
七年級歷史 - 第二部分

這門為期 16 週的七年級社會研究課程探討了從工業化末期到現代的全球歷史事件,使用各種資源和多媒體工具來豐富學習。
Outschool 新內容


32 現場會議
32 上課時間
Homework is used as a resource for students to deepen their background and understanding of a topic that they will engage with in class. Homework is optional, and feedback or grades for assignments will be provided upon request. I am flexible to work with any accommodations or modifications that may be required. Please reach out to me personally to discuss what is best for your child regarding homework or grades.
Tests are a snapshot of student understanding at a particular moment and are not the ultimate measure of a child's abilities. They serve as markers to identify areas for improvement and to help guide a students' learning journey. Assessments in this course will be take-home and are not mandatory, allowing you to focus on learning at your own pace. Feedback and a grade will be provided, but a cumulative grade will only be offered at parent request.
Assignment feedback will always be provided, but a cumulative grade for a project or the class will be provided at parent request. Parents who request a grade for their child's performance in the course will receive a breakdown of individual assignment grades, and a cumulative end grade for the semester.


英語程度 - 未知
美國 7 年級
In Part II of this year-long social studies course, students will continue to explore major global events, from the World Wars to contemporary global issues. Topics include the World Wars and Interwar Period, the Cold War and Decolonization, and the Contemporary World.

The course is structured into units, with a mix of lectures, discussions, interactive activities, independent assignments, and assessments. I will teach using a combination of multimedia resources, including slides, video clips, primary source documents, and games to keep students actively involved and excited about learning. My teaching style emphasizes inquiry-based learning, encouraging students to ask questions, think critically, and make connections between historical events and the present day.

Meeting twice weekly for an hour, students will have frequent opportunities to interact with me and their peers through both direct instruction from me, as well as group discussions, collaborative projects, and classroom debates. These interactions are designed to foster a supportive learning environment where all students feel comfortable sharing their ideas and perspectives. Additionally, I will provide targeted support and accommodations to ensure that all students can fully participate and succeed in the course.

**This course will begin in January and include two weeks off in March, and will end in May. Specific dates and meeting times are listed in the class sections.**
Students will analyze and evaluate historical events on contemporary society and engage in discussions about civic responsibility, cultural history, and civics
Students will be able to identify and analyze bias in sources


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
3 單位
32 課程
超過 16 週
單位 1: World Wars and the Interwar Period
課 1:
Introduction to the Causes of World War I
 Discuss the complex web of alliances, militarism, imperialism, and nationalism. 
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Key Events of World War I
 Examine significant battles and events that shaped the course of the war. 
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
The Reality of Trench Warfare
 Explore the conditions and strategies of trench warfare. 
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Soldiers' Experiences
 Learn about daily life, challenges, and survival in the trenches. 
60 分鐘線上直播課


This course provides differentiated instruction, including visual aids, interactive activities, and scaffolded assignments to meet diverse learning styles, as well as flexible assessment options, accommodations or modifications as needed.
In Part II of our 7th Grade social studies course, we will explore multiple historical time periods and events that have significantly impacted populations. All discussions and assignments are tailored to be age-appropriate. Some information parents should be aware of includes: World Wars and Interwar Period: We will cover the causes, key events, and outcomes of World War I and World War II, including the Holocaust and its impact on civilians. Discussions will also address the Treaty of Versailles and the rise of totalitarian regimes. Cold War and Decolonization: This unit examines the origins and major events of the Cold War, such as the Berlin Airlift and Cuban Missile Crisis, along with the decolonization movements in Africa and Asia. We will discuss the social and cultural changes during this period, including the Space Race and technological advancements. Contemporary World: Topics include globalization, modern conflicts, terrorism, environmental challenges, and sustainable development. Students will also explore human rights movements, social justice initiatives, and the impact of recent technological advancements on society. These units are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of significant historical events while fostering critical thinking and civic awareness in students.
Students should complete 7th Grade History - Part I before joining this class
已加入 May, 2024
Outschool 新內容
亞利桑那 教學證書 在 小學教育
With an Elementary Education degree, and over ten years of experience teaching middle school, I have developed a deep understanding of engaging students in historical inquiry and critical thinking. My approach incorporates diverse teaching methods, including multimedia resources, interactive activities, and differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all learners. Additionally, my passion for history and commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive classroom environment ensure that students are not only well-informed but also excited about learning.




每週或US$650 用於 32 課程
每週2次,共 16 週
60 分鐘

年齡: 11-14
6-10 每班學員人數

在應用程式商店下載在 Google Play 上取得
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