

Tammy Whelan


1 現場會議
每週上課 55 分鐘 小時


In this ongoing class, guided prompts will help students open up to themselves and the world around them through word prompted activities that lead to writing a five-minute writing journal entry each session. 

We will combine guided writing prompts with a free writing format. The intention is to practice listening to your inner voice and allowing yourself to write the words without discrimination. This class is geared to those who hesitate in their writing process or those who love writing. The goal is the start a journal to preserve thoughts, feelings, memories, and ideas.

Students will have a five-minute session(s) to write what they are thinking, a deep breathing exercise to help stay mindful, and related weekly topics prompt to spark the flow of words.  

The topics each class will change, but the class timeline will remain the same:
-Gratitude, Affirmation, Present Moment Word Prompts
-Deep Breath to Spark Thought
-5 minutes of free-flow writing activity
-Everyone reads (If they feel comfortable)
-Our Good-Bye's

Some More Information:
Freewriting is a prewriting technique that gives a student permission to write without regard to grammar or spelling and allows their minds to flow with thought onto a paper sheet. It helps to make a better connection to images, feelings, and memories.

Five-minute journaling is a storytelling tool. A journal teaches us to listen to ourselves so that we can complete our story. We explore what words that work well together, so momentarily, self-portrait can be captured. The versatility of five-journaling means it can incorporate reflection and exploration of its world. 

I want this class to promotes a sense of calm. Writing our thoughts out on paper forces us to come to terms with the things we're feeling—the goal In each class to get students to write descriptively and authentically.

Classroom Policies:
This type of writing takes practice and exposure. It's an ongoing class to help establish a method of writing with accountability and recognition. You are not obligated to stay in the class, but please let me know your intention. Students can rejoin at any time without disruption.

There is no grade or judgment in the class. I ask that each student respect each other's time and input.  

I do ask that students are not late. Unfortunately, I may not admit students who are more than 10 minutes late because it is a time-sensitive activity. 

For all classes' safety, I asked that all students who are not verified show their faces at the beginning of class. Those who refuse will be placed in the waiting room or removed from the class. 

Thank you for your consideration in this course. 

MY OTHER CLASSES: If you are interested in learning more about my other classes, link onto my profile, or copy and paste the following link: Here is my link: https://outschool.com/teachers/Tammy-Whelan#us6F4xRzBp/
Please reach out with any questions you may have. 

Have a wonderful day!
- Express feelings and thoughts in writing and art
- Descriptive writing
- Preserve memories for years to come 
- Be creative
- Practice and develop writing and art skills


A student's journal can be deeply personal. You may want to discuss privacy issues ahead of class. I hope that students will share and be proud of what they create. While taking this course, if you find that your students can not think of good things to say about themselves, gently drop in suggestions. If you suspect your student is in any crisis, please speak with their physician or seek help from a counselor. This course is to allow students the opportunity to find their voice through educational purposes and everyday practices.
Pen, markers, pencils (Anything can be used to write!) 
Journal or Paper to be used for writing
Your awesome thinking cap
Students will need a quiet space to write and meditate. 
A willingness to learn and participate
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 May, 2020
學士學位 在 心理學 從 Rhode Island College
I have several years of experience with teaching in Coops, homeschool, and private tutoring. I try to incorporate mindfulness and creativity into all of my classes.  My teaching philosophy is that all students are individuals and unique learners that must have a stimulating educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. I desire to create this type of atmosphere where students can meet their full potential. I will provide a safe environment where students can share their ideas and where mistakes are considered education victories.




每週 1 次
55 分鐘

有178 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 7-10
3-7 每班學員人數

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