
Flex 小說研究 - 至高王

在本課程中,我們將閱讀勞埃德·亞歷山大 (Lloyd Alexander) 所著的紐伯里獎獲獎書籍《至高王》,並學習重要的 ELA 技能,以幫助您的學習者成為更好的讀者。
Clarissa Beckstead


Students will read about 50 pages of the book each week, complete an assignment in Google Forms and respond to a questions posted in the classroom.
Learners will be assessed informally through teacher responses to their homework.


英語程度 - 未知
美國 4 - 7 年級
In this award winning conclusion to the Prydain Chronicles, we journey with Taran and his friends to the conclusion of all they have been working toward. They finally come face to face with Arawn, Death-Lord, himself in the final battle between the forces of good and evil. Taran and his friends must decide what is most important and how much they are willing to sacrifice to protect the people of Prydain and stop the forces of Annuvin.

*This class has no live meetings

**This is the fifth book in the series! Learners should read The Book of Three, The Black Cauldron, The Castle of Llyr, and Taran Wanderer before enrolling in this class. It is not required that they take my classes on these books.

If you need a class on The Book of Three:

Click here for Flex: https://outschool.com/classes/flex-novel-study-the-book-of-three-0b4tOIcQ?usid=MLMKXCuo&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link

Click here for Live: https://outschool.com/classes/the-book-of-three-weekly-novel-study-M3y1WhxK?usid=MLMKXCuo&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link

In this flexible class, students will have the opportunity to read a book at their own pace, while still discussing and learning with their peers! We will read The High King by Lloyd Alexander. Students will read about 50 pages independently each week. On Monday of each week, I will post a video where I will teach learners about literary elements to watch for as they read that week! I will also post a Google forms worksheet and 'think about it' question in our classroom for students to complete after they have finished each reading assignment. Worksheets will be graded and feedback will be sent in a timely manner. Feedback will include information on what they did well, what they got wrong, and follow up questions if necessary! I will always respond to student posts and encourage students to respond to each other! Students will hear from me often! The 'think about it' question will be also be a place for students to interact with me and each other.

*Levels of interaction will vary depending on how many learners are enrolled and how much the learners choose to respond to one another.

The time required for this class will also vary depending on each student's reading speed. I always recommend that children read for half an hour each day and most students will be able to complete the reading and assignments during that time each week!

Here’s our schedule:

Week 1: Summarizing
Watch weekly video
Read chapters 1-4
Complete Google Form Worksheet
Respond to the 'think about it' question posted in the classroom

Week 2: Similes and Metaphors
Watch weekly video
Read chapters 5-8
Complete Google Form worksheet
Respond to the 'think about it' question posted in the classroom

Week 3: Problem and Solution
Watch weekly video
Read chapters 9-12
Complete Google Form worksheet
Respond to the 'think about it' question posted in the classroom

Week 4: Character Traits
Watch weekly video
Read chapters 13-16
Complete Google Form worksheet
Respond to the 'think about it' question posted in the classroom

Week 5: Themes
Watch weekly video
Read chapters 17-21
Complete Google Form worksheet
Respond to the 'think about it' question posted in the classroom

Week 6: Review Kahoot Game
Students will learn to discuss with they are reading in a clear manner and will learn important critical reading skills such as using summarizing, similes and metaphors, problem and solution, character traits, and themes.


Students will be provided with links to Google Forms for their homework assignments. Learners do not need a Google account to fill out the form. If you would prefer to have your learner not use Google Forms, please send me a message and we can work out another way for them to complete the assignments. Students will need to access kahoot for the final review game. It will be accessed through a link in the classroom. Students do not need an account to participate.
The High King by Lloyd Alexander
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
已加入 July, 2020
學士學位 在 教育 從 Brigham Young University
Hello! My name is Mrs. Clarissa. I am a mom of 5, a bookworm, and a certified, experienced in-person and online teacher. I believe in learning through fun and play! I love seeing my students learn and grow as they discover new things on their own. I believe that the most important part of school is learning how to learn and learning to love learning! Once those two goals are met, students can learn anything they want.

I have taught online classes for 6 years and have learned how to engage students virtually. It has been a wonderful experience and I love the opportunity to reach out to kids from all over the world and learn from each other!

I earned a degree in elementary education from Brigham Young University in 2009. My life has been dedicated to helping kids learn and grow.

I also LOVE books! There are bookcases in every room of my house and I wish I had more. I enjoy reading fantasy books and discussing them with my kids and my husband. We all especially love Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. I also enjoy reading with my littles. Our favorites are Elephant and Piggie and Mother Bruce.




每週或US$50 6 週
6 週

有1 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-13

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