
生成式 AI 採樣器

Mr. Marty
在這個為期 4 週的線上課程中,學生將使用不同的人工智慧模型來產生詩歌、藝術和音樂,然後最終將所有內容放在幻燈片中。學生將能夠掌握這些技能並將其應用到學校專案中。


4 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
We will introduce OpenAI's ChatGPT and use it to write poetry on various subjects and in various forms. We will explore the Haiku, the Sonnet, Sestinas, Villanelles and any other poetic structures students may be interested in. Students will choose their subjects and create a poem that can be put to images and music.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
We will introduce DreamStudio, StableDiffusion's official online platform. We will learn about prompt crafting, negative prompts, artists, mediums, and how to use different fine-tuned models to get different effects. We will learn how to improve images using inpainting and use these to accompany the poem.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
We will introduce AIVA, the Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist, a music producing AI that was trained on 30,000 classical musical scores, At this point AIVA is capable of composing in various different styles. We will use AIVA to score our poems and images, whatever the style may be: classical, jazz, electronic, or hip-hop, etc.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Putting It All Together
We will finish up the class by putting all of these media into a single presentation. This will be done in Scratch, Python, or any other software the student may be familiar with. An optional final touch would be to use AI to create a voice-over of the poem to be played with the music. Alternatively the poem can just be displayed on screen.
  • The goal if for students to understand the basic working of Generative AI but to be able to generate high quality media to be used in school or in personal projects.
I have been a Computer Science Teacher for about 10 years.  I have taught may AI classes ranging from survey class for beginners to coding classes that involve training AI models.    I teach AI Art and AI Music as separate courses as well.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
With great power comes great responsibility!  These models are very powerful and though they have powerful filters to stop inappropriate text and images, if the student persists in trying to create disturbing text or images, they may eventually succeed.  AIVA is completely safe as it creates instrumental music.  DreamStudio's filters have shown to be very effective and I have never had a problem.   ChatGPT also has a pretty good filter.
已加入 March, 2023
碩士 in 數學 from Harvard University
學士學位 in 數學 from Harvard University
Get $5 off my classes with coupon code MARTY1JBCX5 until Nov 23, 2023

I have been a Computer Science teacher for 10 years.  I love art and feel extremely fortunate to be able to teach AI Art at Outschool.  It is an incredibly exciting and fast... 




每週或US$68 用於 4 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 4 週
55 分鐘

有3 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 13-17
1-8 每班學員人數

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