
秋季學期讀書會(7-11 歲)



4 現場會議
3 上課時間
每週 1 小時. If you are interested in feedback specific to your learner, please feel free to contact me. I am happy to send feedback for your records, homeschool records, tutors, etc. I do ask that you give me 48 hours upon initial request to provide you the best feedback possible.
Available upon request.


英語程度 - 未知
美國 2 - 5 年級
Beginner - Advanced 等級
**IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT PAYMENT: This class will MEET MONTHLY, from September through December. You will ONLY be charged once a month for the class that is scheduled that week of the month. Outschool's (default) language states "weekly". This can be very confusing! You will NOT be charged weekly, only monthly (once per month for that month's live meeting). Feel free to reach out with any questions at all!**

I love discussing books with learners! Reading is a passion of mine, and I desire to share it with the students that I work with! This fall semester book club is a great way to get your learners excited about reading fiction texts and discussing them with their peers.

Join along for some fascinating book discussions through this fall semester book club. This will be a relaxed, low pressure, and encouraging class. I am looking forward to friendly discussions on these much-loved stories. Literary analysis is so important for readers to grasp. This class is a perfect tool to introduce and practice this concept. 

Meeting Details:
Learners should read, have the book read to them, or listen on audio to the books, BEFORE our meeting. We will open with discussing literary concepts based on the month's focus (plot, theme, character traits/analysis, author's purpose, etc). 
TASK: I will ask everyone to share a favorite character's quote from the book . Quotes can be serious or something that made you laugh or smile. Tasks are optional, but encouraged. 

NOTE: Learners have several options for the book prior to class. They can listen to an audiobook/on audible, have an older sibling or parent read the book aloud to them, or read it independently/with a partner or group, etc. You can find this text in audio form or in book form at your local library, amazon, thriftbooks.com, etc. My goal is for learners to experience and enjoy the story - whatever way helps them to best achieve this goal, is perfect!

You will find tasks, questions, and PDF's prior to each monthly meeting focused on that month's book on the classroom page.

Monthly Book Titles:

September: Begin by Philip and Erin Ulrich
October: It's Halloween by Jack Prelutsky
November: Widewater by Philip and Erin Ulrich
December: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson

The class discussion will be an encouraging and open time. I will facilitate the discussion, making sure that we are showing one another respect and giving everyone a chance to share. My hope is that within this comfortable atmosphere, learners will be given the opportunity to form a firm foundation of literary analysis by sharing and listening to ideas and opinions, as well as discovering how to support those ideas. 

This book experience is perfect for a wide range of readers. Because students are assigned the reading PRIOR to our meeting, the class environment will be intentionally inclusive to all reading levels. ALL readers will feel comfortable and confident in this space!

I am so excited to adventure through these loved books and pieces of literacy with your learners!
Students will analyze characters and how they develop through stories.
Students will participate in discussions around the theme of a story.


4 課程
超過 4 週
課 1:
The Growly Books, Begin: Character Development and Theme Focus
 Book Club Meeting 
45 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
It's Halloween!: Poetry and Inference Focus
 Book Club Meeting 
45 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
The Growly Books, Widewater: Setting Focus
45 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever: Character Analysis Focus
45 分鐘線上直播課


This class is designed to provide a literature rich experience. ALL readers are welcome, meaning you can read the book independently, with someone, listen to it read aloud, listen to audio book, etc. Your reading level will not limit you!
Please review the texts prior to enrolling in the course. This is to ensure parental understanding of what is being read if your learner is reading independently.
Belong and Widewater by Philip and Erin Ulrich
It's Halloween by Jack Prelutsky
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson
已加入 June, 2021
北卡羅萊納 教學證書 在 小學教育
學士學位 由 Salem College
BA in Sociology
NC Teaching License
K-12 Reading License




每週或US$80 用於 4 課程
每週1次,共 4 週
45 分鐘

年齡: 7-11
3-9 每班學員人數

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