

Mrs. Russell, M.S. Ed.
在這個為期 10 週的課程中,學生將從原住民的角度探索美國歷史的起源故事,他們早在探險家、殖民者和定居者之前就已經來到這裡。


美國等級 8 - 11
Word Wizard
Your job is to make sure the group understands the vocabulary in the text. 
While Reading:
•  Locate all new/challenging vocabulary words and any key words
•  Share definitions for the new words

Your job is to brainstorm questions that the group will discuss. 
While reading:
•Ask clarifying questions 
•Ask questions for discussion

Quote Master
Your job is to make sure the group cites accurate evidence from the text. 
While reading:
•  Find important quotes or evidence in the text
•  During discussion, make sure your team cites evidence from the text

Key Point Finder
Your job is to make sure the team has identified all the key points of the text. 
While reading:
•  Make a list of the most important facts/details from the passage
Your job is to make sure the group holds an understanding of a summary of the text. 
While reading:
•  Write a short summary of the text that includes the key vocabulary and author’s main points

Text Structure Analyzer
Your job is to identify how the author organizes the information in the text. 
While reading:
•  Identify the text structure
•  Complete the graphic organizer to share with the group

Your job is to make connections between other texts, videos, current events and any other activities on the same topic. 
While reading:
•  Compare and contrast this text with other sources of information (i.e., videos, texts, speeches) on the same topic

Your job is to moderate the discussion and activity. 
You will:
•  Read and explain the directions
•  Begin and close out the activity with the group
•  Be sure the group stays on task.

Author’s Assistant
Your job is to think about the author’s perspective or get in the mind of the author. 
While reading the text:
•  Make a list of opinions the author might have about the topic.
•  Make a list of statements the author makes about the topic.

Text Feature Collector
Your job is to explain to the group the information given using captions, photographs, tables, and graphs
•  Look at all the graphics in the text
•  Read each caption
•  Explain what information the graphics give about the topic
My name is Carie Beth Russell.  I live in the Kansas City area with my husband, two daughters and two cats.  I am a former elementary teacher and gifted education specialist.  I have been “home” since my second daughter was born, but have remained active in the field of education by teaching educational summer camps, tutoring and teaching at a homeschool enrichment program. 

My professional priorities center around student-led learning.  It’s my strong conviction that supporting children as they learn, rather than dictating how and what they learn, is the way to encourage their inborn patterns of curiosity, wonder and problem-solving that will serve them well in all stages of being human.  

While my own children attend public school, we very much view education as something we own and must take personal responsibility for.  We work hard at educational advocacy within the public school context.  I teach my daughters to communicate with their teachers, ask for what they need and request amended or extended: depth, duration and scope of projects, units, skills and personal areas of interest.  

Gifted Education services often provide these things for students who have been identified as such, but these standards and the definition of “giftedness” vary from state to state, based generally on funding, and doesn’t allow for many students to qualify.  This leaves an enormous group of students who have “need of different” but no access to a more open-ended and curiosity-led education.  Please understand that when I say enormous, I mean ALL.  

Out School, and other platforms like it, allow students to adapt their learning modalities and pursue interests and learning pathways that intrigue their own very unique minds.  Teaching students to participate in Student Led Learning, in its various formats, allows them to continue on in their own investigations of an amazing planet and human experience, studying past, present and future as they forge their own distinct path. 
Students will read approximately 25-35 pages from the text each week. Students will complete their "job" assignment and be prepared to share with the group.
1 - 2 每週課外時間
1.  A copy of the book "An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States for Young People" by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz.  *Please make sure you are purchasing the "FOR YOUNG PEOPLE" edition of this text.  https://www.amazon.com/Indigenous-Peoples-History-ReVisioning-American/dp/0807049395/ref=asc_df_0807049395/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=366402676997&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16547406027437482946&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1017588&hvtargid=aud-801381245258:pla-794696497654&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=77768497378&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=366402676997&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16547406027437482946&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1017588&hvtargid=aud-801381245258:pla-794696497654

2 . Documents, provided by the teacher, printed by student.  
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
Some students might feel sensitive to some of the difficult topics that will be discussed, including but not limited to genocide, land theft, marginalization and the general mistreatment of Indigenous People Groups.  Outschool and this instructor are very committed to treating this content with integrity, respect and sensitivity toward those who find this content difficult to consume.  Please give Outschool and this instructor constructive feedback on any areas for improvement in regard to managing this learner and content sensitivity.  
Hello and Welcome!

**Beginning August of 2024 I will no longer be teaching classes during the school year months, as I have taken a job teaching full-time at a middle school.  I will still be offering classes in the summer months.  Please reach... 


用於 10 課程
1x 每週, 10 週
60 分鐘

由 8 學習者完成
Ages: 13-18
4-8 每班學員人數

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