (n-1)d Week Commencing 17.10.2022 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 3.1 Find the nth term of a quadratic sequence 3.1 B (H) Know and use the nth term = a + (n-1)d 3.1 C (H) Find the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic series Sn Sequence Exam practice Week Commencing 24.10.2022 - Mid-term break (2 weeks) Week Commencing 07.11.2022 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 4.1 A Distinguish between acute, obtuse, reflex and right angles 4.1 B Use angle properties of intersecting lines, parallel lines and angles on a straight line 4.1 C Understand exterior angle of a triangle property and the angles sum of a triangle 4.1 D Understand the terms 'Isosceles', 'equilateral', 'right-angled' triangles and the angle properties of them 4.2 A Recognise and give the names of polygons 4.2 B Understand and use the term 'quadrilateral' and the angle sum property of quadrilaterals 4.2 C Understand and use the properties of the parallelogram, rectangle, square, rhombus, trapezium and kite 4.2 D Understand the term 'regular polygon' and calculate interior and exterior angles of regular polygons 4.2 E Understand and use the angle sum of polygons Week Commencing 14.11.2022 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 6.1 Understand types of data 6.1 A Use different methods of presenting data (pictograms, bar charts, pie charts, stem-and-leaf diagrams & frequency polygons) 6.1 B Use appropriate methods of tabulation to enable the construction of statistical diagrams and Questionnaires 6.1 C Interpret statistical diagrams Week Commencing 21.11.2022 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 6.1 Understand Sampling and population 6.1 A Be able to use two-way tables to present data 6.2 A Understand the concept of average 6.2 B Calculate the mean, median, mode and range for a discrete data set 6.2 C Calculate an estimate for the mean for grouped data 6.2 D Identify the modal class for grouped data 6.2 Understand the misrepresentation of data 6.2 Recognise correlation between BIVARIATE Data 6.2 Use and interpret lines of best fit and identification of outliers Week Commencing 28.11.2022 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 6.1 B (H) Construct Cumulative Frequency diagrams from tabulated data 6.1 C (H) Use Cumulative Frequency diagrams 6.2 A (H) Estimate the median from a Cumulative Frequency diagram 6.2 B (H) Understand the concept of a measure of spread 6.2 C (H) Find the interquartile range from a discrete data set 6.2 D (H) Estimate the interquartile range from a Cumulative Frequency diagram 6.2 Boxplots Week Commencing 05.12.2022 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 6.1 A (H) Construct and interpret Histograms (for continuous variables with unequal class intervals) 6.2 Time Series and moving averages Week Commencing 12.12.2022 - Topics covered: 4.3 A Identify any lines of symmetry and the order of rotational symmetry of a given two-dimensional figure 4.4A Interpret scales on a range of measuring instruments 4.4B Calculate time intervals in terms of the 24-hour and the 12-hour clock 4.4C Make sensible estimates of a range of measures 4.4D Understand angle measure including three-figure bearings 4.4E Measure an angle to the nearest degree 4.4F Understand and use the relationship between average speed, distance and time 4.4G Use compound measures such as speed, density and pressure End of Term Christmas break Week Commencing 09.01.2023 - Topics covered: Sp. code Topic 1.8A Round integers to a given power of 10 1.8B Round to a given number of significant figures or decimal places 1.8C Identify upper and lower bounds where values are given to a degree of accuracy 1.8D Use estimation to evaluate approximations to numerical calculations 1.8A(H) Solve problems using upper and lower bounds where values are given to a degree of accuracy. 1.8 Bounds of truncation, discrete and continuous data Week Commencing 16.01.2023 - Topics covered: 1.6A Understand that 'Percentage' means 'number of parts per 100' 1.6B Express a given number as a percentage of another number 1.6D Understand the multiplicative nature of percentages as operators 1.6E Solve simple percentage problems, including percentage increase and decrease 1.6F Use reverse percentages 1.6G Use compound interest and depreciation Week Commencing 23.01.2023 - Topics covered: 1.6A(H) Use repeated percentage change 1.6B(H) Solve compound interest problems 1.7A Use ratio notation, including reduction to its simplest form and its various links to fraction notation (1:n, n:1) 1.7B Divide a quantity in a given ratio or ratios 1.7C Use the process of proportionality to evaluate unknown quantities 1.7D Calculate an unknown quantity from quantities that vary in direct proportion 1.7E Solve word problems about ratio and proportion (inc