
創意寫作營:用 5 個令人難以置信的作家技巧開始一個故事

在這個為期五天的創意寫作營中,您的中學作家將從出版作家那裡學習 5 種行之有效的寫作策略,幫助他們突破作家的障礙並起草短篇小說的開頭。
Kathie Harsch


5 現場會議
4 小時 10 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. If students do not have the opportunity to finish their piece of writing during class, they can share it with me in the conversations tab. However, I do not require homework. If they do choose to share it, I can give them some feedback.
Informal Assessment
Grades provided by request


英語程度 - 未知
美國 6 - 8 年級
***$5 off Coupon: enter code HARSCJ56CB5 at checkout***

Each day, students will learn how to use a different writing strategy to break through writer’s block and use those strategies to write a story.

Each day for this camp, your learner will be interacting with each other and me to:
1) Define a particular writing strategy - through discussion and sharing
2) Learn through guided practice how to use that strategy to create an array of specific details about their story.
3) Organize their details before writing.
4) Share some of our ideas with each other
5) Write a part of their short story using their new ideas.
6) Share some of our writing with other learners, if we have time

➡️NOTE: To get the most out of this week, please download the workbook from the link you receive inside the class. We will use it all week.

Strategies your learner will practice during this camp:
Day 1: Asking Questions and Brain dumping to get at their story idea and main character.
Day 2: Mind Mapping to help them describe characters and setting.
Day 3: Drawing to Write to help them describe a specific place in their story.
Day 4: Timeline of Events in their story
Day 5: Writing sprint (based on their timeline) to write the draft of their story.

Students will need the following materials:
- download the pdf workbook or make a copy of the Google Slides from the link given inside the classroom for a digital workbook
- notebook paper or a writing journal (a spiral notebook is perfect)
- pen or pencil (their writing preference)
- highlighter, which is optional

My teaching style for this camp is to ask questions, encourage writers to share, demonstrate step-by-step how to complete each strategy, allow students time to use the strategy with chosen or assigned topics (based on open-ended prompts), share our ideas as we go, and then organize and write for a few minutes. 

After writing, if there is time, we can share our writing. All sharing is optional. If a student wants to just listen to others, this is okay. I will still ask your learner if they want to share throughout the lesson, and if they feel comfortable with us, they can share.

Prior Knowledge:
Students need to be able to understand the lesson in English and write sentences in English. It's a fast-paced course, so English fluency is necessary.

Class Cancellations due to Scheduling Conflicts:
If you have signed up your learner for my class and you do not cancel before class begins, I do not offer refunds. Since your learner is taking a seat another learner would have had during that time, please make sure to cancel classes before class begins. Outschool sends out emails to everyone when a class will be starting usually a 1/2 hour before it begins. 

If your learner does miss a class, there are Zoom recordings of all classes available in the classroom where the Zoom link is to the class. Learners can access the recording and get materials distributed from the messages there.
If your learner is on my schedule, and they do not appear in class, I will message you to let you know.
Students will learn how to use 5 writing strategies to break through writer’s block and use each strategy to begin a short story.


與 Common Core State Standards (CCSS)對齊
5 課程
超過 1 週
課 1:
Day 1: Asking Questions
 Students will brain dump ideas about questions to get their story ideas, main character and setting is developed. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Day 2: Mind Mapping
 Students will learn mind mapping to help them describe a character in the setting and begin their story. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Day 3: Drawing to Write
 Students will make a quick sketch to help them map out their character's movements within the story. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Day 4: Timeline of Events
 Students will create a timeline for their story to bring excitement to their story. 
50 分鐘線上直播課


I use Google Apps such as Google Slides to present lessons, Google Classroom for class materials and documents.
Must be able to read and write in English.
-a sheet of paper or a notebook that they use for writing (like a writing journal)
-a pen or pencil
-a highlighter
已加入 June, 2022
佛羅裡達 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
學士學位 在 英語 從 University of South Florida
Certified English teacher 26 years




用於 5 課程
每週5次,共 1 週
50 分鐘

有128 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 11-13
2-6 每班學員人數

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