

for 8 classes

四年級 A 部分,創意互動小學數學...齊心協力,我們能做到!

由 4 位學習者完成
年齡 8-10
數字和十進制,A 部分。 (概念數學產生效率和準確性)
(220 評論)

每週1次,共 8 週
3-9 名學習者(每班)
60 分鐘


8 現場會議
8 上課時間
每週 2-4 小時. Homework will be assigned weekly and I will monitor students between classes, and even communicate with them through the program itself while they are working. I will designate mid-weekly class check-ins. Generally speaking, homework that is assigned on a Monday, for example, would not be due until the following Monday. However, this can be flexible when circumstances require it. Assignments will be differentiated, and there are always ways to remediate, practice grade level concepts, or move ahead.
The student will be assessed by the completion of their assigned online work. Grading is instantaneous and visible by the teacher, as well as by the parents. Missed problems will be explained instantaneously via the program. I can also monitor student work remotely as they work and offer suggestions in real time. This aspect does not require video conferencing. It is done through my digital math platform, a simply awesome feature. That time would be arranged via email and a determined time to watch the student work could be established. There will be no waiting from class to class to see progress. Misconceptions that may result will provide teacher/student dialog in the next class. Again, the classwork will be differentiated. Students who need more time on a concept will receive it. Those who need challenge can move ahead if desired. I will monitor all aspects of success and struggle and parents will be able to see their student's progress as well. Students will be required to strive for an 80% on each learning target that has been taught and then assigned. This demonstrates a baseline of mastery of the concept for the teacher. If desired, students can move beyond 80% as the questions often become more rigorous. A diagnostic aspect of my program will allow me to see areas of strength and weakness and communicate with parents regarding specific points of need or challenge.


英語程度 - 未知
美國 4 年級
Class Experience
This 4th Grade Math course series will benefit students in homeschooling, public, and private settings when they partner with me, their math specialist, for learning, weekly support and success!

No prior knowledge is necessary for this course other than the completion of 4th grade math, or for those entering the 4th grade.  However, students needing remediation, on grade level practice, or above grade level challenge will also benefit from the material that is taught in the these small classes. This course, Numbers and Base Ten, PART A,  is the beginning of several courses that will eventually cover all 5 strands of mathematics required of elementary students in Grade 4.  We will begin with "Numbers and Base Ten-Whole Numbers and Decimals." This course will help students continue to build their number sense, skill, confidence and computational efficiency for further math study and mastery. This class will also be offered for private tutoring, if the minimum enrollment is not met. Private tutoring fees would apply. This is Math You Can Do by Michael Thurman.

What will be Taught

Week 1     This first class is an informational Q and A and an experiential opportunity for students to explore the digital platform that will be used in this course. Students will be given their login credentials to explore my interactive math platform and be taught how to use it.  Students will then have a week of fun diagnostic activities to help determine their math strengths and needs, monitored by me, in order to provide a differentiated and personal approach for each student. Parents will be able to monitor their student's online progress as well. After this introductory class, there will be seven additional classes offered by "Creative, Interactive Math...Together, We Can Do This!" (4th Grade, Numbers and Base Ten, Part A).  

Topics for this course, "Numbers and Base Ten-Whole Numbers and Decimals," are as follows:

Week 2     4.NBT.1 The student will learn to recognize in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right.
Value of a digit (4-A.3)
Relationship between place values (4-A.4)

Week 3     4.NBT.2.a The student will learn to read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names and expanded form.
Place value review (4-A.1)
Convert between standard and expanded form (4-A.2)
Place Value Review (A.7)
Writing numbers up to 100,000 in words: convert words to digits (4-A.10)
Writing numbers up to 100,000 in words: convert digits to words (4-A.11)

Week 4     (Continued from last week) 4.NBT.2.a  The student will learn to read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names and expanded form.
Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert words to digits (4-A.12)
Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert digits to words (4-A.13)
Spell word names for numbers up to one million (4-A.16)
Place value word problems (4-J.1)

