
D&D 傳奇聯盟:戰役!

為期 6 週、每週一次、時長 90 分鐘的持續冒險,專為經驗豐富的《龍與地下城》玩家而設計 *歡迎新人加入我的課程! *
Nick 'Beardy' Plaisance


6 現場會議
9 上課時間


Welcome to my D&D Legends League! This class will meet for 90 minutes, once per week for 6 weeks. This class is designed as an adventure for players who have some experience with Dungeons and Dragons, and will begin with characters at level 7 or 8. Players will spend the first session introducing their characters and meeting their adventuring party. Beginners are highly encouraged to check out my Beginners League or Adventurers League courses, as D&D at this level can be pretty complicated and overwhelming for brand new players. However, newcomers to my classes who have some experience with D&D are welcome! This class will be a 'learn as you go' experience- once the characters have their boots strapped, we jump right in! Player choice will dictate how the adventure plays out, and I as the DM (Dungeon Master) will be there for any and all questions players have on how to play the game. 

One thing to know about my teaching style- I LOVE questions! One of my top priorities as a teacher in the classroom was to encourage students to ask deep questions. Students in my D&D classes will not only be playing D&D, but will also explore concepts from social studies related to the worldbuilding- How do goblin raids affect the trade in an area? How is the economy of this town structured, and what are their primary resources? What are the likely motivations of each group based on their surrounding geography? My classes often take small divergences to explore topics such as world cultures, human geography, biology, and geology. 

The classes will meet over the Outschool Zoom tool. Students will only need a stable internet connection and webcam. No dice? No problem! For story portions of the game, I use a variety of artwork, as well as sound effects and music from various sources. For gameplay that involves battles, or spatial reasoning, I use Microsoft Whiteboard from my end to display maps and tokens of characters/monsters. Most of the information for D&D comes from licensed books such as the Dungeon Master's Guide and Player's Handbook. 

None of the resources above are required or even needed for students of this course. This course is specifically designed for easy access and no extra cost. 

***Microsoft Whiteboard is a free app for windows 10. If a student has this app installed, it is possible for me to share the board, and the student can move their own character. But again, this is not required***

Each class will meet virtually for 90 minutes. The first 10 minutes of each session will be a circle to touch base with each player, and to recap the story so far. The majority of the class will be playing the game, and the last 10 minutes will be set aside as a Q&A for players to ask any game-related questions. 

1st Class: This is known in D&D as 'Session Zero'. As this course is designed for players with some experience of D&D, the majority of this session will be used to explain some of my 'house rules', and players introducing their characters. Players will share their character sheets with me, in whatever form they've created them, and I will show players how to use the Token Editor from 2-Minute Tabletop (another free resource) to create their character avatars. Based on remaining time, we may begin the adventure in the starting area. . 

2nd-6th Classes: These sessions will consist of playing the game of D&D. Again, beginners are welcome, but not as much time will be spent explaining all the mechanics of D&D (the D&D Beginners League is a better course for that). D&D is a cooperative game, and players will be working together to solve puzzles, defeat enemies in battle, and even building friendships between each other's characters.  I will be guiding the players through the story, which will dynamically change depending on their choices. D&D is something of a choose your own adventure type of game, and as such is not a rigidly structured experience. 

In D&D, combat takes place in turns, with each character rolling for 'initiative' to determine their place in the turn. Out of combat, players will be presented with options as a group, and will take turns depending on how the group wants to play. 

During these sessions, students will learn the mechanics of 'levelling up' their characters according to the experience points (XP) they've achieved through their actions. As characters progress in D&D, the options for customizing and gaining abilities expands exponentially, so this course will also serve to help experienced players who have questions about progression.  

By the 6th class, players will have have reached the end of this campaign's story, though how that story plays out is entirely dependent on the party's actions.   

This Campaign adventure has specific milestones built in to keep the story moving and ensure that players have a fun and engaging time, while also reaching the end of the adventure during the 6 weeks. There will be included time at the end of each session for learners to ask further questions about the game and my other D&D classes. 

The Legends League Campaign takes place over live video meeting, and learners will interact both with other players in their adventuring party as well as me, the DM. 

***Please keep in mind my classes are listed in Central Standard Time***
Learners taking the Legends League Campaign class will learn advanced aspects and mechanics of Dungeons and Dragons, as well as getting experience in roleplaying with a group. Students will learn how to play D&D over an internet format (which opens a world of possibilities for playing RPGS from home) and how to use tools like Microsoft Whiteboard and google to run a D&D session. 

D&D encourages critical thinking, problem solving, cooperation, improvisation, math skills, geography skills, science concepts, and social studies concepts. As a former teacher, I approach a game of D&D with all of these subjects in mind. 

In one of my recent Beginner Campaigns, my learners decided to act as negotiators for a conflict involving an intersection of global economy, colonization and prejudice. For context, the adventure hook was, quite simply: "You've been hired to clear a mine of monsters." Through their choices, the players evolved the story and decided how they wanted to approach the adventure.


This class content will be comparable to a PG13 rating. There will be mild depictions of violence, but no foul language or other adult content
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
Dungeons and Dragons Player's Handbook, Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide (Neither of these are required)
已加入 August, 2021
德州 教學證書 在 社會研究/歷史
學士學位 在 心理學 從 University of Houston
學士學位 在 歷史 從 University of Houston
As a public school teacher, I ran an LGBTQ+ support club at my school. I want to use this space to note that this class is an inclusive class, and a safe space for students to express themselves. I am a proud LGBTQ+ ally, and I believe D&D to be a wonderful place to let young people learn to feel comfortable with themselves. 




用於 6 課程
每週1次,共 6 週
90 分鐘

有17 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 10-15
2-6 每班學員人數

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