
初級西班牙語 ~ 第 3 部分(第 3 部分,共 9 部分)

Sra. Schreiner
來參加這個為期 8 週的課程,這是由 9 部分組成的系列課程的第三部分!學生將學習從 10 數到 100、談論他們喜歡做的事情、描述地點、命名房子裡的房間等等! #學術的


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 Kindergarten - 3
Beginner 等級
16 lessons//8 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
¡Bienvenidos! (Welcome!)
Review: classroom phrases. I know helpful phrases. I can count by 10s to 100. Review of clothing vocabulary.
Lesson 2
los números (numbers)
I can have a mini-conversation. I can name my favorite color! I can count by 10s to 100!
 Week 2
Lesson 3
¿ciudad o pueblo? (city or town?)
Review: I can name my favorite color! I can say if a place is a city or town. I name the days of the week! I can count by 10s to 100!
Lesson 4
días de la semana (days of the week)
I can say if I live in a city or a town. I name the days of the week! I can count by 10s to 100!
 Week 3
Lesson 5
Repaso (review)
Review: colors Review: days of the week I can name rooms in a house. I can count by 10s to 100!
Lesson 6
¿Qué día es hoy? (What day is it today?)
Review: days of the week, city, town I have have a mini-conversation. I can name rooms in a house.
 Week 4
Lesson 7
¿Cuál es tu color favorito? (What is your favorite color?)
Review: days of the week I can have a mini-conversation. (favorite color) I can say where Señora is located in a house. I can count by 10s to 100!
Lesson 8
lugares de la ciudad (city places)
I can name places in a town or city. I can say where pets are located in a city. I can say where people are located in a house.
 Week 5
Lesson 9
¿Cómo estás? (How are you?)
Review: days of the week I can learn new emotions! I can name rooms in “la casa.”
Lesson 10
juego de colores (colors game)
I can say how I feel. I can play a game to quiz my color vocabulary knowledge! I can name places in a city or town.
 Week 6
Lesson 11
las actividades (activities)
I can have a mini-conversation. Review: I can name city places. I can say if I like to do various activities.
Lesson 12
¿De dónde eres tú? (Where are you from?)
I can have a mini-conversation. I can name activities. I say if I like or don’t like activities.
 Week 7
Lesson 13
Me gusta / No me gusta (I like / I don't like)
Review: I can name the days of the week. Review: I can name city places I can say if I like activities.
Lesson 14
repaso y proyecto (review and project)
Review: numbers by 10s to 100, city places I can say that I like activities. I can complete my Spanish poster!
 Week 8
Lesson 15
el proyecto final (the final project)
Review: numbers by 10s to 100, rooms in a house I can say that I like or dislike activities. I know how to complete my poster!
Lesson 16
¡Bravo! ¡Muy bien! ¡Excelente!
I can have a conversation about activities. I can present my poster about myself! I can play a game! I can celebrate my learning!
這門課是在 西班牙語講授的。
  • Students will improve their basic Spanish speaking skills and foster an excitement for language learning! See the class "I can statements." for specific content that will be learned in the class.
My formal education includes a major in Spanish and a minor in education. I have been teaching Spanish to elementary-age students since 2010! My experience includes teaching in public schools for 9 years, online ESL for 6 years, and on Outschool since June 2020.  I also have created Elementary Spanish curricula for a private school and all of my curricula on Outschool.
0 - 1 每週課外時間
頻率: 可根據要求提供
回饋: 可根據要求提供
細節: Optional worksheets, videos, and games will be sent out after each class to practice concepts learned in class.
頻率: 可根據要求提供
細節: There will be a final project each student will present during our last class together.
頻率: 可根據要求提供
細節: Students will receive a certificate of completion for their attendance and participation upon the completion of this course.
已加入 May, 2020
威斯康辛州 教學證書 在 外語
學士學位 in 外語 from University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

Me llamo Señora Schreiner.  (My name is Sra. Schreiner).  I am certified by the state of Wisconsin to teach Spanish from Early Childhood­ to Adolescence. Teaching Spanish to young learners from pre-K through elementary age is my... 


用於 16 課程
每週上課 x 2 次, 8 週
30 分鐘

有159 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 5-9
5-8 每班學員人數

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