Week 5    4.NBT.2.b The student will learn to compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digit in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.
Compare numbers up to one hundred thousand (4-A.25)
Compare numbers up to one million (4-A.26)
And, also this week 4.NBT.3 The student will learn to use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
Rounding: up to millions place (4-A.21)
Rounding input/output tables (4-A.22)
Estimate sums (4-B.10)
Estimate sums: word problems (4-B.11)
Estimate differences (4-C.8)
Estimated differences (4-C.9)

Week 6   (Continued from last week) 4.NBT.3 The student will learn to use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
Estimate products: multiply by 1-digit numbers (4-D.30)
Estimate products: multiply by 2-digit numbers (4-D.31)
Estimate products: word problems (4-D.32)
Divide by 1-digit numbers: pick the better estimate (4-E.25)
Estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients: word problems (4-F.5)

Week 7   4.NBT.4 The student will learn to fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using an algorithm.
Add two numbers up to five digits: word problems (4-B.2)
Add two numbers up to five digits: word problems (4-C.2)
Mentally add and subtract numbers ending in zeros (4-F.16)
Add numbers up to six digits (4)
Add three numbers up to five digits (4)
Subtract numbers up to six digits (4)
Add and subtract numbers up to six digits (4)

Week 8    (Continued from last week)  4.NBT.4 The student will learn to fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using an algorithm.
Add three numbers up to five digits (4)
Subtract numbers up to six digits (4)
Add and subtract numbers up to six digits (4)

*4.NBT.5 and 6 will be offered in a subsequent listing, 4th Grade Part B,  where more specific work will be done with multiplication and division of whole numbers and decimals, a most important concept for 4th grade students.* 

Class Structure

All classes will be small, personal and interactive.   They will be structured, conversational and student-centered with the following format:

1.  Greetings and conversation 
2.  Fact fluency checks (multiplication facts) will be teacher directed.
3.  Computational fluency checks, (computation with all 4 operations) will teacher directed. 

Followed by:
4.  The weekly Topic selected from the Mathematical Strand, "Numbers and Base Ten-Whole Numbers and Decimals," will be introduced and explored. (This 8 week course is foundational work, preparing the student for mastery and efficiency in computation with all 4 operations; add, subtract, multiply and divide, using whole numbers and decimals.) 

Teaching Style

Teacher discussion with lots of guided practice, along with group discussion, which will include games, video clips and an abundance of interaction and practice on my interactive math website will be utilized. Instruction will be nurturing and supportive.  My teaching style is guided by this motto: "Learning takes place over Time. It's all about the Effort!" We will learn to say this together at the beginning and ending of each class.  Remember, parents, productive struggle is an important part of learning.  It's ok when students do. It's a valuable part of the learning process.

5.  Assignments will be given for the upcoming week, which should be completed by the next scheduled class. Class will dismiss after clarification of any points that may be needed.


The goal of this initial class, Week 1, is simply to introduce and learn the format and interactive program which will be used for an 8 week course.  Students will interact, be able to ask questions and gain experience using my interactive program.  I will introduce all aspects of my one hour per week class period; fact fluency, computational fluency and the specific targeted skills for a particular class, and then explain how students can use their interactive math program to practice what they learn between scheduled classes. The following 7 weeks are detailed in "Class Experience."  Subsequent 8 week courses will eventually cover all 5 strands of mathematics: Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Numbers and Base Ten- Whole Numbers and Decimals, Numbers and Base Ten-Fractions, Measurement and Data, and Geometry.  This course can stand alone, provide extra support or be a part of sequential learning, depending on the need or desire. Conceptualization of math topics is always key, producing an outcome of understanding, efficiency and accuracy with computation, using standard algorithms.  Mathematical problem-solving strategies will be taught as well. 

After fact fluency and computation checks (also key learning goals) are completed, the remainder of the class will focus on the concept outlined for the designated week.  Students will develop understanding by working with the teacher.  With my oversight and student/teacher dialogue, the student will be prepared to move forward independently for the assigned homework.  I will monitor student work over the course of the week to ensure that mastery is taking place.  Points of confusion or clarification would be addressed in the next class, if needed.


