

你準備好了嗎? 90%的家庭都沒有。了解如何在災難性事件導致的城市徹底崩潰中倖存下來。學會在沒有電力和政府的情況下生存數天、數週甚至數月。
Mr. Omar (Mr. O)


1 現場會議
55 分鐘 上課時間


**Unless there is an emergency I do not mind teaching a class with only 1 student in it. So there is no need to worry about me canceling for that reason. 

* This class is appropriate for ages 7-18 I have taught many classes with a mix of youngsters and teenagers and never had a problem

Are you prepared?! 

Hello! My name is Omar Ruiz, or Mr. O! I have been a teacher on Outschool for over 3 years and have taught over 3200 students how to stay alive in all sorts of situations. 

In this one time class I will teach your student how to survive non natural disaster related emergencies, that would cripple a city's infrastructure. Otherwise known as E.L.E’s (Extinction Level Events), or apocalyptic events. We will basically learn how to survive long term power outages, and living without city or government help. 

I will teach your student out how to survive:

-E.M.P’s (Electromagnetic Pulses)
-Economic Collapse/Depression
-Nuclear Strikes
-Acts of Terrorism
-Civil Unrest (Riots, Crime Sprees) 

I will teach your student(s), what each of these types of disasters are, how to prepare for them, and what to do in the event of one. 

I have years of experience working in emergency management, and disaster preparedness.
I was a firefighter/first responder for 10 years, and also worked with the U.S. Coast Guard for nearly 5 years. 

In the Coast Guard I was part of the District 7 Hurricane Emergency Assistance Response Team, where I helped families prepare for, and recover from hurricanes, working closely with FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency.

I have also been an incident commander on multiple disasters, and have most, if not all ICS (Incident Command System) courses. I also hold 3 degrees. A double Bachelors in both Finance and Entrepreneurship, and an Associates of Arts in Business. 

I look forward to meeting your student(s), and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.

Mr. O

To learn a little bit more about me, check me out on the news!




In this class I will teach your student about extinction level events, that are non natural disaster related. I teach from a logical and non scary manner, and always emphasize that the likelihood of any of these events happening are extremally low. I actually personally think that the chances of any of these events happening are not going to happen in any our my students lifetime, however it is definitely important to be prepared.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 May, 2020
學士學位 由 University of Arizona Global Campus - Formally Ashford University
副學士學位 由 Ashford University
I have years of experience working in emergency management, and disaster preparedness.
I was a fire fighter/first responder for 10 years with the Cy-Fair Fire Department in Houston, TX USA. I also worked with the US Coast Guard for nearly 5 years, where my primary duties were law enforcement, search and rescue, and logistics. 

In the Coast Guard I was part of the District 7 Hurricane Emergency Assistance Response Team, where I helped families prepare for, and recover from hurricanes.
I have also been an incident commander on multiple disasters, and have most if not all ICS (Incident Command System) courses. 

My Degrees:
Bachelor of Arts in Personal Finance
Bachelor of Arts in Entrepreneurship
Associates of Arts in Business 

Find me on the web at: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/neighborhood/cyfair/article/Cypress-veteran-s-business-flourishes-amidst-16305264.php




55 分鐘

有40 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 8-13
1-10 每班學員人數

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