maps and scale drawings) Week Commencing 30.01.2023 - Topics covered: 2.5A(H) Set up problems involving direct or inverse proportion and relate algebraic solutions to graphical representation of the equations (to include linear, quadratic, cubic, sqrt and their inverse 1/) 1.9A Calculate with and interpret numbers in the form 'a x 10^n' where n is an integer and 1=<a<10 1.9A(H) Solve problems involving standard form Week Commencing 06.02.2023 - Topics covered: 1.10A Use and apply number in everyday personal, domestic or community life 1.10B Carry out calculations using standard units of mass, length, area, volume and capacity (metric only) 1.10C Understand and carry out calculations using money, including converting between currencies 1.11A Use a scientific electronic calculator to determine numerical results 4.9A Convert measurements within the metric system to include linear and area units 4.10F Convert between units of volume within the metric system Week Commencing 13.02.2023 - Topics covered: 3.3A Interpret information presented in a range of linear and non-linear graphs 3.3B Understand and use conventions for rectangular Cartesian coordinates 3.3C Plot points (x,y) in any of the four quadrants or locate points with given coordinates 3.3D Determine the coordinates of points identified by geometrical information 3.3E Determine the coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment, given the coordinates of the two end points 3.3F Draw and interpret straight line conversion graphs 3.3G Find the gradient of a straight line 3.3H Recognise that equations of the form 'y=mx+c' are straight line graphs with gradient 'm' and intercept on the y-axis at the point (0,c) 3.3I Recognise, generate points and plot graphs of linear and quadratic functions Half Term break Week Commencing 27.02.2023 - Topics covered: 2.4A Solve linear equations, with integer or fractional coefficients, in one unknown in which the unknown appears on either side or both sides 2.4B Set up linear equations from given data 2.6A Calculate the exact solution of two simultaneous equations in two unknowns 2.6A(H) Calculate the exact solution of two simultaneous equations in two unknowns (+/- harder) 2.6B(H) Interpret the equations as lines and the common solution as the point of intersection Week Commencing 06.03.2023 - Topics covered: 2.8A Understand and use all four inequality symbols 2.8B Understand and use the convention for open and closed intervals on a number line 2.8C Solve linear inequalities in one variable and represent the solution set on a number line 2.8D Represent simple linear inequalities on rectangular cartesian graphs (shading regions) 2.8E Identify regions on rectangular Cartesian graphs defined by simple linear inequalities 2.8B(H) Identify harder examples of regions defined by linear inequalities Week Commencing 13.03.2023 - Topics covered: 4.9A Convert measurements within the metric system to include linear and area units 4.9B Find the perimeter of shapes made from triangles and rectangles 4.9C Find the area of simple shapes using the formulae for the areas of triangles and rectangles 4.9D Find the area of parallelograms and trapezia 4.6A Recognise the terms 'centre', 'radius', 'chord', 'diameter', 'circumference', 'tangent', 'arc', 'sector', and 'segment'. 4.9E Find the circumferences and areas of circle using relevant formulae; find perimeters and areas of semicircles 4.9A(H) Find the perimeters and areas of sectors of circles Week Commencing 20.03.2023 - NO LESSONS - On Course Week Commencing 27.03.2023 - Topics covered: 4.5A Measure and draw lines to the nearest millimetre 4.5B Construct triangles and other 2D shapes using a combination of a ruler, protractor and compasses 4.5C Solve problems using scale drawings 4.5D Use straight edge and compasses to construct perpendicular and angle bisectors of line segments and angles 4.5 Construct perpendicular from a point on a line, and from a point to a line 4.5 LOCI and 'equidistant' including real-life situations EASTER BREAK - 2 WEEKS Week Commencing 17.04.2023 - Topics covered: 6.3A Understand the language of probability (outcomes, equal likelihood, events, random) 6.3B Understand and use the probability scale 6.3C Understand and use estimates or measures of probability from theoretical models 6.3D Find probabilities from venn diagrams 1.5A Understand the definition of a set 1.5B Use the set notation 'EUN0', element, not element, union, intersection, universal set, empty set 1.5C Understand the concept of the universal set and the empty set and the symbols of these 1.5D Understand and use the compliment of a set : notation A' 1.5E Use venn diagrams to represent sets 1.5A(H) Understand sets defined in algebraic terms and understand and use subsets 1.5B(H) Use Venn diagrams to represent sets and the number of