Paper and pencil is required, of course, and a device to access a student's online subscription (math homework) is needed.  Subscriptions for IXL will be PROVIDED BY ME and included when students enroll with no cost to parents. Students will have access to their IXL subscriptions as long as they are enrolled in my classes that are offered and are actively participating in them.  There are NO books, worksheets, etc. needed; no paperwork to be kept.  Simple, Neat and Mobile!  Take your class with you anywhere you want. There will be a cap size of 7-8 students per class creating an ideal learning environment. There will be continuous, sequential math courses offered by "Creative, Interactive Math...Together, We Can Do This!" Part A Again, these courses could easily provide all of the mathematical training needed for families who homeschool, as well as provide help and support in traditional settings.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:


已加入 May, 2020
肯塔基州 教學證書 在 小學教育
碩士 在 教育 從 University of Minnesota Minneapolis
學士學位 在 音樂或戲劇或藝術 從 Western Kentucky University
Hi, there! My name is Mr. Thurman and I enjoy teaching math. And, at “Math You Can Do” we’re always cooking up some good “recipes” for a tasty math experience! I was a public and private school educator for 36 years, and have experience teaching 3rd through 6th grade math.  I was a principal for 5 years too, but I must say, it is much more fun and rewarding to teach. I have undergraduate degrees in music and in elementary education from Western Kentucky University.  As well, I have a master's degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, and a theology degree from Bethany Global University. I am offering math classes for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders because, for the last 20 years of my career, I have been doing just that, working as a math specialist for intermediate students.  We will be using a fun math program which allows me to teach you, and then monitor your work when we're not in class together, enabling me to see just where I can best help you until we meet again. I can even communicate with you while you are working between our online classes.  And yes, you can and WILL excel in math!! You might even learn to love it! (Conceptual Math producing Efficiency and Accuracy) 

If you had asked me when I was your age, students, if I wanted to be a math teacher when I grew up, I would have said, "NO!"  I had to work hard at math when I was young, and, to be quite honest, I don't think some of my teachers really knew how best to teach the subject.  Here's the big idea I share with my students:  LEARNING TAKES PLACE OVER TIME!  It can't be rushed...especially with math.  Our class motto will be," Learning takes place over time AND it's all about the effort!"

My wife is a music teacher and we have 3 grown daughters.  We played music together as a family for many years and performed 45 concerts in 5 countries in Europe.   Now, we have 9 grandchildren, 4 boys and 5 girls. I have been a professional musician for many years now and play french horn in Orchestra Kentucky of Bowling Green and we perform lots of concerts.  We have a little Yorkie named Sir James Paul McCartney Thurman.  We call him Paul and I don't think he knows he's a dog! 😃



Ms. Maggie M.A. Certified Teacher
US$40 每堂課
Click Tutoring and Learning
US$12 每班
下次會議在 2 PM Monday
1/週, 30 分鐘
Erica Peterson - Licensed Elementary Teacher
US$11 每班
下次會議在 6:15 PM Tuesday
1/週, 30 分鐘
Mariah Certified Teacher & Reading Specialist
US$35 每堂課
Dwight Dunn, Msc. Math, Certified Math Teacher.
US$38 每堂課
Kim Pinard, M.A. Learning and Instruction
US$12 每班
下次會議在 6:15 PM Wednesday
1/週, 30 分鐘
Math Planets
US$55 每堂課
與有執照的數學老師進行 1:1 數學輔導
US$40 每堂課
Dr. M's Math Marvels
US$40 每堂課
Click Tutoring and Learning
US$12 每班
下次會議在 9 PM Fri 3/14
1/週, 30 分鐘
6A 新加坡數學方法:高階數學技巧
Tampa Bay Test Prep - The Math Gift
US$22 每班
下次會議在 10:30 PM Tuesday
1/週, 55 分鐘
數學家教 - 私人數學輔導
Nicole Marie
US$45 每堂課
五年級數學課程 - 五年級數學全年課程
John Tom, MAT, SPED
US$13 每班
18 週, 2/週, 45 分鐘
成為數學大師:每週與認證數學老師進行 1:1 數學輔導
Roxanne Sego
US$50 每堂課
Ms. Emi
US$14 每班
下次會議在 6:30 PM Wed 4/9
1/週, 30 分鐘
Kim Pinard, M.A. Learning and Instruction
US$12 每班
下次會議在 1:15 AM Tuesday
1/週, 30 分鐘