

取證:8 週(超壓縮 Flex 格式課程)

Mrs. Collins, Certified Teacher
本課程將涵蓋法醫學的基礎知識/歷史、筆跡分析、解剖學、紡織品孢子收集、彈道學、縱火調查和法醫案例研究。這門課程是我學期取證課的「超級濃縮」版本。涉及為期 8 週的全年取證工作。


The following state standards will be covered:
SFS1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to properly conduct a forensic
investigation of a crime scene.
a. Construct an explanation of how scientific forensic techniques used in collecting and
submitting evidence for admissibility in court have evolved over time.
(Clarification statement: Emphasis is on Locard’s Exchange Principle, Frye standard,
Daubert ruling)
b. Plan and carry out investigations using the scientific protocols for analyzing a crime scene
(e.g., search, isolate, collect, and record).
c. Construct an argument from evidence explaining the relevance of possible evidence at the
site of an investigation.
d. Develop models to analyze and communicate information obtained from the crime scene.
(Clarification statement: Properly document and sketch a crime scene.)
SFS2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information on various scientific techniques to
analyze physical, trace, and digital evidence.
a. Plan and carryout an investigation to determine the value of physical and trace evidence.
b. Plan and carryout an investigation to analyze the morphology and types of hair, fibers, soil
and glass evidence in order to make a physical match examination.
c. Use models for the evaluation of handwriting and document evidence.
d. Analyze and interpret data to evaluate digital sources of evidence.
e. Ask questions to determine the appropriate uses of chromatography and spectroscopy in
evidence analysis.
 (Clarification statement: Addressing spectroscopy at an analytical chemistry level is not
SFS3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information relating to biological evidence in
forensic investigations.
a. Ask questions to investigate types of toxins, poisons, and drugs and their effects on the body.
b. Analyze and interpret data to investigate the effects of blood alcohol content on the body.
c. Construct an explanation to distinguish the difference between human and animal blood.
d. Plan and carry out an investigation to analyze the physics of bloodstain patterns.
e. Plan and carry out an investigation involving DNA processing and analysis.
SFS4. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze the role of impression
evidence in order to make a physical match examination.
a. Construct an explanation for utilizing the appropriate technique to lift and evaluate
identifiable, latent, plastic and patent fingerprints.
(Clarification statement: Classifying print and minutiae patterns are addressed in this
element. Students should be able to explain why they are using a specific technique.)
b. Analyze and interpret data regarding impression evidence.
(Clarification statement: Impression evidence could include ballistics, tool marks, footwear,
tire impressions, etc.).
c. Construct an explanation to support the significance of impression evidence in an
SFS5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to Medicolegal Death Investigations.
a. Ask questions to identify various causes and mechanisms of death (blunt force trauma, heart
attack, bleeding, etc.).
b. Construct an argument based on evidence that pertains to the manner of death (natural,
homicide, suicide, accidental, or undetermined).
c. Use mathematics and computational thinking to explain post-mortem changes used to
determine post-mortem interval (PMI):
• Rigor mortis
• Livor mortis
• Algor mortis
• Gastric contents
(Clarification statement: Instruction should include the historical use of Algor Mortis as it is
often not used by practicing forensic specialists.)
d. Analyze and interpret entomological data to evaluate the role insects play in decomposition
and determining PMI.
e. Plan and carry out an investigation to analyze height, sex, age, and race to develop an
anthropological profile of the victim and potential perpetrator.
Mrs. Collins is a certified science and gifted education teacher with 23+ years of experience. She teaches Forensic Science in a school setting and online for homeschool families. 
 3 註冊後即可取得文件
spiral notebook computer or drawing paper notecards ziploc bag or shoebox to hold notecards rubberband to hold each chapter's notecards together in a stack separate ink stamp pad (not required but helpful for one of the labs) highlighter ruler pen (blue or black) scissors coloring pencils, crayons, or markers q tips chalk construction paper chocolate syrup corn syrup vegetabe oil food coloring cheeries water bottle water vinegar salt watercolor paint set with brush play-doh or clay in several colors for 3d models of body systems
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
Please note this is a forensics course so it will involve forensic and police themes. A few chapters that I want to give you a heads-up about-Blood splatter, types of death, and ballistics. This is the same curriculum taught in most public and private school settings so the themed are age appropriate and no images are gory. But the themes will be discussed. Your child can skip any chapters that you would like skipped. Thank you. 

**Please note this is a condensed course. So refunds can not be given after the full 17 chapters have been uploaded. Families will be given the first week to see how they like the class, ease of assignments, curriculum, etc. But on the 2nd to 3rd  week the full remaining 16 chapters will be uploaded because most families that pick a condensed course want to move ahead using their own pace. That is the joy of a condensed flex course.  After the curriculum has been fully loaded, at that time the teacher has fulfilled the curriculum requirement so refunds will not be available after week 2 because the family has been provided 17 full pdf chapters, 2 assignments each chapter (for a total of 34 mini assignments), and 17 tests. 
Forensic Science: Fundamentals and Investigations, 3rd Edition, Cengage Learning (students will be provided a pdf format of the textbook)

Mrs. Collins, Certified Teacher
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8 週
8 週

由 24 學習者完成
Ages: 12-17

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