
자유쓰기와 피드백: Wanna-Be 작가를 위한 주간 쓰기 촉구

매주 학생들은 제공된 주제에 대해 자유롭게 글을 씁니다. 우리는 가능한 글쓰기 기회, 스토리 아이디어 또는 글쓰기 장소(블로그, 단편 소설, 중편 소설, 소설, 논픽션, 시, 잡지 기사 등)에 대해 이야기합니다.
Kathy Pudil
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

1 라이브 미팅
55 분 주당 수업 시간
주당 1-2시간. Individual writing prompts each week. At least one thoughtful response in the classroom to a "Thought-Q" that the teacher poses, to develop further conversation. Student and parent can determine how strenuous the outside-of-class discipline of writing should become. Realistically, it must be something the student wants for him or herself, to become a published writer.
Weekly informal assessment will be given via the classroom page, post-class time interactions. Additionally, feedback on student writing will be provided by teacher. Not just on mechanics of writing, (although good writing mechanics should become a personal goal), but especially on the finesse of writing, of recognizing one's audience, and finding ways to appeal to that audience with words on paper (screen).
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 7 - 10 학년
Each class time we will begin with a writing prompt, discuss it for five minutes or less, then spend 15-20 minutes writing a response. the remaining time we will share our writings and talk about ways our writing can be developed, into a story, a setting, a character, or perhaps a blog entry, a magazine article, or a novel. Discussions will focus on the ambitions of the student writer. What do you want to accomplish as a writer?  What are some small steps that will help you to that goal and beyond? The expectation is that our classroom page could further that conversation, including between-class writing prompts, if the student is aiming to increase his or her writing volume, or just conversations about where to go with the response from the previous class time. Teacher will use a timer to aid in maintaining the ratio of writing/discussion in class to be around 40%:60%, with the expectation that student would also spend some time writing outside of class. Some prompts will be from Life, some will be taken from the "Q & A a day For Writers: 365 Questions for Creative Exploration" (c2016), some from poetry, literature excerpts, or quotable quotes. 
Example Writing Prompts:
Week 1 (Jan 2): topic: setting/ Pick a place (it doesn't have to be a cold place) and describe the first snowfall of the year there.
Week 2 (Jan 9):  topic: characterization/ How would your friends describe you to a stranger?
Week 3 (Jan 16): topic: description/ Describe a drone's eye view of your neighborhood and imagine what a spaceship might see when it's landing
Week 4 (Jan 23): topic: memoir/ What did you dream about last night? If you can't recall, retell a dream that you remember having. Use as much detail as possible
Week 5 (Jan 30): topic: memoir/ What is your personal anthem, and what makes you choose that song? Quote some song lyrics and explain why they are meaningful to you.
Week 6 (Feb 6):  topic: details/ Do you have a handbag, backpack, or briefcase? Describe the receptacle, and all its contents, with as much detail as you can.
Week 7 (Feb 13):  topic: plot development/ Imagine a sphere underneath a tree. Now develop the story around it. How did it get there? What is its purpose? What is going to happen?
Week 8 (Feb 20) and beyond... topics: various efforts in creativity in writing + imagination/  prompts from poetry, literature excerpts, create-a-prompt, or quotable quotes.
학습 목표
Students will get into the habit of weekly writing to a prompt, as well as how to use those smaller writing pieces to possibly develop them into something bigger, something one will want to publish, either online or in a book, magazine, or other publishing venues.
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

학부모 가이드
As the teacher, I try to gauge what content appeals to a student, as well as what they may or may not be comfortable with. There are some adult themes/prompts that will NOT be appropriate for student use, and I will avoid those. As a teacher, I generally err on the side of caution.
수업 자료
paper and pencil/pen/writing utensil of choice OR computer/laptop, and a jump drive/thumb drive on which to save writings (this option only recommended if typing is faster for student than handwriting.)
Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
아웃스쿨 사이트의 기능 외 별도의 앱이나 웹 사이트를 사용할 필요가 없습니다.
가입일: October, 2021
38수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증
미주리 교직증명서 영어/언어 예술에
석사 학위 교육 University of Missouri-Columbia에서
I have taught high school English classes at least three years in the past. In these classes we focused on using novels we read as our writing prompts: the events, the characters, our reactions as readers, as well as developing setting descriptions and answering questions the reading poses, all became writing prompts for our "Free-write" times. Sometimes we also used current news events and life events (homecoming, holidays, prom, etc.) as writing prompts. 
 As a writer myself, I maintain two blogs, have been published in a magazine, a short story anthem, online, and have published my first novel. I enjoy writing; I have loved "free-writing" since I was in middle school, and I would often use the content from my daily journals, class writing assignments, and so forth, to develop into longer pieces to enter into writing contests (for which the prizes were usually publishing of the piece, and I also received an Honorable Mention Award!) My undergraduate degree is in English, with a concentration in linguistics, because I love to study words and their part-meanings. As an avid reader, I also have used these skills to continually develop an expansive vocabulary, which is an important skill in being a captivating writer!


실시간 그룹 수업


주당 1회

실시간 화상 수업
연령: 12-17
수업당 학습자 2-5 명

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