
분수 익히기 - 5학년 및 6학년을 위한 복습 과정

이 복습 과정은 학습자가 12주 동안 주 2회 만나 분수의 작동 방식을 복습하고, 연습하고, 실제로 이해하게 되는 복습 과정입니다. 학습자는 진분수, 대분수, 가분수를 변환하는 네 가지 연산을 다룹니다.
Paula Reid
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

24 라이브 미팅
12 수업시간
주당 1시간. Follow-up home activities may be given at times throughout the course
숙련도 평가
Feedback given during lesson activities and exercises
Learners will be assessed throughout the course via different lesson activities and exercises. Standard grades are not given.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어레벨 - A2
미국 5 - 6 학년
Sometimes a learner just doesn't get it the first or even second time around. This is a review course for learners who have studied the concept of fractions but need a review and practice to really master those concepts. 

What are fractions really? Why do learners need to know how to work fractions? How do fractions apply to a learner's every day life? Well, these are questions that will be asked and answer in this course.

This is a review course where learners will meet 2X a week for 12 weeks to review, practice and get a real understanding of how fractions work. 

Mastering Fractions - A Review Course for Grades 5 & 6 is great for learners who have some existing knowledge of fractions who may need a review, a better understanding of fractions and who want or need to master the concepts of fractions, what they really are,  how they work and how to solve them.

Learners can begin at any time and repeat this course as many times as needed.

*** Parent NOTE: When enrolling your learner, please be sure to check out the Supply List below and have your learner bring a magnetic white board, markers, eraser and magnetic manipulatives to the first class so they're ready to work. 

For instructional purposes, cameras and mics must be in working condition and on at all times throughout the duration of each lesson.

Build your confidence today in math as you gain a solid foundation and understanding of fractions and how to solve them in Mastering Fractions - A Review Course for Grades 5 & 6.

Mastering Decimals - A Review Course for Grades 5 & 6 is also available. https://outschool.com/classes/mastering-decimals-a-review-course-for-grades-5-6-In9Mv2Lx?refuid=ZvKivPMt

1:1 Ongoing Private MATH Tutoring for Grades 4-6 [50 Minutes] is also available. Request a time that fits your learner's schedule to get started today.
학습 목표
⧩ Learners will gain a clear understanding of what fractions are 
⧩ Learners will learn how to think through and solve fraction equations [NO calculators]  
⧩ Learners will add, subtract, multiply & divide fractions with confidence
학습 목표

강의 계획서

Teacher-Created 커리큘럼 기반
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)에 맞춰짐
24 레슨
12 주 이상
수업 1:
What Is a Fraction?
 Equal Parts, Fraction Words, Parts of a A Whole 
30 분 온라인 라이브 레슨
수업 2:
What Is a Fraction?
 Parts of a Set, Number Line 
30 분 온라인 라이브 레슨
수업 3:
Understanding Fractions
 Writing fractions, Representing Fractions with Magnetic Fraction Manipulatives 
30 분 온라인 라이브 레슨
수업 4:
Understanding Fractions
 Fraction terminology [vocabulary], Fraction Word Problems 
30 분 온라인 라이브 레슨

그 외 세부 사항

학부모 가이드
*** Parent NOTE: When enrolling your learner, please be sure to check out the Supply List below and have your learner bring a magnetic white board, markers, eraser and magnetic manipulatives to the first class so they're ready to work. For academic and instructional purposes, cameras and mics must be in working condition and on at all times throughout the duration of each lesson. No calculators for this course.
수업 자료
⧩Thinking caps / active awake brain ⧩Magnetic dry erase board [suggested size: 11X 14] that can be hand-held ⧩Dry erase markers [suggest colors black, blue, green, purple, red; dark colors only] ⧩Dry eraser [an old clean sock works] ⧩Simply magic 166 PCS Magnetic Fractions Strips & Tiles [available at education stores or online at Amazon] ⧩Paper & pencil ⧩Worksheets provided by Instructor
Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
아웃스쿨 사이트의 기능 외 별도의 앱이나 웹 사이트를 사용할 필요가 없습니다.
가입일: January, 2023
36수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증
Being an educator for forty + years, I've taught all subjects to students K-8 which included math classes at all levels. I've taught special needs students and designed full curriculum for K-12 students. In addition, I have taught students online for seven years. When I was a young student, I thought I didn't like math because any thing above addition and subtraction seemed a little hard for me. The truth was, I didn't understand the fundamentals of math operations, even though I could calculate and get the right answers every time when adding or subtracting. This is why I am so passionate about learners understanding the concept and relationship to numbers and operations, because once they understand that, learners can build on the basic fundamentals taught and excel in Math and really begin to love it as I do now.


라이브 그룹 코스


또는 24 회 수업에₩384
12주 동안 주당 2회

실시간 화상 수업
연령: 10-12
수업당 학습자 3-8 명

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