
1:1 課程:Adobe Illustrator™ 初學者專案 - 蛋糕和甜點! #1

在這個一對一、兩節課的技術課程中,學生將學習如何使用桌面版圖形軟體 Adobe Illustrator™ 創建簡單的基於向量的蛋糕或甜點插圖。
Mrs. Hilton


2 現場會議
2 上課時間
每週 1-2 小時. Students will benefit from continuing to practise their skills outside of the classroom. Adobe Illustrator™ cannot be learnt fully in a few hours and students are advised to experiment and explore the tools. Students can continue to extend their designs further in the following class if they wish.


In this private 2-session class, students will learn how to begin to create a simple, vector-based illustration of a cake or sweet treat using the desktop version of Adobe Illustrator™. Students will be shown how to use a range of tools to begin to create their own version of the artwork. It is anticipated that students will continue to work on the project outside of the classroom time. 

Students will be introduced the desktop (PC or MAC) version of Adobe Illustrator™. 

Students will cover the following in the 2 sessions:
•	Setting up the Artboard and Canvas
•	Becoming confident with the Interface and Properties window
•	Creating and editing shapes, (transform, scale, skew and rotate)
•	Strokes, Fills and Gradients
•	Using the Pencil and Pen tools 
•	Group and Selecting objects
•	Using Layers

This two-session class is suitable for beginners, but it is recommended that students familiarize themselves with the main Adobe Illustrator™ interface before class and make sure they are confident opening and saving Illustrator files. Although this class can be completed using a mouse to draw, students may find it easier to create shapes if they have access to a graphics tablet with pen. There are lots of inexpensive drawing tablets available such as the WACOM™ tablet. Students who prefer to use a graphics tablet need to ensure that it is compatible with Adobe Illustrator™ and that it is installed before the start of class. 

Adobe Illustrator™ is a complex but exciting drawing package – students need to have realistic expectations about their level of achievement within the sessions and are welcome to use the classroom messaging system for further guidance if needed after the class. Students will find it easier to follow the demonstrations if they can watch on a different device or screen to the one they are working on. 

If students wish to continue to build on their skills, they can choose to join the next session, which will continue to create more cake-based artwork!  Adobe Illustrator™ Beginners Project - More Cakes and Sweet Treats! #2
Students will be able to use the main Adobe Illustrator™ tools to create their own version of the project task. Students will be given guidance on how develop their designs further outside of the classroom.


This class requires students to have the desktop version Adobe Illustrator™ installed on their PC or MAC. Parents will need to create an account and download the software - a free trial is available at https://www.adobe.com/uk/products/illustrator/free-trial-download.html Eligible students can purchase the Adobe Creative Cloud at a discounted cost. Parents can find details at https://www.adobe.com/uk/creativecloud/buy/students.html
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
已加入 February, 2021
非美國 教學證書 在 中學教育
學士學位 由 University of Surrey
I have been fortunate to have been involved in education services for over 30 years and have extensive experience delivering classroom-based lessons and online digital e-learning packages to both schools and home educated students. I have taught, as a qualified teacher, in mainstream schools for 20 plus years, and hold a Post Graduate Certificate in Education. I really enjoy teaching digital i-Media and like to spend my free time creating digital content and digital art. 




每週或US$90 用於 2 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 2 週
60 分鐘

有3 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 12-15

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