

走進 Chris Grabenstein 創作的《逃離檸檬先生的圖書館》的世界,圖書館不僅僅是一個藏書的地方,它還是一個充滿謎題、謎團和隱藏秘密的迷宮!
Hub of Curiosity


4 現場會議
3 小時 20 分鐘 上課時間
每週 2-4 小時. This book club is discussion based. Learners will read or listen to the book outside of class


英語程度 - 未知
In this class, learners will explore the clever challenges faced by Kyle Keeley and his friends as they navigate the most extraordinary library ever imagined.
We'll dive into the story's twists and turns, discuss the importance of teamwork and critical thinking, and engage in fun, interactive activities inspired by the book's puzzles. Whether you're a fan of mysteries or just love a good adventure, this class will spark your imagination and test your problem-solving skills. Join us for a literary escape you won't forget!
Please review the syllabus for a breakdown of weekly reading assignments and discussion topics.
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Students will enhance their ability to think critically and solve complex problems by analyzing the puzzles and challenges presented in the book
Teamwork and Collaboration: Students will develop their teamwork and communication skills by working together to explore themes of collaboration in the story


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
4 課程
超過 4 週
課 1:
Introduction and Setting the Stage
 Class Prep: Read Chapter 1-12 
Discussion Topics:
Introduction of main characters, especially Kyle Keeley, and their initial impressions of Mr. Lemoncello.
The background of the library, its grand opening, and the contest to get into the library lock-in.
Description of the library and its appeal to the kids.
Initial clues and puzzles presented to the contestants.
Themes of teamwork and competition. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
The Adventure Begins
 Class Prep: Read chapters 13 to 24
Discussion Topics:
The characters' initial experiences inside the library and their strategies for solving puzzles.
Exploration of the different rooms and features of the library.
Dynamics between the characters as they begin to work together (or not).
The role of Mr. Lemoncello and his quirky personality.
Themes of creativity, problem-solving, and the importance of libraries. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Deepening the Mystery
 Class Prep: Read chapters 25 to 36
Discussion Topics:
The evolving strategies and alliances among the contestants.
Key turning points and discoveries in the library.
Moments of conflict and cooperation among the characters.
Clues that lead the characters closer to solving the ultimate puzzle.
The role of knowledge, research, and critical thinking in the story. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
The Grand Finale and Reflection
 Class Prep: Read chapters 37-56, end of book
Discussion Topics:
The climax of the story and the resolution of the main puzzle.
How the characters work together to escape from the library.
Final outcomes for each of the main characters.
Messages and themes of the book, such as the value of teamwork, intelligence, and perseverance.
Overall impressions of the book and its impact. 
50 分鐘線上直播課


Learners will need either a copy of the book or access to the audiobook, Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library by Chris Grabenstein
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 October, 2018
俄亥俄州 教學證書 在 社會研究/歷史
Judith Smetana
北卡羅萊納 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
Judith Smetana
加州 教學證書
Maura Knowles
德州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Andrea Phillips
科羅拉多州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
肯塔基州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
德州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
碩士 在 電機工程 從 University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
碩士 在 教育 從 University of North Texas
Melissa Riggs
學士學位 在 國際業務 從 The Ohio State University
Judith Smetana
學士學位 在 通訊 從 San Francisco State Universtiy
Maura Knowles
學士學位 在 機械工業 從 University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
學士學位 在 電機工程 從 University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
學士學位 在 工商管理 從 Nova Southeastern University
Meagan Tauber
學士學位 在 教育 從 University of North Texas
Melissa Riggs
學士學位 在 藝術與設計 從 Arizona State University
McKenzi Aguirre
學士學位 在 英語語言文學 從 University of Alabama at Birmingham
Tiffany Barnes
副學士學位 在 動物科學 從 The Ohio State University
Judith Smetana

Melissa (she/her) is a veteran classroom teacher and mother of 3 mostly grown children. She lives on a beautiful lake in Kentucky with her husband, 2 dogs, and 1 ancient cat. She has a Bachelor of Science in Education and a Master of Education with valid teaching licenses in Texas, Colorado, and Kentucky. As a child, her passion for books began with weekly visits to the public library and was nurtured further by the annual Scholastic Book Fair. As a veteran elementary school teacher with 22 years of experience, she has cherished sharing this love with her students, inspiring them to become lifelong learners and readers. Nothing delights her more than discussing books, even those she didn't finish or particularly enjoy!




每週或US$72 用於 4 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 4 週
50 分鐘

年齡: 8-12
3-6 每班學員人數

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