
IEW: 나니아를 따라가기, 1권: 사자의 노래(3부 중 2부)

이 12주 수업에서 학습자는 나니아 세계를 IEW 방식으로 탐구하여 글쓰기 능력을 향상시키는 데 주력하게 됩니다.
Karen Cross, MSEd - IEW Certified Instructor
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

12개의 라이브 미팅
수업 15 시간
주당 2-4시간. The learner should be prepared to spend 2-3 hours per week on homework. This will include reading from the novel, writing compositions, studying vocabulary, and possibly preparing an outline on the next lesson. The adult at home should be prepared to help when needed. Google Docs is mandatory for grading purposes. In addition to writing assignments, your learner will be encouraged to send a video of their retellings each week to the rest of the class in Outschool. Your learner will not only be submitting their work, but will also be able to see others and provide them feedback as well as receive it. Vocabulary quizzes using Quizlet, and review activities using Google Forms will also be available, but are optional for participation.
***Parents should be ready to assist their learner with every assignment. Because content builds, it's important your learner receive support at home. The student will be be provided detailed feedback based on finished assignments and according to the rubrics in the Student Book. I will use a completed Google Form which will be sent to you in PDF form for your records. Google Docs is mandatory for feedback. It is the responsibility of the adult at home to collect grades and samples of learners' compositions for their own records. ***If you do not want a number grade, please message me privately so we can make arrangements for your learner. Vocabulary quizzes will also be assigned, but are optional for participation and will not be graded by me. Google Forms will be used to reinforce stylistic techniques being used in class.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 7학년 - 8학년 학년
In this course, your learner will continue to work through Following Narnia, Volume 1: The Lion's Song from the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW). This course begins with Unit 4: Summarizing Multiple References, and fluctuates between different units of the program like Unit 7: Inventive Writing and Unit 8: Formal Essays. 

Learners will incorporate previously learned dress-ups and a new advanced dress-up, triple repeating words. All sentence openers will also be covered.  They will continue to receive detailed feedback based on the rubrics for each lesson in the Student Book. 

Your learner should already be able to construct simple sentences and have some basic knowledge of a paragraph. Because your learner will be reading some short articles and stories, a good sense of comprehension of grade-level materials will be helpful.

***We will explore some advanced stylistic techniques in this course. They will not be a mandatory part of the checklist. This is something I have added to the syllabus for learners who are ready to play around with style more.***

When learners attend the live meeting each week, we will review the new unit and/or stylistic technique. This time will also be used to focus on grammar and vocabulary through planned activities that foster brainstorming and collaboration. There are times we may use Google tools to collaborate in real time together as a class. Vocabulary will be reviewed as well using Quizlet and will be incorporated into the activities.

*** If you have siblings, I will give you a $10 discount in the form of a refund for the additional learners.
학습 목표
Learners will be taught to organize thoughts and ideas by creating key word outlines from fiction and non-fiction texts, and writing paragraphs from them. They will dress up their writing by systematically adding parts of speech and sentence openers.
학습 목표

강의 계획서

Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) 커리큘럼 기반
4 단위
12 레슨
12 주 이상
단위 1: Unit 4: Summarizing a Reference
Air Raids
 We dive into a new unit today and learn how to summarize information by picking facts that are interesting or important. Learners will also start experimenting with some advanced stylistic techniques like the triple strong verb. 
75 분 온라인 라이브 레슨
Evacuations from London
 Learners will summarize the information by using strategies taught in IEW. We will explore the dual -ly adverb stylistic technique this week. 
75 분 온라인 라이브 레슨
Diary of an Evacuee
 ***This week learners will switch over to Unit 7: Inventive Writing. They will put themselves in someone else's shoes and write five diary entries. We will learn how to use the double adjective correctly as well. 
75 분 온라인 라이브 레슨
The Manipulative Witch
 Learners will continue practicing taking notes and summarizing. As learners continue to read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, they will take notes on the witch's character traits and how she shoes her true self. This week they will write about her manipulativeness.

They will need to keep the paragraphs handy about the witch because they will use them to write a formal essay. 
75 분 온라인 라이브 레슨

그 외 세부 사항

학습 요구
Please contact me if your learner has unique learning needs. I am able to differentiate activities and assignments to accommodate as much as possible and help your learner be successful on their own level.
학부모 가이드
Google Docs will be used for compositions. Learners can use parent accounts, or they can have one of their own. It is important to note that your learner will most likely need your help with each assignment. You should edit rough drafts and final copies before turning in to me. Checklists for each assignment can be found at the end of each lesson in the required Student Book for this class. Quizlet will be used for vocabulary practice. This is completely optional and will not affect feedback in a negative way. It's good to be familiar with the vocabulary words because we will sometimes play games using Quizlet during live instruction. All activities are only available to the learners in this class. In compliance with IEW's copyright policy, sharing of these materials with anyone outside of class is forbidden.
사전 요구 사항
Learners should have taken Part 1 of this course before taking this one.
가입일: June, 2020
72수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증
메릴랜드 교직증명서
I earned a Master's degree in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment from Walden University in 2007 and currently hold a certificate in Maryland. I taught in the public school setting for five years as a special educator with a focus in autism. After having two children of my own, I became a stay-at-home mom. 

Four children later, I became a homeschooling mom, and still hold that title today. I felt equipped to handle the task, but writing stumped me when it all seemed too bland. I stumbled upon the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) and instantly fell in love with their method, bought the training, and began implementing the program at home. Consistency was lacking, so I began teaching at a local co-op. 

That grew into a desire to become a Registered Instructor and eventually a Certified Instructor (a title I hold today). I launched my own online writing business, Equipped for Writing, where I've tailored my online courses around the IEW model.

Each year brings new experiences and insights into effectively communicating with my students about writing. Seeing children grow and learn while enhancing their writing for their audience keeps me going. It is IEW’s systematic approach to writing that enables me to adapt lessons to different learning styles. 

My commitment to differentiation (creating an environment that is conducive for each learner) is at the forefront of my mind. When you decide to enroll in one of my classes, I guarantee an open line of communication, ensuring your learner can navigate the learning journey at their own pace.

While I firmly believe and support parents’ pivotal role in their children's education, there are times when we all need a helping hand. That's where I, and others like me, come in. I have a passion for teaching, particularly when it comes to the written word. I enjoy sharing that passion to support homeschooling families. Learning should be interactive, and children should feel encouraged to ask questions out of curiosity and for understanding. Instruction should challenge without overwhelming.

Outside of teaching, I enjoy reading, going on walks with our dog, family movie nights, and indulging in crocheting. One of my favorite things to do is to watch my kids play sports.


라이브 그룹 코스


또는 12 회 수업에₩225
12주 동안 주당 1회

9 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
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연령: 11-14
수업당 학습자 5-10 명

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