
수학 농담과 수수께끼 6학년: 음수

양수와 음수의 덧셈, 뺄셈, 곱셈, 나눗셈을 포함한 6학년 음수에 대해 배우고 수업당 하나의 농담이나 수수께끼에 대한 답을 찾는 동안 몇 가지 문제를 해결해 보세요!
Kim Pinard, M.A. Learning and Instruction
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:
인기 선생님

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

사전 녹화된 수업 6개
3 주
교사 지원 기간(주)
학습 내용 이용 기간
Students are given 1 assignment (printable/page) per lesson, which are self-correcting. Answers are shown at the end of class if students would like to check answers.
Per request, I can send a unit assessment.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 5 - 7 학년
Do you like jokes and riddles? Do you like to solve riddles and jokes while doing your math page? Then this class is for you!

This self-paced grade 6 math class includes 2 lessons and 2 printables (worksheets) each week, for a total of 6 classes and 6 printables! Each lesson consists of a video that is 9-15 minutes long and a printable. In the video, I will clearly explain the math concept, model the math concept, and give you a time to try the math concept. Parents or children should pause the video at this time, complete the math examples, then unpause to watch the steps for the answer. After that, it is independent work time, where you will pause the video to complete the math joke or riddle page. Pages are self-correcting, so you can check your answers with the answer to the joke or riddle as you complete the page. Answers are also shown at the end of the video. All of the riddles and jokes are spring related in this class, and cover sixth grade math standards.

The total time for each lesson will range from 20-35 minutes, depending on the pace of your child and the difficulty of the math concept.

Concepts included are:
lesson 1: Introduction to negative numbers
lesson 2: Adding positive and negative numbers
lesson 3: Subtracting positive and negative numbers
lesson 4: Problem solving with positive and negative numbers
lesson 5: Multiplying positive and negative numbers
lesson 6: Dividingwith positive and negative numbers 

Direct, explicit instruction and Singapore math methods are used to teach the concepts.

The following 3 courses will give a student a complete math curriculum for the first trimester of 6th grade:
Math Jokes & Riddles 6: Exponents, Order of Operations, and Decimals
Math Jokes & Riddles 6: Multiply and Divide Fractions
Math Jokes & Riddles 6: Negative Numbers

Please note: This is a self-paced class. All videos and lessons are pre-recorded and there are no live lessons.
학습 목표
Students will write and compare negative numbers.
Students will add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative numbers.
학습 목표

강의 계획서

Teacher-Created 커리큘럼 기반
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)에 맞춰짐
6 레슨
3 주 이상
수업 1:
Introduction to Negative Numbers
 Students will write, compare, and order positive and negative numbers. 
14 분의 동영상 강의
수업 2:
Adding Negative Numbers
 Students will add positive and negative numbers, with or without a number line. 
9 분의 동영상 강의
수업 3:
Subtracting Negative Numbers
 Students will subtract positive and negative numbers, with or without a number line. 
11 분의 동영상 강의
수업 4:
Problem Solving with Negative Numbers
 Students will write negative numbers then use number lines to solve word problems with positive and negative numbers. 
12 분의 동영상 강의

그 외 세부 사항

학습 요구
This class uses direct, explicit instructions to teach your child step by step. There is an opportunity during the lesson to pause the video and try on your own, as well as self-correcting pages. Students can follow along at their own pace.
학부모 가이드
수업 자료
pencil printables (provided)
가입일: October, 2022
34수강 후기
인기 선생님
교사 전문성 및 자격증
캘리포니아 교직증명서 초등 교육에
캘리포니아 교직증명서 특수 교육에
석사 학위 교육 University of San Francisco에서
학사 학위 교육 Central Connecticut State University에서
I have a master’s degree in Learning and Instruction as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education.  I taught general education and special education classes for seven years before becoming a homeschooling mom. I have taught all grade levels 1-6 mathematics, for both general education students and special needs students.  I am a member of the Council for Exceptional Children, as well as have teacher certification for both general education and special education in the state of California.


자율 학습 과정


지불 또는 모든 콘텐츠를 ₩30에 이용
6 사전 녹화 레슨
3 교사 지원 기간(주)
시작일 선택 가능
1년간 콘텐츠 이용 가능

시작일 선택 가능
연령: 10-13

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