

本課程是一個專門針對青少年的為期 6 週的引人入勝且全面的課程。本課程將深入探討在正式論文寫作中脫穎而出所需的結構、風格和策略。
Daysha Rae, M.Ed


6 現場會議
5 上課時間
每週 1 小時. There will be weekly enrichment activities to do, which includes learners continuing to research and write their essays.
I will be giving both verbal and written feedback weekly, plus I will be using a grading rubric for the final essay so learners can see how they did! If you wish to have a formal grade report, please message me and let me know!


英語程度 - 未知
美國 8 - 11 年級
This course is an engaging and comprehensive 6-week program specifically aimed at teenagers. This course will provide a deep-dive into the structure, style, and strategies needed to excel in formal essay writing.  I give a ton of positive verbal and written feedback and suggestions throughout the course for each individual learner.

*It is super helpful if your learner has access to Google Docs for this course.  If your learner does not have access to Google Docs, Microsoft Word will also work.

Week 1: Lesson on the foundations of formal essay writing and structure/students choose their own topic for the essay they will be building

Week 2: Building the thesis statement and learn techniques to help research topics

Week 3: Continue the research process, learn about citing sources and MLA formatting

Week 4: Build the body paragraphs, including citations and evidence

Week 5: Lesson on strong introductions and conclusions, focusing on writing amazing attention-getters and transitions

Week 6: The Works Cited page and the editing process

This class starts by setting the groundwork with the core principles of essay writing, such as understanding the essay format, brainstorming, and filling out an outline (one will be provided for the learner). I then move on to crafting an effective thesis statement, the driving force of an essay, and show tips and tricks on how to organize one’s research. As the weeks progress, we delve into advanced topics such as utilizing and citing effective sources, using transition words, and making sure all students understand the essentials of MLA formatting and citing.

This course is structured to accommodate both beginners and those with some basic experience, ensuring that all participants develop the skills to produce well-structured, coherent, and compelling essays. Learners will be engaged with various interactive activities, real-life examples, and critical writing assignments to practice and enhance their understanding.

By the end of this course, learners will be equipped with the confidence and competence to tackle any essay writing task with ease. They will learn to articulate their thoughts more clearly, convincingly, and creatively, thereby improving their overall communication skills.

Whether your learner is preparing for high school writing, college applications, or just seeking to improve their writing skills, this course will pave their way to writing success. 

I model everything we do and assign tasks in very manageable chunks.  I am the queen of giving out helpful handouts, so your learner will leave this class with an abundance of guides, outlines, and other helpful tools to help them navigate through any essay they write in the future!
By the end of this course, learners will be equipped with the confidence and competence to tackle any essay writing task with ease.
Learners will learn to articulate their thoughts more clearly, convincingly, and creatively, thereby improving their overall communication skills.


6 課程
超過 6 週
課 1:
Essay Foundations & Choosing Topics
 This lesson focuses on the foundations of formal essay writing and structure and guides learners in choosing their own topic for the essay they will be building. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
The Thesis Statement and Research Process
 This lesson's focus is on building the thesis statement using a writing formula and learning techniques to help research topics in an organized, meaningful way. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Researching and MLA Basics
 During this lesson, learners will continue the research process and learn about citing sources and MLA formatting. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Building Body Paragraphs
 In this lesson, learners are shown how to take their color-coded research and build their body paragraphs, including citations and evidence. 
50 分鐘線上直播課


Each week I will be uploading helpful handouts/documents for learners to use for this class and any future class where they may need to write essays.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 June, 2020
北達科他州 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
碩士 在 教育 從 College of St. Scholastica
學士學位 在 音樂 從 Jamestown College
學士學位 在 中學教育 從 Jamestown College
學士學位 在 金融 從 Jamestown College
學士學位 在 英語語言文學 從 Jamestown College
I have been a certified English teacher for over 20 years, and guiding students through the essay process is one of my favorite things to teach!




用於 6 課程
每週1次,共 6 週
50 分鐘

有7 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 13-18
3-10 每班學員人數

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