
Brainy Bunch Club:謎題與挑戰

這個 Brainy Bunch 俱樂部為 9 至 12 歲的孩子提供引人入勝的互動體驗,讓他們在有趣的協作環境中探索邏輯謎題和腦筋急轉彎。這個俱樂部有助於培養批判性思考能力!
Melodie Courtney, A+ HomeTutoring


3 現場會議
每週上課 1 小時


英語程度 - B1
美國 3 - 6 年級
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
Brainy Bunch Club: Class Summary

What will be taught?

In the Brainy Bunch  Club, kids will explore a wide range of logic puzzles and brainteasers designed to enhance their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. They'll learn different strategies to approach and solve puzzles, improve their logical reasoning, and boost their creativity.

What topics will you cover?

- Classic Logic Puzzles (Sudoku, crosswords, riddles)
- Pattern Recognition and Sequencing
- Cryptograms and Code Breaking
- Visual and Spatial Puzzles
- Mathematical Brain Teasers
- Lateral Thinking Puzzles

How is your class structured?

Our club meets 3 times a week with each session lasting 20 minutes. Each class follows a structured yet flexible format to keep learning dynamic and fun:
1. Warm-Up Puzzles: Quick brain teasers to get started.
2. Main Activity: In-depth exploration of the day's main puzzle or challenge.
3. Discussion and Strategy Sharing: Group discussions on different solving strategies.

How will you teach?

The teaching style is interactive and student-centered, ensuring that each child actively participates and enjoys the learning process. Discussions and group activities foster collaboration and peer learning.

What's your teaching style?

My teaching style is enthusiastic, encouraging, and tailored to young learners. I focus on making learning fun and accessible, using a variety of tools and methods to cater to different learning styles. I encourage curiosity, creativity, and persistence in solving puzzles, ensuring a supportive and engaging environment.

How much will learners get to interact with you?

Learners will have plenty of opportunities to interact with me and their peers. Here's how:
- Lecture: Short, interactive talks to introduce new puzzles.
- Games: Collaborative and competitive puzzle games to reinforce learning.
- Discussion: Group discussions to share strategies and solutions.
- Q&A Sessions: Regular opportunities to ask questions and receive guidance.

Join the Brainy Bunch Club and embark on a thrilling adventure of logic and fun!
Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify apparent features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself.
Identify arithmetic or other patterns and explain your thinking using logic and reasoning.


Logic puzzle and brain teaser books will be used during this course. There is nothing the parents have to purchase or have on hand. If the students need any additional materials, it will be sent vis email.
Notebook or paper
Pencil or Pen
英語 (等級: B1)
已加入 October, 2023
康乃狄克州 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
康乃狄克州 教學證書 在 特殊教育
紐澤西州 教學證書 在 中學教育
紐澤西州 教學證書 在 小學教育
碩士 在 教育 從 Hunter College
學士學位 在 教育 從 New York University
Hello, my name is Melodie and I am an educator with over 22 years of experience. I have work with children in a variety of educational settings and backgrounds.I have a BA in Early Childhood & Elementary Education, a MA in Deaf Education, and a MA in Education with a Reading Specialist Endorsement.

I believe that all children have the potential for academic success. I want to help raise students' academic levels by understanding their strengths and areas of need, use those strengths to develop the skills that need improvement, and build the self-confidence of the student. I will also be a resource to parents to assist in providing literacy opportunities at home.

I am a huge proponent of the Science of Reading and use a structured literacy approach in my teaching. On Outschool, I will offer 1:1 Literacy/Reading Intervention classes for hearing and DHH students, Literacy Assessment classes, Read Aloud classes, ASL Vocabulary classes for 4-10 year old's, and fun puzzles and brainteaser classes!

I look forward to working with your child to help strengthen their overall literacy skills!

*Hunter College
Master of Education, Childhood Education
Magna Cum Laude

*Hunter College
Master of Education, Deaf Education
Magna Cum Laude

*Liberty University	
Master of Education, Reading Specialist
Cum Laude

*New York University	
Bachelor of Arts, Early Childhood & Elementary Education
Cum Laude and Dean’s List
English Minor

*Elementary School Teacher – NJ
Elementary School with Subject Matter Specialization: Language Arts/Literacy Specialization Gr. 5-8 - NJ
Teacher of Supplemental Instruction: Reading & Mathematics Gr. K-8 – NJ

*Professional Hearing-Impaired Gr. Pre-K-12 – CT; Reading Specialist Endorsement
Elementary (1-6) - CT 

*Deaf/Hard of Hearing K-12 - NY

*Dyslexia Awareness Certification (VA Dept. of Ed.)

*DASA Certification (NYS Dept. of Ed.)

* Classroom Teacher/ Reading Specialist Teacher: 24 years experience

*National Association of the Deaf (NAD)
*American Annals of the Deaf
*Black Deaf Advocates
*International Literacy Association (ILA)
*Christian Educators Association International (CEAI)

*Visual Phonics
*Balanced Literacy *Structured Literacy
*Lit Life Literacy Program *PBIS
*Thinking Maps Program *Science of Reading
*Various Reading Assessments & Programs

*Beginner Korean




每週( US$7每班
每週 3 次
20 分鐘

有1 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-12
2-9 每班學員人數

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