
發現 JavaScript!遊戲與藝術【數位藝術+動畫】

Terry D [Code & Art, JavaScript, M.Ed]


英語程度 - A2
美國等級 6 - 8
Beginner 等級
8 lessons//8 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Kaleidoscope – Part 1
Learners create a kaleidoscope app where brightly colored shapes move with the on-screen pointer. In JavaScript, learners explore code for basic shapes and how to fill them with color; how variables can make shapes move with the pointer; and command syntax (how keywords and punctation are arranged).
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Kaleidoscope – Part 2
Learners complete the kaleidoscope app. In JavaScript, they create the 8 required shapes and also add random colors that merrily flicker throughout the animation. In art, learners investigate the concept of reflection and then learn the JavaScript code that makes each shape reflect, or move in opposition, to the other shapes.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Meditation App – Part 1
Learners create a meditation app where shapes move and change slowly and rhythmically. In JavaScript, learners explore the coordinate grid (the numbers we use to place shapes at particular positions); how variables can change the position, size, and color of shapes over time; and how to change the color and size of a shape border.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Meditation App – Part 2
Learners design and complete their own meditation app. In JavaScript, they learn how to place text (words) on screen and make colors partly transparent, so that you can see through them. They also review how to make shapes that reflect each other's movement.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Click the Monkey – Part 1
Learners create a game where they must click a monkey as many times as possible within a time limit. In JavaScript, learners create variables and use them to count clicks and measure elapsed time; use text commands to show the number of clicks and elapsed time on screen; and investigate a special function (group of commands) that detects when the mouse button is clicked.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Click the Monkey – Part 2
Learners complete Click the Monkey. In JavaScript, they learn how to detect when players click directly on the monkey; make the monkey jump to a new random position each time it is clicked; and add levels of difficulty.
 Week 7
Lesson 7
RPG – Part 1
Learners create a role-playing game (RPG) where they fight an enemy through many battles. In JavaScript, they learn how to show images for the player and enemy; move the player and enemy by pressing keys; and detect when player and enemy collide.
 Week 8
Lesson 8
RPG – Part 2
Learners complete the RPG. They learn how to begin a battle when when the mouse button is pressed and end it when the mouse button is released; use variables to track player and enemy power and health during the battle; show these battle statistics on screen; and end the game when players or enemies run out of health.
  • Students learn JavaScript commands that display shapes, colors and text and respond to key- and mouse-presses. Learners also use coordinates to position shapes and create variables to keep score, make timers and vary the size, position or color of shapes.
15 years of experience teaching JavaScript, Python, Scratch, web development, robotics, and artbotics to students from 8 - 15 years old in private, public, and after-school settings. Two masters degrees in education – from Harvard Graduate School of Education with a focus on technology and from Lesley University in mathematics education. And, most of all, great love, patience, and respect for the many different ways that students learn and the gifts they each bring to the classroom!
頻率: 1-2 per week
回饋: 包括
細節: Assessment is done informally during class. Written feedback is provided after class each week via a learner note.
頻率: 包括
細節: No formal assessment, but informal feedback is provided to learners and parents as the class unfolds.
To support a variety of learning styles, this class provides consistent structure with multiple communication strategies (written, verbal, and visual) as well as flexibility in content, pacing, learner participation and teaching approaches.
No prerequisites.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
Students will create a login and join a coding group at Open Processing, where their class will write code and see their animations. 
Student logins at Open Processing include many safety features. For example, no personal information is collected, student profiles and projects are visible only to the teacher and classmates, and students are not allowed to comment or annotate projects outside their class. For a full description of these protections, see "Restricted Student Accounts" at https://intercom.help/openprocessing/en/articles/5228489-student-account-types. This free code editor, funded by the Processing Foundation, works on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chromebook computers but isn't appropriate for iPads or phones. 
已加入 August, 2022
Hello! My name is Terry, and I'm glad to meet you! In my classes, learners create art, games, and stories by writing computer code. 

My students learn by tinkering – by exploring and changing starter code to see what happens, always working in... 




每週或US$184 用於 8 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 8 週
55 分鐘

有1 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 11-14
2-4 每班學員人數

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