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英語程度 - 未知
美國 1 年級
Looking for a fun 1st grade math class that your learner will be excited to join each week? Well, look no further! Each class will cover a different 1st grade math topic. Each class, after learning the topics and reinforcing them through practice problems, learners will participate in a fun math game, where they will practice the skills that they just learned, while having fun and engaging in some friendly competition with their fellow classmates! Class Format: ⌛5 minutes: Warm up - as learners join, they will be asked to complete a "minds on" warm-up problem that will start getting them thinking about the the topic of the day ⌛20 minutes: Active learning - The teacher will introduce the topic of the day and present various examples that will be completed both as a group as well as independently for reinforcement ⌛10 minutes: Game! (Blooket or Gimkit) - Learners will reinforce their understanding of the topic of day while having fun! Blooket is "an exciting new take on the modern classroom review game. It aims to match action with education to create the ultimate learning experience!" Blooket has several game modes, which we will alternate through. Some examples include: -> Gold Quest: In this mode, learners will answer questions in a quiz-style format (similar to Kahoot), and when they get a question right, they get to open a gold chest. They will get to choose one of three chests to open - some containing lots of gold, some allowing them to steal gold from other players, and some containing nothing. The player with the most gold at the end of the game wins! -> Fishing Frenzy: Cast, reel, and prepare for lots of surprises! Cast out your line and answer questions quickly to reel in the biggest fish in the whole wide sea. Watch out for catching some crazy things! The player that catches the highest total fish weight wins! Gimkit: is a game show for the classroom that requires knowledge, collaboration, and strategy to win. **For background information on each of the class teachers, please see the "Teacher Expertise" section below. Below are the units that we will cover in this class: 1 Addition and Subtraction Situations 2 Fluency and Strategies Within 10 3 More Addition and Subtraction 4 Add Within 20 5 Subtract Numbers Within 20 6 Count and Subtract Numbers to 120 7 Compare Two-Digit Numbers 8 Add and Subtract Tens 9 Add Two-Digit Numbers 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 11 Represent and Interpret Data 12 Tell Time 13 2D and 3D Shapes 14 Equal Shares Weekly topic breakdowns: SUMMER SECTIONS (June - August 2025): Jun-2 Addition and Subtraction Jun-9 Fluency and Strategies Within 10 Jun-16 More Addition and Subtraction Jun-23 Add Within 20 Jun-30 Subtract Numbers Within 20 Jul-7 Count and Subtract Numbers to 120 Jul-14 Compare Two-Digit Numbers Jul-21 Add and Subtract Tens Jul-28 Add Two-Digit Numbers Aug-4 Measure and Compare Lengths Aug-11 Represent and Interpret Data Aug-18 Tell Time Aug-25 2D and 3D Shapes FULL YEAR SECTIONS (September 2024 - May 2025): Ms. Kristen Calvelo's Classes Sat/Sun 12pm Mo/We 1pm Week of... 9-Sep Addition and Subtraction Situations Solving "Add To" Problems 16-Sep Addition and Subtraction Situations Solving "Put Together" Problems 23-Sep Addition and Subtraction Situations Solving "Take From" Probelms and Compare Problems 30-Sep Addition and Subtraction Situations Solving "Add To" Problems with Change Unknown and Connecting "Put Together" and "Take Apart" Problems 7-Oct Fluency and Strategies Within 10 Adding and Subtracting 0 and Subtracting All 14-Oct Fluency and Strategies Within 10 Adding and Subtracting 1 and Adding Doubles from 1 to 5 21-Oct Fluency and Strategies Within 10 Using Doubles and Adding in Any Order 28-Oct Fluency and Strategies Within 10 Counting On to Add and Counting Back to Subtract 04-Nov Fluency and Strategies Within 10 Use Addition to Subtract and Solve Add to Problems with Start Unknown 11-Nov More Add and Subtract Solve Take from Problems with Change Unknown and Solve Add to Problems with Start Unknown 18-Nov More Add and Subtract Compare Problems Bigger Unknown and Compare Problems Smaller Unknown 25-Nov More Add and Subtract True or False Equations and Find Numbers that make 10 02-Dec Add Numbers within 20 Fact Families and Add Doubles from 6 to 10 09-Dec Add Numbers within 20 Use Doubles within 20 and