

Ms. Pamela - Preschool-3rd Gr, Book Clubs, & More
在帕梅拉女士為期 40 分鐘、為期一周的小說學習中,我們將透過閱讀理解、故事元素、繪畫和玩遊戲來探索羅爾德·達爾的一篇短篇小說。


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 1 - 3
3 lessons//1 Week
 Week 1
Lesson 1
No required reading before our first class
We will be talking about story elements. We will learn a little bit more about the author, Roald Dahl. We will learn how to keep a vocabulary journal. We will talk about anthropomorphism. We will talk about kindness. What does it mean to be kind? What can we do to be kind daily? We will write a thank you card for someone we know.
Lesson 2
Read pages 1 - 38
We will go over vocabulary words, and review reading comprehension questions. We will do a character assessment of the characters in our book. We will create a WANTED poster for one of the Twits. Whose side are you on? We will discuss pranks. Are they okay? Are they not? What is the difference between a prank and just being mean?
Lesson 3
Read pages 39 - 76
We will go over our vocabulary words and review reading comprehension questions. We will discuss the themes of the book. Is there more than one? We will play a Truth or Fiction game. We will draw a split picture of the Twits at the beginning of the book and at the end of the book.
  • Learners will learn about story elements Learners will gain reading comprehension by answering study questions Learners will learn about literary terms such as anthropomorphism, imagery, and themes
1 - 2 每週課外時間
頻率: Available upon request
回饋: Available upon request
細節: Reading the required segments assigned. Please do not read ahead so we are all on the same page in our discussions and we can enjoy the book together as a group. If you do choose to read ahead, please do not share additional information with the class until we get to that part of the book.
頻率: Available upon request
細節: Questions will be asked during each class to be sure children know what happened in our story during the reading the week prior.
The book "The Twits by Roald Dahl
Paper and something to write with such as colored pencils, pens, markers, or just a pencil.
From Wikipedia:
"The story features The Twits, a spiteful, idle, unkempt couple who continuously play nasty practical jokes on each other to amuse themselves, and exercise their devious wickedness on their pet monkeys.'
已加入 March, 2020
Hello, I am Ms. Pamela!

A Bit About Me

I am passionate about learning and have been privileged to engage with over 900 learners from 25 countries since teaching my first class on Outschool in 2020. My classes span a range of ages and subjects,... 


用於 3 課程
每週上課 x 3 次, 1 週
40 分鐘

年齡: 6-9
1-6 每班學員人數

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