
兒童憤怒管理第二部分 6 至 10 年級

Educational Festival Inc.
在這個為期 5 週的課程中,憤怒管理(第二部分)第 6、#7、#8、#9、#10 課中,學習者越來越接近解決問題:他們為什麼生氣?學習者將使用新的和先前的行為策略來管理憤怒。


I will teach learners to manage anger by practicing three activities in each class giving them 30 strategies in part-one of anger management. Journal work is encouraged and helpful for the purpose of becoming a better writer and to make writing a part of releasing anger in a positive way. When teaching positive behaviors, learners will be able to self-reflect by looking within themselves first before blaming others. Although some learners struggle with writing, I will direct them to write words or basic sentences by highlighting information during the presentation. I will continue to ask questions and engage the learners during class. I will also respect their privacy if they do not want to answer questions. I allow learners to self-reflect by asking, the end of class, what did you learn today? The answers indicate active listening skills and commitment to positive behaviors.

As a special education teacher, I manage extreme behaviors in and out of the classroom. I have taken courses in my master’s program and attend yearly behavior management training. I apply behavior strategies with students with disabilities to teach them self-control and what to do when they are feeling stress, anxiety, or anger. Anger can become manageable with daily routines. When the amygdala is activated by fear it responds with an emotion. In my teaching practice I use learning strategies to assess the learners need by using visuals, verbal, and nonverbal cues. Learners are encouraged communication (talk, raise your hand, smile, etc.), start a conversation, and I give wait time for a response.
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Materials Needed - Spiral notebook and a pencil. A monthly class schedule is provided
There are no safety warnings or concerns, all material in each class includes content specific; using pictures and videos. All visuals in the presentation are designed to connect to the class topic.  As I teach all learners I address all learning levels. 
Resources used for this class are, video clips on anger (up to 3 minutes), reference materials, and guides are from various sources including professional development workshops and trainings. I use calming choices, behavior charts to hold learners accountable for their behavior management in the classroom. In this course, Anger Management for kids, I will follow a recourse (workbook) guide to introduce anger management. Reference materials include workbooks, coping strategies, ways to cope with stress, and the anger alternatives game, Don't Get Mad..., by Sam Snowden, the Guidance Group,  and anger management in the classroom through professional development training. Don't Get Mad, the anger alternatives game by Guidance Group, www.honolulu.hawaii.edu, and www.Pathway 2 Success.

Educational Festival Inc. is a nonprofit organization providing educational experiences and building cultural awareness, artistic expression through online and in-person connections. Educators will provide a diverse prospective in different... 


用於 5 課程
1x 每週, 5 週
90 分鐘

年齡: 8-12
1-8 每班學員人數

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