

Kirsten Bowman JD


6 現場會議
5 上課時間
每週 1 小時. There will be short readings ahead of many classes which will be provided to help learners come to class with some foundational knowledge of the topic for the week. As well, for those learners taking this for partial credit for a high school history or civics unit, a final paper will be assigned and for learners requiring a grade, it will be assessed based on class participation and the final essay.
For those learners taking this for partial credit for a high school history or civics unit, a final paper will be assigned and for learners requiring a grade, it will be assessed based on class participation and the final essay.
If requested, grades and assessments are available. All assignments must be completed in order to receive grade or assessment.


英語程度 - 未知
美國 8 - 11 年級
This course covers the history and complex relationships of nation states in the modern Middle East through the lens of the international legal framework. Studying the complicated situation which exists today in the region through an international law perspective assists the learner to gain important context and fact-based information and allows for the learners critical thought process to develop. No political conclusions are offered in this course, rather learners will use the knowledge gained to draw their own conclusions about the current situation and the future of the region. 

In week one learners are introduced to an overview of modern day history of the region from post WWII forward. This is the period in which the structure of international law which exists today was put into place and thus, this is where the course begins. There are two exceptions to this. The course will look at the 1917 Balfour declaration and the 1922 British Mandate for Palestine as these documents are essential to the understanding of what would develop in the region Post WWII. 

Week two will focus on States, borders and territory recognition. A deeper analysis of treaty agreements and UN Security Council resolutions allows learners to gain an understanding of the territorial claims and disputes that exist today in the region.

During week three we will turn to dispute resolution, looking at the International Court of Justice and the body of decisions which have shaped the international legal framework existing today. 

Week four turns to the role of international law in the Middle East Process, focusing of the large body of treaties and conventions that have come out of decades of formal international negotiations between nations in conflict in the region. 

During week five we will focus on humanitarian law including the laws of war, the use of force, military occupation, the laws of the sea and the International Criminal Court. 

Finally week 6 will allow the class to look at the present day and most recent conflict, analyzing through all that has been covered in the previous five weeks to consider what has led us to the current situation and what roads are open for a future solution to this deeply divisive and painful conflict. 

Materials to be studied in class include: 1917 The Balfour Declaration; 1922 The British Mandate for Palestine; 1947 UN General Assembly Resolution 181; 1948 UN General Assembly Resolution 194(III); 1949 Egypt – Israel Armistice Agreement; 1967 UN Security Council Resolutions 242; 1974 Israel-Syria Agreement on Disengagement; 1975 Egypt-Israel Interim agreement; 1978 Camp David Agreement; 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Agreement; Israel 1981 Golan Heights Law; Egypt-Israel Taba arbitration Compromise; 1993 Israel-PLO Declaration of Principles;  1994 Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty;                  1995 Israel-PLO  Interim Agreement (without annexes); 2001 Clinton “Plan”; 2002 Arab League “Peace Initiative”; 2003 “Roadmap”; 2003 “Geneva Initiative”, The ICJ Advisory Opinion on the “Wall”.


Learners will gain a historical framework through which to better understand todays current crisis. Learners will also gain the ability to analyze international agreements in order to understand what they can and cannot do the mediate conflict between nations. Finally, learners will exercise their critical thinking skills. This class is specifically designed to teach learners how to think and where to find the resources to draw conclusions. It is specifically designed to not tell learners what to think.


This course works hard to not provide a political opinion to the current conflict and allows your learner to freely consider the legal framework to draw their own conclusions. It is likely that there will be diversity of views among the learners in the class. All views that are offered in a respectful manner will be respected in the class discussions. During discussions on the laws of war and conflict learners may learn disturbing facts of how humans can treat each other during conflict. Every effort is made to not be exploitive in using factual information merely for shock value. However, your learner will learn of specific war crimes committed and how the international legal framework responded to it. If you have particularly sensitive learners to war and conflicts this may be a consideration.
All readings are available in open source documents on line and will be provided to learners ahead of the class.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
Materials to be studied in class include: 1917 The Balfour Declaration; 1922 The British Mandate for Palestine; 1947 UN General Assembly Resolution 181; 1948 UN General Assembly Resolution 194(III); 1949 Egypt – Israel Armistice Agreement; 1967 UN Security Council Resolutions 242; 1974 Israel-Syria Agreement on Disengagement; 1975 Egypt-Israel Interim agreement; 1978 Camp David Agreement; 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Agreement; Israel 1981 Golan Heights Law; Egypt-Israel Taba arbitration Compromise; 1993 Israel-PLO Declaration of Principles; 1994 Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty; 1995 Israel-PLO Interim Agreement (without annexes); 2001 Clinton “Plan”; 2002 Arab League “Peace Initiative”; 2003 “Roadmap”; 2003 “Geneva Initiative”, The ICJ Advisory Opinion on the “Wall”.
已加入 May, 2018
This teacher is an international human rights attorney who has worked for and consulted with the United Nations for several decades. She is an expert on international conflict, focusing her PhD on the UN Security Council and international law. Beyond working with the UN court systems she has consulted for many UN agencies on this issue and teaches international legal courses at law schools globally.  Finally, the teacher has been teaching difficult and complex issues of lawfare, war and conflict and human rights to younger learners on the Outschool platform for over five years. 





每週1次,共 6 週
50 分鐘
有36 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 13-18
4-18 每班學員人數

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