
每個人都有一個故事要說 - 寫回憶錄 - 全新

Mike P
三堂課,學習者將集思廣益,創建初稿,編輯/修改並完成主動語態回憶錄經驗的最終副本。寫作中著重有力、具體、形象的聲音和連結。 #學術的


美國等級 5 - 8
Students will improve and strengthen their ability of writing in active voice with carefully picked words that will draw the reader in to the importance of the story being told.  Students will improve understanding of the writing process, research needed for depth to the plot and conflicts, literary terminolgy, plot development,themes, exposition, rising action and the importance editing and revision.
After class one, learners will be asked to create a powerful opening paragraph, or more, to introduce his / her "Everybody Has a Story to Tell. After class two, students will be asked to work the body paragraphs After class three, learners will complete the body paragraphs and work on a powerful closing to the memoir. Editing and revision which will occur either in class, based on class size, or at no addit. cost outside of class for 30 minutes individually with the teacher.
1 - 2 每週課外時間
Feedback will be given and the final memoir will not be graded.
Please google and print a page of " ways to say said without saying said" and a list of character traits to use while  writing.  Please have access to an on-line thesaurus or one in book form.

A packet will be emailed to each student upon enrollment and will be used in classes.  It should not be worked on before class.
I suggest access to a thesaurus (on-line or book form) and that the learners google and print two items: a  page of "ways to say said without saying said" and a page of " character traits.
There is nothing more exciting than when you see a student think deeply, question ideas, share a new thought, or explore character’s actions/ decisions or a quote  or a purpose the author had when writing a novel and then connect the information... 


用於 3 課程
3x 每週, 1 週
55 分鐘

由 34 學習者完成
Ages: 10-14
2-6 每班學員人數

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