
고등학교 물리학을 간단하게 – 전기와 자기 1/2부

전기와 자기를 일곱(7) 부분으로 나누어 자세히 설명하겠습니다. 1. 정전기학, 2. 전류 전기, 3. 전기 회로, 4. 자기 및 전기.
Brian Birbal
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

7개의 라이브 미팅
수업 7 시간
주당 2-4시간. In order for each student to determine their own level of understanding of the High School Physics I will provide free of charge and outside of the sixty (60) minutes class questions to be answered. This of course is optional and solely based on the individual student. I would urge ALL students to answer as many questions as possible so that they would know where they need to improve, but it is optional.
Every class will have questions to be answered outside of the sixty (60) minutes class. This questions and answers will be done free of charge, as it will not be part of the sixty (60) minutes class.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 9학년 - 12학년 학년
레벨 Intermediate
The specific features provided by the documents used in my presentation are as follows:-

1.	It acts as a companion to the student who needs to be familiar with the content of each topic and with the skills required to master the content.
2.	It presents the material in a well-sequenced and coherent form, so that critical understandings are addressed, while developing a sound foundation.
3.	The material has aesthetic appeal through the use of color, diagrams, tables and graphic displays. This will facilitate all learning styles, especially the visual and multi-sensory learner.
4.	There is a wide range of worked examples to guide the students on how a topic is tested at the examination level. These examples vary in terms of content and difficulty level.
5.	The examples also provide model solutions, so that students are guided in how to construct proper responses questions.

This session will take seven (7) classes to complete. It will deal with the following:-

1.	Class 1 – Electrostatics
2.	Class 2 & 3 – Current Electricity
3.	Class 4 & 5 – Electrical Circuits
4.	Class 6 & 7 – Magnetism & Electricity.

I will teach each of the seven (7) classes for forty (40) minutes each and then I will open the class for any questions to be asked. If there are no questions I will continue teaching the class.

This class will be presented using a PDF document that I will share via ZOOM (Outschool). I will send after completing the class the pdf document via Outschool 'email system'.
Students should have a basic understanding of Physics, but it is not necessary. As an Engineer I will explain Physics in a VERY SIMPLE manner that each student will be able to learn Physics from 0% to 100%.
학습 목표
This session will take seven (7) classes to complete. It will deal with the following:-

1.	Class 1 – Electrostatics
2.	Class 2 & 3 – Current Electricity
3.	Class 4 & 5 – Electrical Circuits
4.	Class 6 & 7 – Magnetism & Electricity.

1.	Electrostatics

a.	describe experiments to demonstrate charging by friction
b.	describe simple experiments to show that like charges repel and unlike charges attract
c.	explain the charging of objects in terms of properties of negatively charged electrons which are relatively free to move
d.	distinguish between conductors and insulators
e.	explain how a charged object can attract objects having zero net charge
f.	describe and explain charging by friction, contact and induction
g.	describe how a gold-leaf electroscope can be used to detect and estimate charge
h.	describe the distribution of charge on a conductor of variable shape
i.	define an electric field as a region in which a charge experiences an electric force
j.	represent diagrammatically the electric fields around and between point charges and between charged parallel plates
k.	describe the structure of a simple capacitor
l.	define the farad, the S.I. unit of capacitance, in terms of charge
m.	describe hazards and useful applications of static electricity

2.	Current Electricity

a.	describe an electric current in terms of positive and negative charge carriers
b.	distinguish between electron fl ow and conventional current
c.	state the unit of electrical current, the ampere
d.	define the unit of electric charge, the coulomb, as one ampere second
e.	recall the relationship Q = It, and apply it to solve simple problems
f.	distinguish between alternating and direct currents
g.	cite examples of the conversion of electrical energy to other forms and vice versa
h.	define the potential difference between the ends of a conductor as the energy converted to other forms per unit charge fl owing through the conductor, i.e. V = E/Q
i.	use the relationship V = E/Q to solve problems involving energy transformation
j.	explain the concept of resistance
k.	determine resistance using the formula R = V/I
l.	use circuit symbols for cells, switches, wires, fuses, fixed and variable resistors, filament lamps, voltmeters, ammeters and semiconductors diodes
m.	draw simple circuit diagrams to represent a given arrangement of electrical component
n.	set up a simple circuit, given a circuit diagram, taking into account the polarity and suitability of components

3.	Electrical Circuits

a.	differentiate between series and parallel circuits
b.	recall that the current in a series circuit is the same everywhere in the circuit and use this principle to solve problems
c.	recall that the net potential difference across any number of components connected in series is equal to the sum of the potential differences across the components (i.e. Vs = V1 + V2 + V3 + ...) and apply this to solve problems
d.	recall and use the following formulas for finding the total effective resistances for resistors in series and for resistors in parallel
e.	recall that the sum of the currents in the branches of a parallel circuit is equal to the current entering or leaving the parallel section (i.e. I = I1 + I2 + I3 + ...) and apply this concept to circuit problems
f.	recall that the potential differences across any number of components in parallel are the same (i.e. Vp = V1 = V2 = V3 = ...) and apply this concept to solve problems
g.	explain why an ammeter should have a very low resistance
h.	explain why a voltmeter should have a very high resistance
i.	describe experiments using an ammeter and a voltmeter to investigate the relationship between current, I, and potential difference, V, for
–	metallic conductors at constant temperature
–	fi lament lamps
–	semiconductor diodes
–	solutions of copper sulphate in water using copper electrodes
j.	draw I–V graphs from the result of such experiments and draw appropriate conclusions from the graphs obtained
k.	recall that power P = VI, and use this relationship to solve problems

4.	Magnetism and Electricity

a.	differentiate between magnetic and non-magnetic materials
b.	describe a simple experiment to identify the poles of a magnetic dipole
c.	describe simple experiments that show that there is a repulsive force between like poles and an attractive force between unlike poles
d.	explain how a magnet can attract an unmagnetised object
e.	distinguish between materials used for making permanent and temporary magnets
f.	investigate the effects of the separation of magnets and polarity on the magnitude of the force between them
g.	define a magnetic field as the region around a magnet in which a magnetic force may be exerted
h.	recall that a magnetic field line indicates the direction of the magnetic force acting on a north-seeking pole (N-pole)
i.	map the magnetic field (i) around a single strong magnet and (ii) formed by two strong magnets
j.	draw simple diagrams to show how permanent magnets can be used to create a uniform magnetic field over a small region
k.	describe simple experiments to investigate the magnetic field around current carrying conductors
l.	apply rules that relate the direction of current flow to the direction of the associated magnetic field
m.	sketch the magnetic field patterns around current-carrying conductors;
n.	construct a simple electromagnet
o.	describe a commercial application of an electromagnet
p.	explain the action of a simple magnetic relay
q.	account for magnetism using the domain theory
r.	describe methods of magnetisation and demagnetization
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

학부모 가이드
I will present experiments via the document that I will be teaching from and some experiments if conducted may need parental supervision. These experiments do not need to be executed and are just for knowledge. But if a student has the capability to execute then they are free to do so. These experiments are usually conducted in a lab which is a controlled environment. If a student does not have a safe environment to conduct a parent should NOT allow any student to conduct any experiments. ALL students must be supervised by a parent.
수업 자료
수업 진행 언어
가입일: May, 2020
24수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증


실시간 그룹 수업


또는 7 회 수업에₩105
7주 동안 주당 1회

21 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
실시간 화상 수업
연령: 15-18
수업당 학습자 3-12 명

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