
基本應用程式設計(第 1 部分)

行動應用程式對於我們的媒體、新聞、社交互動、 和學習
James Fitzpatrick


4 現場會議
3 小時 40 分鐘 上課時間


Mobile applications are becoming increasingly important to our consumption of media, news, social interaction,
and learning. In this course, students will learn how to create mobile apps using React Native, a popular
platform-agnostic framework developed by Facebook and used by successful tech companies including Airbnb,
Facebook, Instagram, Tesla, and more. As an online blended student will design and build
applications to run on their own smartphones and will use the latest tools and technologies available for mobile
app development. The Mobile Apps course is designed for students with at least one year of
programming with JavaScript and one year of web design using HTML and CSS. Students will learn the
foundations of the React Native framework, components, and how to use components to create scalable,
custom, and fast mobile applications. Students will also learn about important computer science topics including
state changes, using XML and stylesheet objects, and creating modular app layouts with flex and the
1 Week =
Students will modify existing code and run it in the browser and on their personal mobile
devices with the use of Expo, a free open-source toolchain built for running React Native apps with React and
JavaScript, create personalized apps, create digital presentations, and engage in in-person collaborative
exercises with classmates. Teachers utilize tools and resources to leverage time in the
classroom and give focused 1-on-1 attention to students.
1 Week 
 ● Introduction to React Native and Expo Example Assignments Labs 
● Introduction to React Native and Expo ○ Why build mobile apps? ○ What is React Native? ○ How is React Native structured and built? ○ What is Expo and how do React Native apps run? ○ Example activity: 
■ Running Apps on Expo Module 2: Components and the Stylesheet (2 weeks/10 hours) In this module, students are introduced to components, the backbone of building apps with React Native. They learn about the stylesheet object and how to add custom style attributes to their apps. Browse the full content of this module at https://codehs.com/library/course/3679/module/5847 Objectives / Topics Covered 
● Introduction to Components 
● Introduction to the Stylesheet API 
● Styling View Components 
2 Week 
● Styling Text Components Example Assignments / Labs 
● Introduction to Components ○ What are components? ○ How are components imported? ○ Where are components stored in editor?
 ○ How do you debug components? 
■ Customizing Text 
■ Debugging Components 
● Introduction to the Stylesheet API ○ What is the Stylesheet API?
3 week
How do you style apps? ○ How do you connect components to the Stylesheet API? ○ Example activity:
 ■ Connecting Components to the Stylesheet 
● Styling View Components 3 ○ How do you style View components? ○ How are components justified? ○ How are components aligned? ○ What is flex direction? ○ Example activity: 
■ Nested Views 
● Styling Text Components ○ How are Text components styled? ○ What are the common styling attributes for Text components? ○ Example activity: 
■ News Article Styling 
■ My Favorites Lis
4 Week
● TextInput ○ What is the TextInput component? ○ Example activity: 
■ Google Search Page 
■: Advanced Layouts and Images (3 weeks/15 hours) In this module, students learn how to add images to their apps to further customize the building experience. They gain a deeper understanding of mobile apps layouts using Flex values and the Dimensions API. Browse the full content of this module at https://codehs.com/library/course/3679/module/5851 Objectives / Topics Covered ● The Image Component 
● The ImageBackground Component ● Flex Layouts ● Dimensions API


Coding Notebook for notes
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 May, 2020
I teach coding to children, Python, Javascript and block
I also teach coding to adults Javascript and python
I have been a technology worker and teacher for over 24 yrs
I run a coding school for 5yrs now and enjoy teaching others.
No greater joy or fulfillment than when someone gets it after trying for some time.  I also teach Microsoft Office products and work in the field.   I enjoy hanging with my kid's bike riding
and drone flying around our backyard.  My kids are also coders and make games for them and their friends.




用於 4 課程
每週1次,共 4 週
55 分鐘

有2 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 7-12
4-10 每班學員人數

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