
세계 중학교 지리학에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 즐거운 시간 보내세요!**2학기

2학기 중 2학기 동안 경험이 풍부한 지리 교사와 함께하세요: 유머, 맞춤형 Kahoots, 대화형 지도, 분석, 소그룹 채팅. 선불/주 단위로 지불하세요. 시작일에 등록하거나 나중에 등록하세요. 나선형 커리큘럼 - 자주 기술을 재검토합니다.
Miss Mollie Geography & Social Studies Writing
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

18 라이브 미팅
15 수업시간
주당 1시간. Homework assignments will be made available for students interested in extending their learning. Some examples include map practice, research projects, art projects or short writing assignments where students establish a claim and defend it with evidence from sources. Teacher comments on student projects are provided.
Various assessment methods are used: such as: Evaluate discussion Evaluate homework assignments Score on Kahoot game quiz
Progress Report
Students receive a report at the end of each unit showing attendance, completed projects and teacher comments. Students complete a Kahoot concept game at the end of each unit which serve two goals: review and formative assessment. Grades can be provided upon request.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어레벨 - B1
미국 5 - 8 학년
레벨 Intermediate
Come by weekly to learn Middle School Geography of the World, Semester 2. This class will open minds to the way various people live and how they solve problems, as well as where they live around the world. Beginning in the Fall, Semester 1 is offered in a separate class listing, meeting goals for middle school geography.  Semester 2, this listing, is available for enrollment on Outschool, scheduled to begin at the end of Semester 1. The topic for each weekly class is listed below, with more detail in the section "Syllabus".  Students can join at any time and fully participate in class, as long as there is an open spot.  There is no prerequisite for Semester 2. The curriculum follows a spiraling study plan, where key skill and vocabulary concepts introduced, then reviewed periodically.

NOTE:   See reviews of this class in the 'ongoing' or Enrichment/Club OS format, an older OS format, titled: " Welcome to Middle School Geography of the World - Have Fun With That! "  Beginning in Fall of 2024, the class is converted to the new OS format for "Full Course".  This allows parents to pay for the semester 'up front' at the time of enrollment, which automatically offers a discount.  Or, parents may pay on a week to week basis, join the class at any time and pause participation as their schedule may require.

Students at this level don't just master specific locations when studying Geography.  They dig deeper to figure out deeper meaning.  This is the fun part of learning. It helps us reflect on why we are learning and how we can use this learning to enrich our own life experience. In addition to building skills to determine  meaning, students have fun  mastering 'geography trivia' which we definitely will dive into.  The way people live and their various perspectives is interesting to our middle schoolers.  Actually, that is probably interesting to most of us!  So, we will look into social systems people use, including political, economic and cultural features.  Often our Outschool students come to us from all around North American and as far away as Australia, bringing first hand knowledge of  World Geography to share. 

Our class is organized to introduce ideas, discuss and share reactions. We will have some fun with geography jokes and games designed to apply new ideas in a comfortable, non-stress space.  Our brain researchers tell us that students are better able to process information if they are comfortable. Humor can help open that higher level thinking that we find most rewarding.  Each unit wraps up with a rousing Kahoot game quiz.  A handout is provided for this review game.

The syllabus for our upcoming classes in Semester 2 is shown below, totalling 18 classes. Our focus topics for each week are listed below, including both Semester 1 and Semester 2.  In Semester 1, we begin with maps, then look at the continents and regions throughout the year, as follows:  Europe, Russia and its neighbors, Middle East, South Asia, East and SE Asia.  In Semester 2, the Syllabus includes:  Australia, Africa, South America, North America.  For more detail on each topic, search Outschool for for classes offered by Miss Mollie -  Outschool Classes titled:  Middle School Geography of the World Part 1 through 10.   

Semester 1 Syllabus (See class lising at https://outschool.com/search?q=world+geography+have+fun+with+that&refuid=IShr82YK )
Week 1 Mapping Skills 1
Week 2 Mapping Skills 2
Week 3  Mapping Skills 3
Week 4 Mapping Skills 4 & Kahoot 
Week 5 Europe 1
Week 6 Euroope - focus UK - 2
Week 7 Europe - focus Germany - 3
Week 8 Europe - focus student choice      
     & Kahoot - 4
Week 9 Russia & Neighbors 1
Week 10 Russia & Neighbors 2
Week 11 Russia & Neighbors 3
Week 12 Russia & Neighbors 4 -Current Event Student Choice & Kahoot
Week 13 Middle East 1
Week 14 Middle East 2
Week 15 Middle East 3
Week 16 Middle East 4
Week  17 South Asia 1
Week 18 South Asia 2
Week 19 South Asia 3
Week 20 South Asia 4
End Semester 1

Semester 2:  See Syllabus in this class posting for Units and Lessons 

Classes offer regular homework assignments for students interested in practicing and extending their learning.  Some examples include map practice, research projects, art projects.    Homework may include writing assignments where students establish a claim and defend it with evidence from sources.  I believe in providing opportunities to share and discuss assignments. I also provide written feedback, emphasizing strengths and opportunities for improvement. At the end of each 4 class unit parents are provided with a progress report that tallies attendance and completed projects.
학습 목표
Students will demonstrate thinking skills:  chronology, statistical analysis, map interpretation,  source analysis. and constructing effective arguments using evidence.

