
青少年英語寫作:每週一次(60 分鐘)- 學期課程

在本課程中,學習者將有機會每週與英語老師會面一次,以幫助他們掌握編輯和改進文法和概念寫作所需的技能。 #信心
Mrs. Lisa Galvao, B.A. English Ed; M.A.,TESL/TEFL


12 現場會議
12 上課時間
每週 1 小時. Written work will always be started in class. Some learners will be able to finish within the class time; however, some learners may need additional time outside of class to finish the weekly assignment.
Learners will receive feedback on each assignment and be guided in how to correct errors.


英語程度 - B1
美國等級 8 - 11
Intermediate - Advanced 等級
This once-a-week, semester-long course will focus on learners' specific writing needs.  Areas of focus will include punctuating sentences correctly, using a variety of sentence structures, employing transition words and logical connectors, expanding writing through descriptive vocabulary and examples, and formatting paragraphs and essays correctly.   Class time will involve approximately 20 minutes of instruction, 30 minutes of writing, and 10 minutes of guided editing.

Class 1: Introduction and Assessment
Class 2: Foundational grammar concepts (parts of speech) & writing (descriptive)
Class 3: Foundational grammar concepts (functions) & writing (narrative)
Class 4:  Foundational grammar concepts (sentence structures) & writing (letter)
Class 5:  Foundational grammar concepts (review) & writing (journal)
Class 6:  Improving vocabulary level & writing (reflective)
Class 7:  Organization and structure in writing (expository)
Class 8:  Organization and structure in writing (compare and contrast)
Class 9:  Organization and structure in writing (persuasive)
Class 10: Summary writing 
Class 11: Opinion writing 
Class 12:  Timed writing 

Our class time will involve working together to discover errors in learners' writing along with working through how to correct these.  The teacher will guide learners in identifying problem areas and encourage the use of appropriate strategies and patterns in order that learners can begin to to self-correct and self-edit.  We will also note what learners are doing well and celebrate these victories in order to encourage and solidify good writing patterns and habits.  

Learners must have a good command of the English language and be able to write basic paragraphs (minimally).  Learners must also be willing to share their writing, speak up, and ask questions.  By the nature of this personalized class, a low-stress, positive environment is created, where the learner will be encouraged to take risks in his/her writing.  This type of environment is often ideal for teens who may be struggling with writing in a classroom setting or who may benefit greatly from more direct interaction with a teacher in order to stay focused and on track.


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
12 課程
超過 12 週
課 1:
Introduction and Assessment
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Foundational grammar concepts (parts of speech) & writing (descriptive)
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Foundational grammar concepts (functions) & writing (narrative)
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Foundational grammar concepts (sentence structures) & writing (letter
60 分鐘線上直播課


All learners should be able to write at a sentence level and compose basic paragraphs (minimally). Learners should also have a good command of vocabulary, sufficient enough to express their main ideas.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
碩士 由 Wheaton College
學士學位 在 教育 從 Judson College (now known as Judson University)
I teach English writing, grammar, and test prep; English as a second/foreign language; poetry; and  introductory Brazilian Portuguese classes.  I have a B.A. in Secondary English Education and an M.A. in Missions and Intercultural Studies along with a graduate-level certificate in Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language.  With over 25 years of experience working with children, youth, and adults to help them achieve improved communicative and comprehension skills, I believe that everyone can learn and improve and that each person is uniquely wired to learn.  It is my privilege to come alongside and to help, engage, challenge, and motivate all learners to be their best and do their best.

Personally, I enjoy reading, writing, spending time in God's Word, and hanging out with my family.  We love hosting Brazilian-style cook-outs at our home and entertaining guests locally and from around the world.




每週或US$660 用於 12 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 12 週
60 分鐘

有1 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 13-18
1-2 每班學員人數

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