
好奇號編年史 - 早期現代史 2,第 2 部分

Cara Martin


美國等級 3 - 6
24 lessons//12 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Haiti Wins Its Freedom
The Haitian Revolution
Lesson 2
Tignons and Review
The cultural significance of the Tignon, and reviewing vocabulary, maps, and timelines
 Week 2
Lesson 3
Abolitionists Fight Slavery
The Beginning of the Abolitionist movement in Europe and the Americas, and some of the impacts
Lesson 4
Reviewing vocabulary, maps, and timelines
 Week 3
Lesson 5
America Debates Its Identity
American identity in the 1800s, formation of political parties, Louisiana Purchase, Alien and Sedition Acts and their reception/impacts
Lesson 6
Reviewing vocabulary, maps, and timelines
 Week 4
Lesson 7
Sacagawea Leads the Way
The Lewis and Clark Expedition, the Corps of Discovery, impacts of European colonization on Indigenous populations.
Lesson 8
Reviewing vocabulary, maps, and timelines
 Week 5
Lesson 9
The Industrial Revolution Gets Rolling
The industrial revolution, and what allows it to happen.
Lesson 10
Mary Wollstonecraft and Review
The cultural significance of Mary Wollenstonecraft, and reviewing vocabulary, maps, and timelines
 Week 6
Lesson 11
The Romantics Strive for Meaning
Romanticism versus Enlightenment, what is Romanticism, cultural changes
Lesson 12
The Haskalah and Review
The cultural significance of the Haskala, and reviewing vocabulary, maps, and timelines
 Week 7
Lesson 13
Napoleon Crowns Himself
Who was Napoleon? What did he do? What were some of the consequences of this?
Lesson 14
Josephine and Fashion and Review
The cultural significance of Lady Josephine, and reviewing vocabulary, maps, and timelines
 Week 8
Lesson 15
Napoleon Abdicates - Twice
Rebuilding in France post Reign of Terror, Napoleonic reforms, conquests in Europe
Lesson 16
Marie Antoine Careme and Review
The cultural significance of Marie Antoine Careme, and reviewing vocabulary, maps, and timelines
 Week 9
Lesson 17
A Tale of Two Generals
Jose de San Martin, Simon Bolivar, and the lead-up to revolution in South America
Lesson 18
Reviewing vocabulary, maps, and timelines
 Week 10
Lesson 19
Bolivar and San Martin Liberate South America
The revolution efforts in Spanish South America, and the organization of power between leaders
Lesson 20
The Cusco School and Review
The cultural significance of the Cusco School, and reviewing vocabulary, maps, and timelines
 Week 11
Lesson 21
"Independence or Death" in Brazil
Independence for Portuguese South America - Brazil and Uruquay - and how it differs from the story about Spanish South America.
Lesson 22
Reviewing vocabulary, maps, and timelines
 Week 12
Lesson 23
The Cry of Dolores Rings Out in Mexico
The Mexican War of Independence, impacts of the casta system, and struggles for a newly independent empire
Lesson 24
Reviewing vocabulary, maps, and timelines
Students will continue to gain an understanding of Early Modern History. They will learn how civilizations - and now nations - interacted, and create a timeline to understand how many cultures developed across time.  
I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education with an endorsement in Social Studies. 
I offer strictly informal assessments upon request.
Any potentially emotionally charged expressions around issues in history and/or events occurring to marginalized communities will be handled with sensitivity. Children will be invited to look at issues from all sides, and together we will determine what impacts different decisions had on the communities involved - with the actual impact on the marginalized community firmly at the fore.
This class will use the Curiosity Chronicles secular history curriculum for the globally minded child, public domain photographs, primary source documents, and insights from texts such as "America: The Story of Us," "Braiding Sweetgrass" and more.
已加入 June, 2020
Hello! My name is Care, and I am a teacher by trade. I have extensive experience working with neurodivergent children - specifically those with ADHD, Anxiety, ASD, and gifted diagnoses. I love reading, knitting, Final Fantasy XIV, and Animal... 


用於 24 課程
2x 每週, 12 週
40 分鐘

年齡: 8-11
2-6 每班學員人數

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