elements in sets 1.5C(H) Use the notation n(A) for the number of elements in the set A 1.5D(H) Use sets in practical situations Week Commencing 24.04.2023 - Topics covered: 6.3E Understand the concepts of a sample space and an event, and how probability can be obtained from a sample space 6.3F List all the outcomes for single events and for two successive events in a systematic way 6.3G Estimate probabilities from previously collected data (relative frequencies) 6.3H Calculate the probability of the complement of an event happening 6.3I Use the addition rule of probability for mutually exclusive events 6.3J Understand and use the term ' Expected frequency' 6.3 Derive or informally understand: P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(AnB) 6.3 Enumeration - systematic listing strategies, using product rule for counting number of outcomes of combined events Week Commencing 01.05.2023 - Topics covered: 6.3A(H) Draw and use tree diagrams 6.3B(H) Determine the probability that two or more independent events will occur 6.3C(H) Use simple conditional probability when combining events 6.3D(H) Apply probability to simple problems Week Commencing 08.05.2023 - Topics covered: 4.10A Recognise and give the names of solids 4.10B Understand the terms: face, edge and vertex in the context of 3D solids 4.10C Find the surface area of simple shapes using the area formulae for triangles and rectangles 4.10D Find the surface area of a cylinder 4.10E Find the volumes of prisms, including cuboids and cylinders, using an appropriate formula 4.10F Convert between units of volume within the metric system (repeat) 4.10 Plans, elevations of simple 3D solids 4.10A(H) Find the surface area and volume of a sphere and a right circular cone using relevant formulae + Pyramids Week Commencing 15.05.2023 - Topics covered: 5.2A Understand that rotations are specified by a centre and an angle 5.2B Rotate a shape about a point through a given angle 5.2C Recognise that an ACW rotation is a positive angle of rotation, and a CW rotation is a negative angle of rotation 5.2D Understand that reflections are specified by a mirror line 5.2E Construct a mirror line given an object and reflect a shape given in a mirror line 5.2F Understand that translations are specified by a distance and direction 5.2G Translate a shape 5.2H Understand and use column vectors in translations 5.2I Understand that rotations, reflections and translations preserve length and angle, so are congruent to original shape 5.2J Understand that enlargements are specified by a centre and a scale factor 5.2K Understand that enlargements preserve angles and not lengths 5.2L Enlarge a shape given the scale factor 5.2(H) Enlargement of shapes with negative scale factors 5.2M Identify and give complete descriptions of transformations 5.2 Combinations of transformations Week Commencing 22.05.2023 - Topics covered: 4.2F Understand congruence as meaning the same shape and size 4.2G Understand that two or more polygons with the same shape and size are said to be congruent to each other 5.2(H) Proof of congruency of triangles SSS, SAS, ASA, RHS 4.11A Understand and use the geometrical properties that similar figures have corresponding lengths in the same ratio but corresponding angles remain unchanged 4.11B Use and interpret maps and scale drawings 4.11A(H) Understand that areas of similar figures are in the ratio of the square of corresponding sides 4.11B(H) Understand that volumes of similar figures are in the ratio of the cube of corresponding sides 4.11C(H) Use areas and volumes of similar figures in solving problems Week Commencing 29.05.2023 - HALF TERM - No Lessons for 1 week Week Commencing 05.06.2023 - Topics covered: 5.1A(H) Understand that a vector has both magnitude and direction 5.1B(H) Understand and use vector notation including column vectors 5.1C(H) Multiply vectors by scalar quantities 5.1D(H) Add and subtract vectors 5.1E(H) Calculate the modulus (magnitude) of a vector 5.1F(H) Find the resultant of two or more vectors 5.1G(H) Apply vector methods for simple geometrical proofs Week Commencing 12.06.2023 - Topics covered: 4.8A Know, understand and use Pythagoras' Theorem 4.8B Know, understand and use Sine, Cosine and Tangent of acute angles to determine lengths and angles of a right-angled triangle 4.8C Apply trigonometrical methods to solve problems in two dimensions (including bearings) Week Commencing 19.06.2023 - Topics covered: 4.8A(H) Understand and use sine, cosine and tangent of obtuse angles 4.8B(H) Understand and use angles of elevation and depression 4.8C(H) Understand and use the sine and cosine rules for any triangle 4.8D(H) Use Pythagoras's theorem in three dimensions 4.8E(H) Understand and use the formula 0.5abSinC for the area of a triangle 4.8F(H) Apply trigonometrical methods to solve