
소개 3 - 어린이를 위한 일본어

**이 강좌는 Intro 1 및 Intro 2 강좌를 이수한 학생들만을 대상으로 합니다**. 우리는 학생들의 표현 능력을 넓힐 수 있는 일반적인 일본어 동사와 어휘를 8주 동안 공부할 것입니다.
Jasmine Burnett
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

8 라이브 미팅
6 수업시간
주당 1-2시간. As for any language, review is absolutely necessary. In all of my Japanese classes, we use the classroom as an important learning resource. Every week, I post links to videos that will support your child's learning as well as worksheets and vocabulary lists. It will be essential that they have access to these resources throughout our 8-week course.
Learner progress will be tracked by completing a table of verbs gradually over the course of the eight weeks.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

Intro to Japanese 3 will consist of a full introduction into 10 of the most common verbs.   Along with the verbs, students will learn common nouns and vocabulary sets that can be used along with them.    We will cover two verbs per week for 8 weeks.  Students will learn to fully conjugate each present tense verb using the ~masu and ~ru forms. They will also learn the negative form of each.  For example, when we learn the verb TABERU / TABEMASU, ("to eat"), we will focus on common vocabulary sets that can go along with that verb (eat dinner, eat a hamburger, etc..) 

This will be an exciting development in your child's Japanese study as they have only been introduced to DESU ("is") and the negative form, JYA NAI DESU ("is not").  We will also continue to construct questions using our new verbs and vocabulary.  As a teacher, I am excited to open a new door of possibilities by introducing you child to basic Japanese sentence structure and verbs.  
Below you will find the list of verbs to be covered:  (subject to slight change) 

**It is not necessary (or recommended) that your child be introduced to these words prior to class.**

to be/exist -  iru
to do - suru
to have -  aru
to understand -wakaru
to know - shiru
to think - omou
to go - iku
to come - kuru
to drink -  nomu
to eat  - taberu

그 외 세부 사항

수업 자료
Blank notecards, notebook, and pen/pencil.
Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
이 수업에서는 아웃스쿨 교실 외에도 다음의 툴을 사용합니다:
  • YouTube
가입일: January, 2019
370수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증
Jasmine-sensei has nearly 25 years experience teaching English and Japanese as a second language to students of all ages around the world.  In addition, Jasmine-sensei lived over sixteen years in Japan in the Kansai and Kanto area, and spent much of her time while there studying Japanese in formal settings as well as independently.   Jasmine-sensei's journey with the Japanese language started when she went to Japan on a homestay at sixteen years of age for a semester in 1992.  Japanese is still one of her greatest passions, and she continues to actively study Japanese (independently and with a mentor) with the goal of providing the best instruction and experience for her students.  


라이브 그룹 코스
8 회 수업에


8주 동안 주당 1회

85 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
실시간 화상 수업
연령: 9-13
수업당 학습자 4-7 명

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