Count on to Add within 20 16-Dec Add Numbers within 20 Add Three Numbers and Add 3 Numbers by Making a 10 and Add 9 ** No Classes Dec 23 through Jan 3rd ** 06-Jan Add Numbers within 20 Make a 10 to Add and Problem Solving: Addition within 20 13-Jan Subtract Numbers within 20 Problem Solving: Addition within 20 and Count back to Subtract within 20 20-Jan Subtract Numbers within 20 Use Addition to Subtract within 20 and Subtract 9 23-Jan Subtract Numbers within 20 Get to 10 to Subtract and More True and False Equations 03-Feb Subtract Numbers within 20 Make True Equations and Problem Solving: Subtraction within 20 10-Feb Count and Write Numbers to 120 Count to 120 by Ones and Count to 120 by Tens 17-Feb Count and Write Numbers to 120 Compose Numbers 11 to 19, Tens and Tens and Ones 24-Feb Count and Write Numbers to 120 Make Quick Sketches, Understand Place Value, Write Numbers in Different Ways and Count and Write Numbers to 120 03-Mar Compare Two-Digit Numbers Compare Numbers 11 to 19, Compare Numbers, Compare Numbers Using Place Value and Compare Numbers Using Symbols 10-Mar Compare Two-Digit Numbers Compare Numbers Using a Number Line and 1 More, 1 Less; 10 More, 10 Less 17-Mar Add and Subtract Tens Mental Math: 10 More and Mental Math: 10 Less 24-Mar Add and Subtract Tens Add Tens and Add Tens Using a Number Line 31-Mar Add and Subtract Tens Subtract Tens and Subtract Tens Using a Number Line 07-Apr Add and Subtract Tens Use Addition to Subtract Tens and Add Tens to a Number Melissa's Mo/We 6:15pm class: 9-Sep Addition and Subtraction Situations Solving "Add To" Problems 16-Sep Addition and Subtraction Situations Solving "Put Together" Problems 23-Sep Addition and Subtraction Situations Solving "Take From" Probelms and Compare Problems 30-Sep Addition and Subtraction Situations Solving "Add To" Problems with Change Unknown and Connecting "Put Together" and "Take Apart" Problems 7-Oct Fluency and Strategies Within 10 Adding and Subtracting 0 and Subtracting All 14-Oct Fluency and Strategies Within 10 Adding and Subtracting 1 and Adding Doubles from 1 to 5 21-Oct Fluency and Strategies Within 10 Using Doubles and Adding in Any Order 28-Oct Fluency and Strategies Within 10 Counting On to Add and Counting Back to Subtract and Use Addition to Subtract 04-Nov More Add and Subtract Solve Add to Problems with Start Unknown and Solve Take from Problems with Change Unknown 11-Nov More Add and Subtract Compare Problems Bigger Unknown and Smaller Unknown and T/F equations 18-Nov More Add and Subtract Find Numbers that Make 10 and Fact Families 25-Nov Add Numbers within 20 Add Doubles from 6 to 10 and Use Doubles within 20 02-Dec Add Numbers within 20 Count on to Add within 20 and Add Three Numbers 09-Dec Add Numbers within 20 Add 3 Numbers by Making a 10 and Add 9 and Make 10 to Add 16-Dec Add Numbers within 20 Problem Solving: Addition within 20 and Start Unit 5 Count Back to Subtract within 20 ** No Classes Dec 23 through Jan 3rd ** 06-Jan Subtract Numbers within 20 Use Addition to Subtract within 20 and Subtract 9 13-Jan Subtract Numbers within 20 Get to 10 to Subtract and More True or False Equations 20-Jan Subtract Numbers within 20 Make True Equations 27-Jan Subtract Numbers within 20 Problem Solving: Subtract within 20, Count to 120 by ones and Count to 120 by tens 03-Feb Count and Write Numbers to 120 Compose Numbers 11 to 19, Tens 10-Feb Count and Write Numbers to 120 Making Quick Sketches, Understand Place Value and Write Numbers in Different Ways 17-Feb Count and Write Numbers to 120 Count and Write Numbers to 120 and start Unit 7. Compare Numbers 11 to 19 24-Feb Count and Write Numbers to 120 Compare Numbers, Compare Numbers Using Place Value, Compare Numbers Using Symbols and Compare Numbers Using a Number Line 03-Mar Compare Two-Digit Numbers 1 More, 1 Less; 10 More, 10 Less and start unit 8. Mental Math: 10 More 10-Mar Add and Subtract Tens Mental Math: 10 Less and Add Tens 17-Mar Add and Subtract Tens Add Tens Using a Number Line and Subtract Tens 24-Mar Add and Subtract Tens Subtract Tens Using a Number Line and Use Addition to Subtract Tens 31-Mar Add and Subtract Tens Add Tens to a Number and start unit 9. Add Tens and Ones 07-Apr Add Two-Digit Numbers Add Tens and Ones Using a Number Line and Make a 10 to Add Joyce's Tu/Thu 12pm class: 9-Sep Addition and Subtraction Situations Solving "Add To" Problems 16-Sep Addition and Subtraction