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Teacher Carla (Certified EC-12)
在這個為期6 週的自定進度課程中,我們將使用各種主題,如龍、恐龍、寶可夢、火影忍者、堡壘之夜等來幫助我們學習三年級數學技能(也非常適合家庭學校)(自閉症、過動症、ESL 友善)!


美國等級 2 - 4
Beginner 等級
6 lessons//6 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
3-Digit Addition (using objects and pictures)
Learn how to solve 3-digit addition problems using objects and pictures (without re-grouping) (non-word problems) (dragon theme).
 Week 2
Lesson 2
3-Digit Subtraction (using objects and pictures)
Learn how to solve 3-digit subtraction problems using objects and pictures (non-word problems) (dinosaur theme).
 Week 3
Lesson 3
3-Step Addition (using objects and pictures)
Learn how to solve 3-step addition word problems using objects and pictures (without re-grouping) (Pokemon theme).
 Week 4
Lesson 4
3-Step Subtraction (using objects and pictures)
Learn how to solve 3-step subtraction word problems using objects and pictures (Naruto theme).
 Week 5
Lesson 5
1-Digit Multiplication (using objects and pictures)
Learn how to solve 1-digit (0-9) basic multiplication problems (non-word problems) using objects and pictures (Fortnite theme).
 Week 6
Lesson 6
2-Digit x 1-Digit Multiplication (using objects and pictures)
Learn how to solve 2-digit x 1-digit basic multiplication problems (non-word problems) using objects and pictures (Roblox theme).
I am a certified EC-12 teacher with nearly 10 years of experience teaching math skills to learners.
This class is also great for children with special needs.  The lessons are taught at a slower, more understandable pace (Autism, ADHD friendly).
No pre-reqs required for this class.
 1 註冊後即可取得文件
Learners can use various objects around their home when practicing the math skills that we go over in class. Paper/pencil or anything to write on and write with will be necessary in order to solve the math problems that will be given during class (optional). A link to an online whiteboard will also be provided (can be used for extra practice/completing the learning activities). If the learners would like to use paper/pencil or their own dry-erase board/markers, etc instead of the online whiteboard, they can. All learning activities are optional (they are used for extra practice). Optional: Learners can post pictures of their favorite characters, toys, games, clothing, etc in our classroom each lesson to match the theme.
Parent/s please feel free to offer any additional assistance to your learner if you see him/her struggling to complete any of the learning activities that we go over in class.
About me? Hmm...Let's see.  Where should we start?  Hmm....I know.  Let's take a trip down memory lane to let's say around the last 10-15 years or so.  Kapeesh?  Kapeesh.  Well, for starters I attended and graduated with a Bachelor's of Science... 


每週或US$150 所有內容
6 預錄課程
6 教師支援週
1 年內容存取權

年齡: 7-10

在應用程式商店下載在 Google Play 上取得
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