
홈스쿨: 책을 좋아하는 사람들의 쇼 앤 텔

이 3주 과정에서 학생들은 책을 공유하고 설명하고 토론합니다.
Elle O'Keeffe, MBA PhD
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

6 라이브 미팅
6 수업시간
주당 1시간. Students should read their chosen book between classes so they have new information to share in each live meeting.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 4 - 6 학년
When a reader loves a book, they want to talk about it with other people who love books! In this class, we will do just that. Learners will present a book of their choosing and share their thoughts, opinions, and feelings about the book while also discussing elements of the story including characters, plot, setting, conflict, climax, and resolution in an open discussion format. 

The class structure: 

5 - 10 minutes for intros and warm-up chat
~~Who's here? How was your weekend or your Monday? How much have you read since we last met?
30 - 45 minutes for sharing books and the assigned element one learner at a time
~~What book did you bring? Who is the author? Tell us about the main character. Is the MC brave, afraid of something, shy, allergic to a food you love, bored, or competitive? *I will ask questions if students need help, but in this part of the session, I hope that the students will talk freely about their books, ask one another questions, and socialize around the topic of reading. 
15 - 20 minutes for art, game, or puzzle related to the week's literary element
~~create a new cover for a book you heard about today, write a paragraph describing what would happen if the MC of your book and a class friend's book met, or let's play a Kahoot! or Time for a crossword puzzle about books, plot, reading
10 - 20 minutes to share art, Q and A about the game
~~Show off those new book covers or read that conversation aloud or ask questions about the Kahoot or puzzle
5 - 10 minutes wrap-up and a preview of the next class

Week One Day One
Topic: Characters and setting

Week One Day Two
Topic: Conflict and literary tropes

Week Two Day One
Topic: Symbols and foreshadowing

Week Two Day Two
Topic: Plot twists and irony

Week Three Day One
Topic: Climax and metaphors vs analogies

Week Three Day Two
Topic: resolution and denouement 

I will interact with students throughout each session through casual discussion of the books, through direct instruction, and I will actively encourage interaction among learners. My goal for this course is to give the students a chance to talk excitedly about a book they love in a way that all readers want to but often cannot because other people aren't always willing to listen to us book nerds go on and on about the main character's superpower or the woodland fairies' adventures or the mysterious object that everyone in the book wants. In this class, students will be expected to speak as much as they want about the books they enjoy. 

Join me in this class and bring your favorite book and share all the funny, scary, mysterious, or adventurous details.
학습 목표
Students in this class will:

learn to analyze a book for the elements of plot including character, setting, conflict, climax, resolution
learn to analyze word choice, symbols, and metaphors in a story
practice speaking to a group of new people
socialize with other book-loving 9-12-year-olds
connect texts to themselves, to other texts, and to life/current events
create art inspired by books
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

수업 자료
paper pens crayons, paints, or markers the book they want to share
Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
이 수업에서는 아웃스쿨 교실 외에도 다음의 툴을 사용합니다:
  • Kahoot
I will provide instructional materials about plot, figurative language, and other topics.
가입일: May, 2020
154수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증
박사 학위 영어 University of Central Florida에서
I have a BA in English Literature and a PhD in English Texts and Technology which have allowed me to teach English for more than 20 years. 


실시간 그룹 수업


또는 6 회 수업에₩150
3주 동안 주당 2회

실시간 화상 수업
연령: 9-12
수업당 학습자 5-8 명

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