Situations Solving "Put Together" Problems Addition and Subtraction Situations Solving "Take From" Probelms and Compare Problems 23-Sep Addition and Subtraction Situations Solving "Add To" Problems with Change Unknown and Connecting "Put Together" and "Take Apart" Problems 30-Sep Fluency and Strategies Within 10 Adding and Subtracting 0 and Subtracting All Fluency and Strategies Within 10 and Adding and Subtracting 1 and Adding Doubles from 1 to 5 07-Oct Fluency and Strategies Within 10 Using Doubles and Adding in Any Order Counting On to Add and Counting Back to Subtract and Using Addition to Subtract 14-Oct More Add and Subtract Solve Add to Problems with Start Unknown and Solve Take from Problems with Change Unknown 21-Oct More Add and Subtract Solve Add to Problems with Start Unknown and Compare Problems Bigger Unknown 28-Oct More Add and Subtract Compare Problems Smaller Unknown and True/False Equations 04-Nov More Add and Subtract True/False Equations and Find Numbers that make 10 11-Nov More Add and Subtract Fact Families and Ch.4 Add Doubles from 6 to 10 18-Nov Add Numbers with 20 Use Doubles within 20 and Count on to Add within 20 and Add 3 Numbers 25-Nov Add Numbers within 20 Add 3 Numbers by Making a 10 and Add 9 02-Dec Add Numbers within 20 Make a 10 to Add and Problem Solving: Addition within 20 09-Dec Subtract Numbers within 20 Count Back to Subtract within 20 and Use Addition to Subtract within 20 16-Dec Subtract Numbers within 20 Subtract 9 and Get to 10 to Subtract ** No Classes Dec 23 through Jan 3rd ** 06-Jan Subtract Numbers within 20 More T/F Equations and Make True Equations 13-Jan Subtract Numbers within 20 Problem Solving: Subtracting within 20 and Count to 120 by Ones 20-Jan Count and Write Numbers to 120 Count to 120's by 10s and Compose Numbers 11 to 19 27-Jan Count and Write Numbers to 120 Tens, Tens & Ones and Make Quick Sketches 03-Feb Count and Write Numbers to 120 Understand Place Value and Write Numbers in Different Ways 10-Feb Count and Write Numbers to 120 Count and Write Numbers to 120 and Start Unit 7. Compare Numbers 11 to 19 17-Feb Compare Two-Digit Numbers Compare Numbers, Compare Numbers Using Place Value and Compare Numbers Using Symbols 24-Feb Compare Two-Digit Numbers Compare Numbers Using a Number Line and More, 1 Less; 10 More, 10 Less 03-Mar Add and Subtract Tens Mental Math: 10 More and Mental Math: 10 Less 10-Mar Add and Subtract Tens Add Tens and Add Tens Using a Number Line 17-Mar Add and Subtract Tens Subtract Tens and Subtract Tens Using a Number Line 24-Mar Add and Subtract Tens Use Addition to Subtract Tens and Add Tens to a Number 31-Mar Add Two-Digit Numbers Add Tens and Ones and Add Tens and Ones Using a Number Line 07-Apr Add Two-Digit Numbers Make a 10 to Add and Add Two-Digit Numbers **We will continue to keep this breakdown up to date so that you can always see the upcoming topics 4 weeks out**
We will sometimes be using for our classes. Learners will be provided with a code to join in class, there is no need to create an account.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
5 老師有教師資格證
非美國 教學證書
非美國 教學證書 在 健康/體育
非美國 教學證書 在 小學教育
非美國 教學證書 在 科學
非美國 教學證書 在 中學教育
非美國 教學證書 在 數學
3 位教師有研究生學歷
碩士 在 數學 從 York University
碩士 由 University of Toronto
碩士 在 數學 從 McMaster University
13 老師擁有學士學位
學士學位 在 教育 從 University of Calgary
學士學位 在 教育 從 University of Manitoba
學士學位 由 Mount Royal University
學士學位 在 土木工程 從 The University of Western Ontario
學士學位 在 數學 從 Simon Fraser University
學士學位 在 數學 從 University of Toronto
學士學位 在 教育 從 University of Lethbridge
學士學位 在 音樂或戲劇或藝術 從 University of Lethbridge
學士學位 在 數學 從 University of British Columbia Okanagan
學士學位 在 科學 從 University of Toronto
學士學位 在 數學 從 Simon Fraser University
學士學位 在 教育 從 Saint Francis Xavier University
學士學位 在 科學 從 Dalhousie University
學士學位 在 數學 從 McMaster University
學士學位 由 University of New Brunswick
學士學位 在 教育 從 University of New Brunswick
Ms. Melissa Barrow (Certified Teacher):
My name is Melissa Barrow. I am a former early childhood educator and I'm currently a certified elementary teacher in Ontario, Canada. I am a former classroom teacher who has moved to 1-on-1 and small group online classes to help further support students who need it. I enjoy finding new strategies and games to engage students in their learning. I like to support students in learning how to use the resources around them to help support their learning and further their independence.
