
화성: 심층적으로 탐구하는 붉은 행성

이 우주 수업에서 학생들은 태양계에서 가장 인기 있는 행성인 화성의 대기, 지형, 특징과 위성에 대해 탐구합니다.
Terry Barber
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

1 라이브 미팅
55 분 수업시간
Students will be assessed through a student activity.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 4 - 7 학년
Students will learn in depth about Mars, including its geography, atmosphere, and various surface features, including the Olympus Mons and Tharsis Montes volcanoes as well as the Valles Marineris. As students learn about Mars's surface features, they will discover how Olympus Mons compares to Mount Everest and how the Valles Marineris compares to the Grand Canyon. They will also get to see what Olympus Mons looks like from space as well as receiving a brief geology lesson about the Red Planet. After the Grand Tour, students will have a chance to share ideas for an exploration mission on the first crewed mission to Mars, such as what areas of Mars they would like to explore. A slide show with all kinds of cool pictures helps bring the Red Planet to life as they learn about our farthest neighbor in the Inner Solar System.

The class will begin with a warmup activity, followed by a presentation on Mars, and then a student activity. They will be encouraged to ask questions and comment during the class. Participation is encouraged as it helps enhance the class experience. If students do not feel comfortable participating verbally, they are free to participate on the chat.

I will give an in-depth discussion on the planet, Mars, sharing an overview of the planet, a history of the exploration of the Red Planet, as well as what the weather and atmosphere are like on the planet, and descriptions of some of the notable formations on the surface of Mars. I will do a warm-up to help hook students beforehand. Students will do a student activity afterward in which they will imagine themselves walking on Mars. They will share about where they will go on the planet and why.

Students will be able to interact with me during the warm-up, presentation and student activity. They are free to ask questions and comment during the class. Participation is highly encouraged. They can share on chat if they do not feel comfortable sharing verbally if they wish to do so.

Students are encouraged to bring a love of space and astronomy and, of course, a desire to learn about Mars, the mysterious Red Planet.
학습 목표
Students will learn about the history of the exploration of Mars.
Students will learn about the weather conditions on Mars.
Students will learn about different surface features on Mars.
Students will learn some basic facts about the moons of Mars.
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

학부모 가이드
Students will be accessing NASA websites during the student activity. No accounts need to be created.
수업 자료
Students should bring paper and a pen or pencil for taking notes to the class.
Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
이 수업에서는 아웃스쿨 교실 외에도 다음의 툴을 사용합니다:
가입일: April, 2020
496수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증
I have experience as a substitute teacher who is experienced in Multiple Subjects, including English, Math, Humanities, Social Studies, and Science. The subject of space is a passion of mine. I love the Solar System, the stars, and everything related to astronomy. There is a beauty to the planets, the stars and all things related to space that I hope to teach students. I look forward to teaching your children.


실시간 일회성 수업
회당 수업료


1회 수업

234 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
실시간 화상 수업
연령: 9-14
수업당 학습자 1-9 명

아웃스쿨 소개
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