

Amy Pollman-Hoehner, Art and Drawing-M.Ed, MFA


每週 1-2 小時. This is a independent learning class. Students are not assigned homework and move through the course with as much tenacity as is desired.
This class is not assessed.


Put a little GREEN in your chilly season! This is a one stop shop for learning all that you need to know about growing and using fresh garden herbs! We will go over the how identify and grow different types of herbs, their flavor profiles and uses in the kitchen. We will discuss how to use them fresh and also how to dry them and use them all year round. 

FIrst, we will discuss how select your plants from the local farmers market or greenhouse. You will want to get a selection of herbs. Basil, parsley, thyme, oregano, mint, cilantro, chives, dill and rosemary are recommended. Herbs can be planted indoors in a well lit area or potted on a porch. They can also be planted in the yard to make your own herb garden. Herb garden designs and options will be discussed in the videos.

Next, learners will learn how to care for their herbs and how to harvest the herbs for maximum yield. How to avoid pests, feed, water and sunlight will be discussed as well. 

Then, once harvested, learners will learn how they can prepare their herbs to be used to bring flavor and freshness to all their culinary creations. A visual guide will be provided to give an easy reminder for the uses and flavors of each herb. 

Last, we will learn how to dry your herbs. This will keep herbs flavorful and lasting all year round. You make delectable mixes which make wonderful gifts for your friends and family. 

The class is an introduction workshop to the world of herbs. Learners will have access to step by step video tutorials , written instructions, herb cheat sheets, and recipes for combining their own delectable mixes to be added to the spice rack! I will be available by messaging anytime you may have questions or concerns about the process and there is an opportunity for feedback using Flipgrid. This class will last one three  and students will be given Students can access and reaccess materials as needed so the information can be made available any time as needed. I give an extra long time for access to this class for this reason. 

Students work on this course independently and can take it at their own pace. I am available for any questions they might have at anytime. The suggested timeline is 

Posts are twice a week: 
week 1 : learn about different types of herbs 
week 1: find a greenhouse or farmer's market and purchase herbs
week 2: plant you garden and maintain your herbs: water, and light, and fertilizer
week 2: harvest some fresh herbs for use in dishes 
week 3:  harvest fresh herbs and prepare for drying
week 3: discuss herb blends, containers labels 
week 4: prepare dried herbs for storage and use. 
week 4: discuss using dried herbs in recipes and giving as gifts!  

My teaching style is energetic and I believe the best way to learn is by having fun. I am an artist too so there is lots of creativity infused into the lessons. The lessons are taught exclusively through video which is great for students to go as fast or as slow as they would like. They will also have access to rewatching parts they need to see again. This is a seven week flex class . Learners will have an opportunity to share their gardens spaces and growing processes. This is a great way to build community in the class, but on your own time! They can also post any questions they might have and will received feedback. 

Students do not need to have any experience to participate in this course, but may need some supervision/permission when planting, harvesting, drying and cooking with their herbs.


Students will learn how to grow and use garden herbs in their cooking.


Learners will need a place to grow their herbs. They will need access to scissors for pruning herbs and will need to chop the herbs with a knife. Knife safety will be discussed and learners should have permission and parental supervision when completing these tasks. Learners could cut herbs with scissors if knives cutting is not an option.
-  hand out will be provided of a guide of herbs. 
- small 4"herb plants
      basil, mint, thyme, oregano, dill, chives and rosemary (are recommended)
-small gardening tools (trowel and gloves)
-  potting soil and an area to plant or place to let them grow. 
- scissors to harvest their herbs. 
- cutting board and scissors or a knife for cutting fresh herbs. 
- twist ties and twine, yarn, or cotton cord for drying their herbs. 
- small glass containers with labels to put their completed product! example here: https://www.amazon.com/STONEKAE-Square-Containers-Airtight-Chalkboard/dp/B07HRN15DF/ref=asc_df_B07HRN15DF/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309805550381&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13969194704506686489&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1024034&hvtargid=pla-605223193195&psc=1
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
Learners will be provided with herb guides, access to videos and written directions.
俄亥俄州 教學證書 在 音樂/戲劇/藝術
碩士 在 教育 從 University of Toledo
碩士 在 音樂或戲劇或藝術 從 University of Syracuse
I am an avid gardener and artist who has spent years cultivating my own herbs. I am a certified teacher with twenty years of experience teaching creativity and art. 





4 週
有5 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 10-15

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