Mr. Christian Calvelo (Certified Teacher):
Christian discovered his love for teaching when he was 17 years old as a private piano instructor. From there, he pursued a Business Management diploma from SAIT while tutoring Economics and went on to manage his own small business for 5 years. After gaining a breadth of knowledge in that field, Christian decided to get back into teaching and completed a three streamed degree (Kinesiology, Political Science, Sociology) as well as an Education degree from the University of Lethbridge.
He has over a decade of teaching experience and has taught Math to students of all ages. Christian has a passion for teaching Mathematics as he loves bringing a real-world connection to his students. He believes that finding ways to make learning fun is important for students to find passion and reach their full potential.
Outside of the online classroom, Christian teaches Elementary students, continues to teach Piano and Guitar, is a certified basketball referee, and loves to collect pinball machines.
Ms. Joyce Mendoza (Certified Teacher):
Hello, my name is Joyce. I received my Bachelor of Education from the University of Calgary specializing in Elementary Mathematics with a minor in Anthropology as I also enjoy learning about different cultures and societies. In addition, I have experience in Early Childhood Education and have worked with children with a wide range of different learning abilities. With over 15 years in the field of Education I believe that students maximize and enjoy learning when they realize they can apply what was learned in the classroom to their everyday lives outside the classroom to make their educational journey that much more meaningful.
It is my goal to make learning math an interactive and enjoyable experience while providing support to each and every student.
Outside of the math classroom, I also teach piano and love spending time outdoors with my family, especially with my kids. We enjoy going on long drives away from the city and frequently visit the mountains and go hiking, kayaking and sightseeing.
Ms. Kristen Calvelo:
Hello, my name is Kristen. Starting out as an educational assistant, I gained a love for working with children and helping them develop confidence and find excitement in fully embracing their academic potential. Following my time as an educational assistant, I pursued one of my many other passions, interior design. After receiving my Bachelor of Interior Design degree and working in the industry for several years, I’m ready to get back into instilling confidence in young learners’ abilities!
Making learning relevant, meaningful, and enjoyable for my students is of utmost importance, as motivated and excited students make the best learners.
Outside of teaching, I enjoy baking, getting outside when I can, and spending quality time with my husband and our many pets. I hope to see you in my class!
Mind over Math - Tutoring and Group Classes 建議接下來的課程...
二年級數學完整課程 |讓我們盡情享受吧!
Mind over Math - Tutoring and Group Classes
2/週, 35 分鐘
Mind over Math - Tutoring and Group Classes的其他課程
Mind over Math - Tutoring and Group Classes的其他課程
Teacher Tawny-M.A. Teaching
下次會議在 3:45 PM Wed 4/2
1 週, 1/週, 30 分鐘
"Senoria Little| K-12 Literacy Specialist"
下次會議在 9 PM Mon 6/2
8 週, 2/週, 25 分鐘
早期教育卓越 (EEE)
Ms. T (Tiffany Thornton)
早期學習者 1:1 私人輔導(每週)
Leigh Fitzsimmons, (Science & STEM)
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
1:1 早期幹預,針對 4-9 歲兒童:注意力不足過動症與神經多樣性輔導
Teacher Ivy - Cultivating Clarity and Focus
Nicole Werbicki
1:1 早期學習者輔導
Dani Schreffler
早期幼兒園基礎 - 每週 3 次,共 16 週 - 出色的家庭教育助手
Mrs. Amy O'Connor TESOL
下次會議在 3 PM Tue 8/12
16 週, 3/週, 55 分鐘
Ms. Angie (B.A. in Early Childhood Education)
下次會議在 7 PM Sunday
1/週, 25 分鐘
Betty Nilssen
下次會議在 8:30 PM Tue 4/1
為早期學習者提供初級閱讀樂趣(5 週)
Ms. Dena-B.A. Psychology, Early Childhood Educ.
下一堂課明天 7 PM
5 週, 1/週, 30 分鐘
學術加速器:幼兒綜合 1:1 強化輔導
Miss Kate - EdS in Early Childhood
為學前班做好準備 |為早期學習者帶來歡樂的圈子時光
Carissa G
下次會議在 1:30 PM Monday
2/週, 20 分鐘
Betty Nilssen
下次會議在 5 PM Fri 4/11