problems in 3D, including finding the angle between a line and a plane Week Commencing 26.06.2023 - Topics covered: 4.6B Understand chord and tangent properties of circles 4.7A Give informal reasons, where required, when arriving at numerical solutions to geometrical problems (inc chords, tangents, triangles and polygons) 4.6A(H) Understand and use the internal and external intersecting chord properties 4.6B(H) Recognise the term 'cyclic quadrilateral' 4.6C(H) Understand and use angle properties of the circle including: -- Angle subtended by an arc at the centre of a circle is twice the angle subtended at any point on the remaining part of the circumference -- Angle subtended at the circumference by a diameter is a right angle (angle in a semi-circle) -- Angles in the same segment are equal -- the sum of the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 180 deg. -- the alternate segment theorem 4.7A(H) Provide reasons, using standard geometrical statements, to support numerical values for angles obtained in any geometrical context involving lines, polygons and circles Week Commencing 03.07.2023 - Topics covered: 3.3I Recognise quadratic functions/graphs 2.2F Understand the concept of a quadratic expression and be able to factorise such expressions 2.7A Solve quadratic equations by factorisation (limited to 1x^2) 2.2B(H) Understand the concept of a quadratic expression and be able to factorise such expressions (inc ax^2) 2.7A(H) Solve quadratic equations by factorisation (inc ax^2) Week Commencing 04.09.2023 - Topics Covered: 1.4A(H) Understand the meaning of surds (and simplifying) 1.4B(H) Manipulate surds, including rationalising the denominator 2.2C(H) Manipulate algebraic fractions where the numerator and/or denominator can be numeric, linear or quadratic Revisit: 2.2B(H) Factorising quadratic expressions including ax^2 Week Commencing 11.09.2023 - Topics Covered: 2.7B(H) Solve quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula or completing the square 2.2D(H) Complete the square for a given quadratic expression 2.7B (GCSE) - Find turning points by using 'completing the square' 2.7C(H) Form and solve quadratic equations from data given in a context 2.2E(H) Use algebra to support and construct proofs Week Commencing 18.09.2023 - Topics Covered: Revision on linear simultaneous Equations (elimination method and substitution method) 2.7D(H) Solve simultaneous equations in two unknowns, one equation being linear and the other being quadratic 3.3E(H) Find the intersection points of two graphs, one linear and one non-linear and recognise that the solutions can be combined = 0 Revision on linear inequalities 2.8A(H) Solve quadratic inequalities in one unknown and represent the solution set on a number line (using graphs to help) Week Commencing 25.09.2023 - Topics Covered: 3.2A(H) Understand the concept that a function is a mapping between elements of two sets 3.2B(H) Use function notations of the form f(x) = ... and f:x |-> ... 3.2C(H) Understand the terms 'domain' and 'range' and which values may need to be excluded from a domain 3.2D(H) Understand and find the composite function fg and the inverse function f^-1 Week Commencing 02.10.2023 - Topics Covered: 3.3A(H) Recognise, plot and draw graphs of: cubic, reciprocal, exponential, trigonometric (Sin, Cos, Tan) 3.3B(H) Apply transformations (translation and stretch) to linear, quadratic, sine and cosine functions 3.3B - Transformation of reflections of functions 3.3C(H) Interpret and analyse transformations of functions and write the functions algebraically Week Commencing 09.10.2023 - Topics Covered: (GCSE) A16: Recognise and use the equation of a circle with centre at the origin; find the equation of a tangent to a circle at a given point (GCSE) A20&R16: Find approximate solutions to equations numerically using iteration and change of sign method (GCSE) - Exact Trig values (triangles) Week Commencing 16.10.2023 - Topics Covered: 3.4A(H) Understand the concept of a variable rate of change 3.4B(H) Differentiate integer powers of x 3.4C(H) Determine gradients, rates of change, stationary points, turning points (maxima and minima) by differentiation and relate these to graphs 3.4D(H) Distinguish between maxima and minima by considering the general shape of the graph only 3.4E(H) Apply calculus to linear kinematics and to other simple practical problems
Students will learn to meet the objectives of the Higher GCSE syllabus
Some of the educational mathematical resources I use, and are available for pupils to use, are extremely common in UK teaching, however they may not be well known outside the UK or International British Schools network. Therefore if parents wish to check out the websites prior to their children accessing these resources, then they may feel more comfortable as to their content.