National Geography Standards addressed in this class:

4	The physical and human characteristics of places	    Places and Regions
5	That people create regions to interpret Earth's complexity	Places and Regions
9	The characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on Earth's surface	Human Systems
11	The patterns and networks of economic interdependence on Earth's surface	Human Systems
13	How the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of Earth's surface	Human Systems
15	How physical systems affect human systems	       Environment and Society   
18	How to apply geography to interpret the present and plan for the future.	The Uses of Geography
학습 목표

강의 계획서

5 단위
18 레슨
18 주 이상
단위 1: China and Southeast Asia
수업 1:
China & SE Asia: Physical Geography
 Physical Features  &  their relationship to political boundaries  over time, point of view map skill, population patterns 
50 분 온라인 라이브 레슨
수업 2:
Location & Regions
 Major Regions - The Power of Place - Hot Spots 
50 분 온라인 라이브 레슨
수업 3:
Political, Economic and Social Topics
 History, Traditions and Economics 
50 분 온라인 라이브 레슨
수업 4:
Current Issues & Kahoot Review
 China in Today’s World :  Trade & Economy (with source analysis), Student Projects & Kahoot Challenge 
50 분 온라인 라이브 레슨

그 외 세부 사항

학습 요구
Each unit offers handouts on major concepts & vocabulary, a pre-teaching tool. Students build familiarity with topics & skills before, during and after class; use practice links with interactive maps; choices for differentiated homework.
학부모 가이드
Homework assignments are provided and encouraged but are not required for participation. For source material, students may access one or more of the following sites. These sites offer useful resources and give our students an opportunity to practice map skills, gather research information and extend their learning. For on-line best practice, students should use the link to a resource provided in our classroom. No membership or sign up is required to access the links provided in class. Seterrra https://online.seterra.com/en/vgp/3007 (an online map practice & quiz game) Encyclopedia Britannica https://www.britannica.com/ (a prominent and well respected research tool ) Britannica For Kids Ducksters https://www.ducksters.com/ (a social studies resource for elementary and middle school students. Ducksters.com is certified by the kidSAFE Seal Program.) Read more at: https://www.ducksters.com/about.php Mr. Donn https://www.mrdonn.org/ A site for teachers and students, this site is recognized by the BBC Educational Guide: ""This is an excellent resource for students and teachers of ancient history." Smithsonian Science Education https://ssec.si.edu/ This US Government institution describes the site as "the website of the Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC), the only organization at the Smithsonian Institution that is solely dedicated to formal K-12 Education." Quizlet https://quizlet.com/ (This is a quiz site that allows us to offer practice quizzes tailored to our topic). History For Kids https://www.historyforkids.net/about-us.html This site is designed to serve K-8 age range. Privacy statement asserts that no personal information is collected unless user voluntarily provides it to secure a service. World Atlas. https://www.worldatlas.com/ (This is fact based atlas of maps and other geographical information. The material is presented in a format suitable to middle school. The Privacy Policy states that no personal data is collected.) .
사전 요구 사항
No prerequisites for the class. Students are introduced to a range of skills and concepts. Instruction follows a 'spiralling' curriculum plan, where the teacher reviews concepts & skills as they appear and reappear in later meetings.
가입일: August, 2020
135수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증
메릴랜드 교직증명서 사회/역사에
석사 학위 George Washington University부터
학사 학위 역사 Trinity University of Washington D.C.에서
 Certified as a Social Studies Teacher in my state,  I have taught Social Studies (including World Geography) for over 18 years, primarily at the Middle School level.  My classes have had lots of fun and engagement with World Geography, delving into the wonders of 'oh so slightly' familiar cultures, as well as cultures that are dramatically different from the West.   Students sparkle when engaging in special projects, conversations, Kahoot Challenges, interactive games and other teaching practices designed to help our students  enjoy becoming a master of their own learning. Master's Degree (Public Policy), Bachelor's Degree (History), Teaching Certificate (State of Maryland) :  Social Studies, History, Middle School Language Arts, 30 credits beyond Master's Degree.


라이브 그룹 코스


또는 18 회 수업에₩270
18주 동안 주당 1회

33 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
실시간 화상 수업
연령: 10-14
수업당 학습자 2-6 명

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