

在這個完整的課程中,八年級或九年級的學生將透過小說《雙塔》學習基於國家標準的 ELA 課程,包括寫作、詩歌、詞彙、演講、分析和理解
Mr. Van, Certified Teacher


30 現場會議
27 小時 30 分鐘 上課時間
每週 2-4 小時. HOMEWORK • 1 to 2 Chapters (or articles) of reading per week (depending on week) • 3 Analysis Questions based on the text (these questions are important to answer during the assigned reading as they will add to the class-time discussion!)
Unit-based work will be assigned between each class (paper-writing, poetry analysis, Beowulf intertextual analysis, etc)
• Students will receive a percentage (0-100) for the activities, and then an overall percentage (0-100) at the completion of the course. Percentage will show their accuracy in achieving the learning goals (will be provided per assignment) for each given assignment. See below for grading scale. GRADING SCALE • Bi-weekly vocabulary quizzes = collectively 10% of final grade • Final vocabulary quiz = 5% of final grade • Lesson participation (Analysis Questions & Lecture-Integrated Discussion) = 15% of final grade • Papers = 45% of final grade (each paper = 15%) • Other Unit Assignments (poetry, debate, charts, etc) = collectively 25% of final grade


英語程度 - B2+
美國等級 8 - 9
Intermediate 等級
If this is your first class with me, use this coupon code: VANCEFIRSTCLASS10

The Lord of the Rings is the perfect book-series to engage 8th grade or freshman learners, introduce them to scholarly research and discussion, and to sharpen each of the standard skills recommended (and required) by NDE State Standards
In this complete curriculum, 8th or 9th grade students will engage in State Standard-based ELA lessons including writing, poetry, vocabulary, speech, analysis, and comprehension through the novel The Two Towers

Students will engage in NDE State Standard-Based ELA lessons including:
          • Poetry comprehension and analysis
          • Poetry form (sonnets, ballads, epic poetry)
          • Classic Poets study including William Shakespeare, John Keats, JRR Tolkien, 
          • 60 in-text vocabulary terms (10 new words every two weeks, with the final few weeks reserved for review over the final vocabulary quiz (see next few bullet-points for details)
          • Vocabulary quizzes bi-weekly
          • Final vocabulary quiz over all 60 terms
          • Either one chapter from the central text (The Two Towers) or one article will be read between each class
          • By the conclusion of the course, students will have completed: The Two Towers, Beowulf (in-class), and 6+ scholarly nonfiction articles
          •  Reading skills practiced will include: literary text comprehension and analysis, literary period study, literary text compare and contrast, nonfiction text comprehension and analysis, and nonfiction text as a means to understand a fictional text
          • (Nonfiction) Critical Analysis Persuasive Essay
          • (Nonfiction) Literary Period 5 Paragraph Informative Essay
          • (Nonfiction) Short Response)
          • (Fiction) creative writing exercise
          • Scholarly Research
          • MLA Formatting
       Speaking and Listening
          • Text Analysis Class Discussions
          • In-class debate

    • We will meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays 
    • Class-time will include student-to-student analysis discussions and unit-based lessons (see below for more details)
    • Instructor-made mini-vocabulary-reviews will be posted after each class
    • Tied to this course is an exclusive private tutoring session on Fridays for only $10. When students sign up, the will be give a link to that session that they can attend when needed for homework help and instructor-guidance on papers and reading

    • Analysis Question Discussion: Questions will be provided at the end of each class that correlate with the assigned reading.  Questions assigned will be discussed in-class during the following session.  While perspectives of the instructor might be added, this section of class is mainly about facilitating conversation, protecting think-time, and posing questions that provoke deeper thought based on the central text and questions provided.  That said, this is about student-to-student interaction.  
    • Interactive Unit-Based Lecture (for example, comprehending poetry, writing a five-paragraph biographical essay, etc)
    • Since The Lord of the Rings revolves around an expansive (and beautifully complicated) fictional universe, a presentation of original resources that enrich the reading of the novel (maps / diagrams / explanations of the lore) may be presented

    • I want my students to LOVE to read and learn.  If this is accomplished, I feel like I have prepared them for their future more than any singular book or ELA lesson could! 
    • I want my students to participate.  This means that there is time built into every class where they can ask questions and converse with each other and I am merely there to pose the conversation-starter (if needed) and facilitate.
    • I have "lectures" but even those include time within for students to share their thoughts!
    • While students will be challenged to think deeply, their perspective will always be encouraged and celebrated.  I hope that students feel as welcomed to think as they are challenged in their thinking. 
   • While the course-work listed below may look overwhelming and challenging at times, I never want a student to feel overwhelmed! I am here to help and have even evolved unit-plans according to feedback!
    • I welcome and encourage questions during class but also throughout the week!  Message me in the "Conversation" tab of Outschool and I will do my very best to reply within 24-hours... but keep in mind, I am living a traveling-life so (because of travel-days and/or bad connection) sometimes that can stretch to 48
    • The idea of providing a grade and then moving on is not my style.  If a student is willing to persevere, I want to keep working with them until the learning goals have been achieved
    • I view "bad grades" as learning opportunities.  That said, I allow students to rework and resubmit any assignment as many times as they want by the end of the course!

