

在為期 6 週的入門學習中,學生將探索表演的基礎知識,包括動作、默劇、聲音和即興創作。


6 現場會議
6 上課時間


WEEK ONE:  Our study will begin with a brief introduction and overview of the course including a summary of the history of theatre. From there we will move on to Ourselves - how we are the instruments of expression on stage.  A playwright provides a situation; we give it life!  We will discuss this idea and then engage in exercises - some individually and some in groups - to help us develop self-awareness, the first step in becoming an actor.
WEEK TWO:  Our focus this week will be on Movement.  As actors we use our bodies to express our character. But first we must warm up and train ourselves to be able to develop the physical requirements of acting. We will do some basic exercises then move on to games that will help us use our bodies to explore how movement changes depending on the space and situation.  
WEEK THREE:  This week we will begin experimenting with Pantomime, which is acting without use of the voice, and in most cases, without the use of props or set pieces. Facial expression and body movement become integral to developing authenticity, so we will participate in exercises that will help us develop our imagination in this area.  The class period will end with individuals or groups telling an entire story using only pantomime. Also, various monologues will be introduced that will be used as we progress in the class.
WEEK FOUR:  This week our Voice returns!  So much of acting has to do with the voice; from simply being heard and understood, to bringing a character to life. Did you know there is a proper way to breathe on stage?  Well, there is, and we will discover how that is done. We will also learn just a bit about anatomy as we explore how to make and shape sounds.  Last but not least, we will learn how to express ourselves vocally.  There is much to be said about developing a character based on the pitch, volume, tempo, phrasing, and quality of the voice. We will test these new skills using the selected monologues.
WEEK FIVE:  Improvisation!  Aren't you envious of someone who can get up in front of an audience and appear so calm, even if something goes wrong?  It's because they've mastered the art of improvisation, which means to speak or act without a script.  We will learn how to create dialogue and actions immediately without preparation through participation in drama games both individually and in small groups.  This area of acting will prepare you for life more than you can imagine!
WEEK SIX:  Our final class will review all we have covered in Self-Awareness, Movement, Pantomime, Voice, and Improvisation. The students will then perform their monologues for the class. Break-a-leg everyone!


學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 March, 2020
Hi!  I teach/direct students age 6-college and have been doing that in various positions for over 20 years. The classes I've taught have covered characterization, staging, improvisation, script-writing, etc. 

I am the former Education Director at Germantown Community Theatre, and have also taught/directed high school, junior college, and summer theatre programs.

I absolutely love watching students grow as they participate in theatre.  There is really nothing else that challenges them on so many levels including creativity, critical thinking, self-confidence, teamwork, communication skills, time management, focus, as well as learning about literature, author's intent, and the list goes on...

Decades ago, when I finished my student teaching experience I vowed I would never have anything to do with teaching children again...  Haha!  Never say never :)




用於 6 課程
每週1次,共 6 週
60 分鐘

有7 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-14
6-12 每班學員人數

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