
探索西班牙營地! 〜Vamos al Mar! (我們去海邊吧)

Sra. Schreiner
學生將學習如何命名和描述生活在海洋中的動物,討論他們對這些動物的看法,命名海洋動物身體部位等等!每個學生將選擇一種海洋動物在課程的最後一周進行展示。 #學術的


美國等級 1 - 4
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
8 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
animales marinos (sea animals)
I know how frequently classroom phrases. I can introduce myself in Spanish: “Me llamo ____________.” I can see what animals I see. (Yo veo…la langosta, el delfín, el pez, la tortuga) I can describe animals that live in the sea using colors. I can play a game to practice the concepts learned!
Lesson 2
Me gusta / No me gusta (I like / I don't like)
I can say what sea animals I see. (Yo veo…el pulpo, la ballena, el tiburón) I can say if I like, dislike, or love animals that live in the sea. I can describe sea animals by size. (enorme, grande, mediano, pequeño) I can play a game to practice the concepts learned!
 Week 2
Lesson 3
Yo veo.... (I see...)
I can say what sea animals I see. (Yo veo…la anguila, la medusa, caballito de mar) I can describe sea animals using adjectives. (largo, corto) I can say if a sea animal scares me. (Me da meido.) I can say how various sea animals move. (nada, camina, salta) I can play a game to practice the concepts learned!
Lesson 4
¡Vamos a leer! (Let's read!)
I can name animals that live in the sea. (review all learned animals) I can listen to a story about sea animals. I can say how various sea animals move. (review from previous class) I can name the body parts of sea animals. (tiene)
 Week 3
Lesson 5
Partes del cuerpo (body parts)
I can name animals that live in the sea. I can act out a story about sea animals. I can name body parts of sea animals. (tiene) I can play a game to practice the concepts learned!
Lesson 6
¡Puedo contar! (I can count!)
I can sort animals by body part. (tiene / no tiene) I can count sea animals. (practice counting to 20) I can describe sea animal bodies. (review body parts) I can say where sea animals live. (Vive en el mar, la playa) I know how to complete my final project. (Students will pick on sea animals and write 3-4 sentences to present during the last class.)
 Week 4
Lesson 7
Mi proyecto final (My final project)
I can recall previously learned concepts. I can present my final project about one sea animal. I can play a game to review everything I learned! I can celebrate my learning!
Lesson 8
¡Puedo jugar un juego! (I can play a game!)
I can recall previously learned concepts. I can play a game to review everything I learned! Kahoot! I can celebrate my learning!
這門課是在 西班牙語講授的。
Students will improve their basic Spanish speaking skills and foster excitement for language learning!  See the class "I can statements." for specific content that will be learned in the class. 
My formal education includes a major in Spanish and a minor in education. I have been teaching Spanish to elementary-age students since 2010! My experience includes teaching in public schools for 9 years, online ESL for 6 years, and on Outschool since June 2020.  I also have created Elementary Spanish curricula for a private online school, public schools, and all of my curricula on Outschool.
Optional worksheets, videos, and games will be sent out after each class to practice concepts learned in class.
0 - 1 每週課外時間
There will be a final project each student will present during our last class together.
Students will receive a certificate of completion for their attendance and participation upon completing this course.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:

Me llamo Señora Schreiner.  (My name is Sra. Schreiner).  I am certified by the state of Wisconsin to teach Spanish from Early Childhood­ to Adolescence. Teaching Spanish to young learners from Pre-K through elementary age is my... 


每週或US$105 用於 8 課程
2x 每週, 4 週
30 分鐘

由 29 學習者完成
Ages: 5-9
5-8 每班學員人數

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