    • Class Calendar
    • Homework assignments (including digital worksheets)
    • Grading Rubrics

     • 1 to 2 Chapters (or articles) of reading per week (depending on week)
     • 3 Analysis Questions based on the text (these questions are important to answer during the assigned reading as they will add to the class-time discussion!)
     • Unit-specific assignment (for example, paper-writing, poetry writing, characterization charts, etc)
     • It is advised that students review vocabulary terms in their own time

     • Students will receive a percentage (0-100) for the activities, and then an overall percentage (0-100) at the completion of the course.  Percentage will show their accuracy in achieving the learning goals (will be provided per assignment) for each given assignment.
     • Guardians and learners will be updated on their grade per assignment (shortly after turn-in).  They will be updated on their course-grade upon completion of each unit, and upon completion of the entire course.
     • A letter-grade does not get applied to the percentage (feel free to look up your local school district's grading scale if you wish to know a letter-grade) 
     • NOTE: The idea of providing a grade and then moving on is not my style.  If a student is willing to persevere, I want to keep working with them until the learning-goals have been achieved.
     • I view "bad grades" as learning opportunities.  That said, I allow students to rework and resubmit any assignment as many times as they want by the end of the course!

     • Bi-weekly vocabulary quizzes = collectively 10% of final grade
     • Final vocabulary quiz = 5% of final grade
     • Lesson participation (Analysis Questions & Lecture-Integrated Discussion) = 15% of final grade
     • Papers = 45% of final grade (each paper = 15%)
     • Other Unit Assignments (poetry, presentations, charts, etc) = 25% of final grade

Check out my fellow ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outschool teachers who offer fun and immersive Lord of the Rings classes below:

Lord of the Rings RPG with Keith (M.A. Military History):
Delve deep into Tolkien's Middle Earth with fellow adventurers as you make your way over the Misty Mountains, through the treacherous Mirkwood forest to the Dwarven hold of Moria and beyond; endless opportunities await!

Elven Cloaks for Young Hobbits - A Lord of the Rings Costume Sewing Workshop with Heather Link
Students will learn to hand sew an Elven cloak suitable for a young Hobbit (or other members of the Fellowship of the Ring) inspired by the classic fantasy epics by J.R.R. Tolkien!
COURSE GOAL: Students will read, analyze, and comprehend The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien to sharpen a variety of grade-level state-standard-based ELA concepts.
VOCAB: Integrate grade-level academic vocabulary appropriately for a variety of tasks and purposes


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
與 State-Specific Standards對齊
7 單位
30 課程
超過 15 週
單位 1: Literary Period
課 1:
Introductions + What is a Literary Period?
Establishing class expectations/schedule/grading
Literary Period Presentation
Vocab words for weeks 1-2 provided 
55 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
The Literary Periods
 English literary period overview, from Old English to Contemporary
Literary Period Essay assigned 
55 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Structure of a 5 Paragraph Essay
 General structure of a 5-Paragraph-Essay 
55 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
5 Paragraph Essay Example
 Example shared of 5-Paragraph-Essay
Vocab Quiz 
55 分鐘線上直播課


NOVEL CONTENT: • The Lord of the Rings is a fantasy novel and therefore contains creatures and entities that could be deemed frightening. • Magic, fantasy violence, fight-scenes, and death. • Romance is minimally involved with sexual content nearly nonexistent as a kiss is the most explicit scene. • Characters drink (sometimes to drunkenness) and smoke pipes • Catholic/christian allusions and metaphors (will be analyzed with scholastic approach) CLASS CONTENT • Students will have to write an essay analyzing The Lord of the Rings through one of the following perspectives: feminism, ecocriticism, spiritual, historical, or other (instructor-approved student-option). Theories surrounding those options will be taught in class (objectively)
This course builds on, "Full Semester 8th and 9th Grade English Language Arts | The Lord of the Rings" https://outschool.com/classes/full-semester-8th-and-9th-grade-english-language-arts-pwa4K4J8?usid=HjYuHv99&signup=true&utm_campaign=share
NOTE: I am not affiliated with any of the following sources: TEXTS • The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers (by JRR Tolkien) https://a.co/d/4eDzCcq • Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary (by JRR Tolkien) https://a.co/d/b5muWWm HOMEWORK • Either a printer or the ability to fill out documents digitally (charts, Q&A sections, etc) • Microsoft Word or something compatible with it (for paper-writing) • Access to the internet for scholarly sources • ADVISED: A FREE account on JSTOR (for finding scholarly sources) https://www.jstor.org
已加入 June, 2022
內布拉斯加州 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
Bachelor's degree from Grace University 
Certification to Teach Secondary Students from the University of Nebraska at Omaha
Endorsement in English/Language Arts from the University of Nebraska at Omaha
ACE Educator
Over 10 years of experience in various educational positions




用於 30 課程
每週上課 x 2 次, 15 週
55 分鐘

有1 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 13-15
1-6 每班學員人數

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