The key resources I use are:
www.lbq.org/task - The login for this belongs to myself (paid for). The tasks I set on this platform allow pupils to only access the question set that I create for the day. No other part of this website can be accessed by the pupils. Be aware that when pupils enter a name for the task, this data is stored for my viewing, so pupils way wish to use a non-recognisable name if they wish to appear anonymous.
www.drfrostmaths.com - This will be used for resources to create powerpoints. There is also an online quiz, similar to Kahoot! No login required for pupils to access the quiz.
www.Kahoot.it - Online quiz. No login required. A private licence has been paid for privately.
Scientific calculator; maths set involving compass, set square and protractor; book / paper for working.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
LBQ learning platform
Dr Frost Maths
Various GCSE higher level books
I am a qualified mathematics teacher with 20 years’ experience. I have taught across the age range from 7 – 18 in a mixture of state and private/independent day and boarding schools and up until teaching online this last year, was employed full-time in an English International boarding school with responsibilities for teaching Maths across the curriculum in addition to teaching Cadets outdoor skills.
*My engaging and challenging lessons with Key Stage 2 were used to boost SAT preparation, selective secondary school entrance examinations, UKMT Maths Challenges and Private school taster days.
*I teach across Key Stage 3 and 4 preparing pupils for GCSE Higher and Foundation, as well as being responsible for the ‘Top Set’ and their progression onto AQA Further Maths and OCR Additional Maths Qualifications.
*At the senior age range (17/18), I teach the OCR MEI A Level syllabus throughout, including all Pure, Statistics and Mechanics. Working within an International Baccalaureate School, I teach the Diploma Programme of Maths, originally at the Maths Studies and Standard Level, however with the change, I am now wholly responsible for the teaching of the Applications & Interpretations Diploma course at both Standard and Higher Level.
I love the variety of subjects within maths that I teach and how they all can be applied outside the classroom for enjoyment and understanding, rather than for ‘exams’ sake. Teaching a broad array of ages, abilities, pupils with disabilities (visual and non-visual) makes every lesson unique and unpredictably enjoyable.
In addition to teaching mathematics, my love of outdoor pursuits had led be to become commissioned as an Officer of Cadets in the British Army. Over the last 15 years I have been promoted to the rank of Captain within our Infantry Unit, and hold numerable qualifications from Outdoor First Aid, Skill at Arms Instructor, through to Exercise Conducting Officer and Fieldcraft Educator. Within my timetable, I teach cadets weekly from the age of 14 – 18 through a variety of training programmes that include Fieldcraft, Map and Compass, Military tactics and other Cadet skills that help link together with our Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
Outside of my teaching career, I am a father of nine home-schooled children. I provide support to my wife (who is an early years specialist teacher), with all of our children from the age of 2 to 17. As I have a more scientific education, I often take over with the KS2 topics of Science, Maths and Geography, as well as squeezing in outdoor skills and knowledge to fuel their thirst for adventure and excitement!
Whilst studying at University, I became heavily involved with Educational Summer Schools, in particular with NAGTY (National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth), in addition to the promotion of Further Education for those children from disadvantaged backgrounds. I also took my love for cycling one stage further by gaining a City and Guilds Diploma in cycle maintenance, which I used as a mechanic and still do to this day.
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年齡: 14-16
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