
레벨 2 주식 시장 캠프 - 새로운 거래 전략으로 더 많은 $$를 벌어보세요

학생들은 필수 과목인 초보자 수업을 바탕으로 ETF, 공매도, 배당 투자, 뮤추얼 펀드 등을 포함한 더욱 진보된 거래 전략과 투자 기법을 배우게 됩니다! 이 여름 캠프는 Kornberg 선생님의 레벨 2 주식 수업과 정확히 동일한 내용이지만 학교 방학 기간 동안 진행됩니다. (일년 중 나머지 기간 동안 6주 동안 주 1회씩 진행되는 레벨 2 수업 링크는 다음과 같습니다. https://outschool.com/classes/stock-market-simulation-level-2-new-trading-strategies-and-more-picking-winners-with-dollar100k-virtual-cash-ages-9-13-8A6S1hxA#us0zspUYC3)
Lisa Kornberg
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:
인기 수업

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

6 라이브 미팅
5 시간 30 분 수업시간
주당 1-2시간. Students should actively follow the stock market and their simulation portfolios. Checking how their investments are doing once a day and finding out why (company and economic news and events) is an important skill to learn for real life investing. A goal is set after each class so students have a framework as to what is expected and how they can get the most value and fun from the investment simulation.
Certificate of Completion
A personalized certificate of specific accomplishment and course completion will be provided.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

Get $10 off this course with coupon code KORNBSEPTOCT10 until Oct 31, 2024.

Please note that this Level 2 Stock Market  Camp includes the same content as my "Stock Market Simulation Level 2: New Trading Strategies" course which is offered once a week for 6 weeks . That course has been completed by over 300 learners. You can read the 58 five star reviews I received from parents/students for that class by clicking on the link to the Outschool course listing: https://outschool.com/classes/stock-market-simulation-level-2-new-trading-strategies-and-more-picking-winners-with-dollar100k-virtual-cash-ages-9-13-8A6S1hxA#us0zspUYC3

This is the LEVEL 2 Stock Market Camp and it requires completion of my beginner course or prior stock market knowledge (Indexes, fundamental stock research, company profits). 

You'll build on what you learned in the Level 1 class and learn to apply more advanced investment and trading strategies stock market investing.  Start with $100K in virtual cash and then put your new trading skills to work using ETFs, short selling, crypto currencies, and dividend investing! Compete with your classmates and me as you try to trade your way to the top!  This is a fun and risk-free way to experience value investing, fundamental stock analysis, and even day trading!.  You'll make trades of real stocks in real-time in a virtual environment and see your profits and losses each day.

This is the Level 2 Stock Market Investment Class.  What if you don't know anything about stocks?  No worries!  I recommend taking the Level 1 basic class first where you will learn what a stock is, how to buy and sell stocks in the simulator, and how to pick great stocks to invest in. The Level 2 class goes deeper into stock analysis, value investing, mutual funds, and how time the market to maximized profits when buying and selling stock or this class.  We will use a case study of a popular company to show how and why stock prices change over time and how to profit from these changes.

This class uses an easy-to-use simulation that imitates the real-life workings of the stock market.  Students can track the profits and losses of their stock investments each day. This class is interactive, not lecture-based, so students will have the opportunity to discuss, share trading experiences, and ask questions.  I will help students discover how current events affect stock prices so they are more interested in the world around them. Using video clips, examples of real companies like Netflix, Roblox, Tesla, and Amazon, and engaging handouts, you will quickly enhance your stock market knowledge.
학습 목표
Students will learn:
-How to pick great stocks to invest in using current events and company specific news
-When to buy and sell stocks to maximize profits
-Basic investment tools like analyst opinions, earnings per share, and dividends 
-Index investing using ETFs 
-Basic math skills will be improved (multiplication, percent, fractions)
-What a mutual fund is and the advantages and disadvantages of investing in them
-Why stock prices change (economic vs company specific news)
-Investment terminology

Class Topics Covered Day:

Day 1: 
Creating an Investment Strategy - Long term vs short term, bullish or bearish, diversified or industry specific
ETFs - What they are, how they can be used in to share in the upside of the market or an industry

Day 2:
Short Selling - What it is, how it works, risks and rewards
Identifying short selling opportunities

Day 3:
Dividend Investing - What is dividend yield, trade offs, identifying the best high yield dividend stocks
P/E Ratio and EPS - using these tools to evaluate stock investments

Day 4:
Mutual Funds - what they are, how they work, pros and cons
Selecting and evaluating mutual funds

Day 5:
Bonds - what are they, risks and rewards, ratings, defaults
Technical Stock Analysis vs Fundamental Stock Analysis

Day 6:
Startup funding - angel investors, venture capital firms
IPOs - how are companies valued, what is the process
Long vs Short Term investing
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
이 수업에서는 아웃스쿨 교실 외에도 다음의 툴을 사용합니다:
We will use Yahoo Finance as the source of stock market and companies news.
가입일: August, 2019
1145수강 후기
인기 수업
교사 전문성 및 자격증
뉴욕 교직증명서
석사 학위 New York University- Stern School of Business부터
As a former Investment Banker and certified Business Education Teacher,  I love teaching Stock Marketing Investing!  My experience in the industry gives me a deep knowledge of stock analysis and the process of buying and selling stocks.   My students always enjoy playing the Stock Market Simulation and competing with me along with their classmates.   This stock market class is fun and engaging and knowing how to invest is an important life skill.  Investing responsibly in the stock market is the best way to grow savings and build cash reserves.   That's why it's critical for young adults to learn how invest responsibly now, BEFORE they risk real money.   

Based on my extensive experience teaching this subject, I know how to make it interesting and memorable.  I use video clips and engaging handouts to make the content  easy to understand and remember.  This class is interactive, not lecture based, so students will have the opportunity to discuss, share experiences, and ask questions.  I will help students discover how current events effect stock prices so they are more interested the world around them.


실시간 그룹 수업
6 회 수업에


2주 동안 주당 3회

79 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
실시간 화상 수업
연령: 10-15
수업당 학습자 4-14 명

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