
與廚師 Scottie 一起創作美食:7-12 歲(第 1 部分)

您好,歡迎來到美食創作!本課程將為 7-12 歲的孩子提供一個在廚房度過時光的絕佳機會,同時不僅學習寶貴的生活技能,還可以提高數學、讀寫能力、科學和藝術敏銳度。


英語程度 - 未知
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
4 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
The 4 Levels of…
The same dish can look very different based on who is cooking it. A beginning home cook’s version of scrambled eggs might be very different from a professional chef’s. In this lesson, you’ll examine how a dish can be prepared differently through the use of different ingredients, techniques, and tools. You’ll then plan some goals and map out what success looks like for you.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Knife Safety
Do you want to learn and practice knife skills to improve your cooking? The first step towards that is learning how to work with knives safely. This lesson will explain a few important practices that help keep you safe as you develop and practice your skills. You’ll watch a short video and then answer a few questions about what you learned in the video. Then you’ll practice what you’ve learned and prepare a simple snack of cut vegetables.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
How to Read a Recipe
Have you ever read a recipe only to still not know where to start? Have you ever gotten halfway through cooking something and realized you missed a key step? These are common setbacks in the kitchen that can be avoided with purposeful recipe reading. This activity will help you learn how to read a recipe like a professional chef!
 Week 4
Lesson 4
What is Flavor?
What is taste? What is flavor? There are five essential tastes along with countless more smells that combine to make flavors. Investigating how foods complement each other is important to understanding flavor. Foods have distinct tastes and when those tastes are combined with other tastes, different flavors are created. In this lesson, you will explore the five tastes and learn about the relationship between taste and flavor.
  • • Understand the difference between precise recipes and flexible recipes • Understand how to hold a knife safely • Practice critical thinking skills by analyzing recipes • Practice reflective thinking and responding • Know the basic components of flavor
頻率: Available upon request
細節: Formative assessments allow you to get a sense of what the learner is experiencing. Each lesson contains reflection questions for learners to answer. These reflections will serve as the learner’s formative assessments and evidence of student work.reflection activities are designed with the Universal Design for learning.
Cooking space should be equipped with basic supplies such as pots, pans, plates, cutlery, cutting surfaces and bowls.
Cooking space should be equipped with basic supplies such as pots, pans, plates, cutlery, cutting surfaces and bowls.

Ingredients are listed in the beginning of every lesson, as well as down below.

-Greens of your choice
-Spice/second ingredient of your choice
-Bell pepper

Curriculum will be provided!
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
Use of heat, handling knives and other sharp objects.
已加入 May, 2024
Hi there!
My name is Scottie and I am so excited to be here in this learning community! From teaching preschool phonics to teaching 3rd grade art, I find magic in the everyday world of education. I thrive in dynamic environments, and am always... 


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年齡: 7-12

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