
FLEX 如何創辦非營利商業公司慈善第 2 部分 4W2

Explosive Learning Jo Reynolds Life Skill Teachers


美國等級 7 - 9
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
4 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Marketing with Canva - Photo Editing
Explore the features of Canva for effective photo editing to enhance your marketing materials.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Marketing with Canva - Video Editing
Learn to use Canva's video editing tools to create engaging content for your non-profit.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Understanding Copyright Laws
Navigate the complexities of copyright laws to protect your work.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Creating Marketing Materials with Canva
Design flyers, posters, and other marketing materials using Canva.
這門課是在 英語講授的。
Students will learn how to identify a cause, create a mission statement, build a team, fundraise, and establish a non-profit organization. They will also gain knowledge in financial management, marketing, and leadership skills.
Jo Reynolds (BSc) is an accomplished entrepreneur and seasoned educator, with a demonstrated ability to distill complex concepts into accessible, engaging content for learners of all ages. Jo's entrepreneurial journey has provided a profound understanding of societal structures, including the role and impact of gender dynamics in professional and personal contexts.

In founding three successful companies before the age of 30, Jo navigated diverse professional landscapes, coming to appreciate firsthand the challenges and opportunities linked to gender equality. This real-world experience informs Jo's approach to teaching the subject, grounding theoretical discussions in practical examples.

Furthermore, Jo's extensive experience teaching conversational English to children and adults worldwide has honed an ability to adapt teaching methods to the needs of different age groups. This includes designing age-appropriate content, fostering a safe and inclusive learning environment, and facilitating meaningful discussions.

In teaching this course on gender equality, Jo will draw on these experiences to create a learning experience that is both enlightening and engaging. Lessons will be tailored to the age range of the students, with content and activities designed to promote understanding, encourage critical thinking, and stimulate discussion. Jo's approach to teaching complex subjects is rooted in the belief that with the right guidance, every student can engage with and contribute to discussions on important societal issues.
Each week, students will complete a project related to the topic covered in the pre-recorded video. Homework will take approximately one hour per week, and may involve research, planning, and writing.
0 - 1 每週課外時間
Students will receive individualized feedback on their homework assignments and specific next steps to improve their work.
The curriculum is designed by the instructor, who has experience in founding successful companies and teaching across a variety of topics.
已加入 May, 2020
Explosive Learning specialises in Life Skills classes that:

* Develop essential life skills rarely taught in schools
* Improve wellbeing by helping make kids happy and active
* Increase confidence through performance skills
* Are great fun to... 


每週或US$99 所有內容
4 預錄課程
4 教師支援週
1 年內容存取權

年齡: 11-14

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