

你有沒有想過要拍自己的電影?在這個為期 6 週的課程中,學生將編寫、拍攝並剪輯自己的故事成電影!
Mr. Adrian


6 現場會議
6 上課時間


Do you love watching movies? How about making them? In this class, we'll be learning all the steps that it takes to make our very own 1-5 minute movie!

** Please note, this class functions best with more than two students. If there is only one student enrolled, this class will be cancelled 24 hours before it was intended to start and that student will be issued a full refund. Thank you for understanding! **

Week 1
Students will learn how to write a basic story with a beginning, middle and end. We'll create unique characters that have wants of their own and discover how conflict drives their story to its resolution. 
Homework - Write a short story

Week 2
Here we'll be reviewing each student's story, learning from each other and refining what we have into a fully developed short story. We'll also include an introduction to filming, discussing how to create storyboards and why they are important. 
Homework - Create storyboards

Week 3
We are ready to start filming! Students will learn about how lighting and camera angles can help tell their story. We'll discuss the difference between live action and animation, props and costumes. Students will get to choose how to tell their story.
Homework - Start filming your movie!

Week 4
Some students might be ready to start editing and those who still need more time for filming will have their questions answered. At this point, we'll introduce our iMovie editing software and how to get started using it.
Homework - Finish filming your movie / Start editing your movie

Week 5
We will cover editing in more detail, including sound and music, and learning the ins and outs of the iMovie software. It is helpful if we all use the same editing software (iMovie for iphone) but if there's another one that student's prefer, Mr Adrian will adapt to help you edit your movie with your chosen software.
Homework - Edit your movie

Week 6
All students will have finished their short film and have the chance to show it to the class! We'll all have fun watching movies, giving positive and constructive feedback about each other's work, and discussing our experience throughout the class. What parts were challenging? What parts were the most fun? Don't forget to bring some popcorn!

At any point throughout the course, feel free to message Mr Adrian in the classroom to help with troubleshooting or advice on how to move forward. Students can send photos or videos of issues throughout to help quickly resolve any technical issues. Making a movie is not always easy, but we want you to have fun without getting stuck! 

Mr Adrian will be using animations and videos to help teach students how to make a movie and even present a short movie of his own as an example of the possibilities, full with explanations and tips.

Working with others is strongly encouraged, as film projects are often created by a larger team. If students want to pair up and work together or If grown ups, siblings or friends of the student want to join in the fun, that is a huge plus!

Students will be required to read and write their story, use editing software on either a computer or a phone, and engage in the classroom as well as complete homework to create their movie. If this is a concern or issue for those wishing to join in the class, please message Mr Adrian and he'll be happy to help!
Students will learn how to write a basic story with character introductions, conflict and resolution; a beginning, middle and end.
They will also learn about lighting, sound and how to use a camera in order to create their movie. Students will practice using iMovie editing software to put all the pieces together. Finally, students will learn about presenting their works of art and giving positive, constructive feedback to others who are presenting theirs.


At least one piece of paper,
A printer if possible for printing out storyboards and worksheets
A pen or pencil,
A phone or camera for recording movies and sound,
A phone or computer for editing,
3 Lights (these can include flashlights, desk lamps, overhead lighting and more)
iMovie free app or other editing software,
Popcorn & candy (optional)
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
已加入 October, 2020
** I am no longer teaching on Outschool for the foreseeable future as I've moved to teach in local public schools. It has been a pleasure teaching you all. Thank you for everything! **

Hello! I teach art classes online to elementary and middle school students with a focus on learning facts while drawing. I find that students learn best when they're having fun, so I like to use stories and animations to help with teaching.
I have a background in motion graphics, sound design, performing arts and video production, all of which have helped me to teach online since the summer of 2020.
I started teaching art, science and humanities online to groups of 200+ students per class, ages 4-11 with the average age of 6.
After working for a few months with the larger groups, I decided to move to Outschool. I prefer teaching fewer students per class with the ability to connect with students to meet their learning needs. I believe that all people should have the opportunity to learn and that online art classes can be a segue to teaching many things. 
One of my hobbies is action figure photography! Playing with miniatures has always been a passion of mine and I've even built my own sets and environments out of foam to give context to the action figures when I photograph them. 




用於 6 課程
每週1次,共 6 週
60 分鐘

有3 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-13
2-8 每班學員人數

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