

Kevin Moody


4 現場會議
3 小時 20 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. Assigned homework is optional to complete. Students are highly encouraged to write their own Business Plan and put it into action. Students may also share their business plan with me for coaching and advise, but not necessary. Students will receive a template and are encouraged to write each section after completing each corresponding class.
At the end of each class, a formative assessment is conducted through group discussion. We will discuss what was learned in that class to gauge retention and understanding of the content.


Having a business idea is just an idea until you bring it to life through planning. Too often businesses fail to plan or plan to fail without thinking through fundamental basics. I hope to inspire and motivate students to go after their dreams and show them how to do it!

This class is for the entrepreneurial-minded student who wants to know 'how to' do it. No experience necessary! Students will learn how to bring their business ideas to life through simple, yet effective planning. The course is divided into four sections covering topics that build upon each other, which makes it easy to write a business plan in a step-by-step manner. My teaching style is focused on interaction and group discussion. I ask a lot of questions where students are encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions during class.
Students will learn how to start a business by:
1. Identifying a viable business idea by considering their skills, market demand, and potential profitability. 
2. Developing a comprehensive business plan outlining goals, target market, competitive analysis, marketing strategies, operational plan, and financial projections.
3. Implementing the business plan with continuous evaluation of progress, gathering feedback, and adapting strategies as needed to ensure long-term success.


4 課程
超過 4 週
課 1:
 - Main Problem; a simple look at the main problem that you are trying to solve.
- Current Market Solutions; a more indepth look at the solutions that exist in the world today including other companies.
- Competitive Advantage; What is different about your solution? Why would customers come to your business over the competition?
- Reality Check; Will your solution actually sell? A realistic look at how feasible your idea is. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
 - Mission Statement; a written statement describing the overall Purpose of your business. 
- Company Culture; a look at the 'personality' of your business. Is it relaxed? More rigid? What are your overall management philosophies and/or style of leadership?
- Products/Services; descriptions of the products/services you plan on selling.
- Pricing; we will set the right equilibrium price between demand and supply. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
 - Goals; we will establish your big goal and make sure it is SMART! We will also discuss those metrics that are the Focus Points of your business. 
- Target Market; an indepth look at who you need to target including profile analysis.
- Messaging; sales message including position, benefits, and proof.
- Activity; your messaging is nothing without a plan of attack. This is establishing your sales activities and behaviors to increase revenues.
- Tools; a look at the different sales tools needed to 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
 - Fulfillment; the process from beginning to end and what tools and/or manpower are needed to fulfill orders. A simple look at the overall operations of your business. 
- Legal; the different legal entities you can use to set up your business.
- Financial; simple cash flow and budget management. 
50 分鐘線上直播課


I will do my best to keep the information simple and cater to the age of the students, but from time to time students may be asked to research on their own. For the most part, the content will be simple and age appropriate.
A workbook will be given to students to follow course materials and take notes.
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學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 July, 2018
I am currently certified as a substitute teacher in the state of California and am in the middle of completing a Master's Degree in Education pursuing a single subject credential in Social Sciences including History, SocioIogy, and Psychology. I also have a strong background in Business Planning, Finance, and Career Counseling. I have a bachelor's degree from Utah State University and an associate's degree from BYU-Idaho. My wife and I have six kids and one grandchild, so our hobbies often revolve around the activities they are involved in.

I love teaching! I seek to create meaningful experiences that inspire and motivate students. Teaching kids is fulfilling because I get to witness their curiosity, creativity, and growth firsthand. It's rewarding to play a role in shaping their minds and helping them develop the skills they need to succeed in life.

Teaching business is exciting because it empowers students to understand the dynamics of the modern economy, entrepreneurship, and organizational management. It's rewarding to help them develop the skills and knowledge they need to navigate the complexities of the business world and become effective leaders and innovators.




用於 4 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 4 週
50 分鐘

有8 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 12-17
3-9 每班學員人數

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