
영어 2: 세계 문학과 작문 학기 B

Angelia Derrick (she/her)
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인기 선생님
학생들은 단편 소설 및 발췌문, 시, 두 편의 희곡(아무 것도 아닌 것에 대한 많은 고뇌와 진지함의 중요성), 논픽션(범죄의 탄생)을 읽고 분석합니다. MLA 형식, 이야기, 시로 에세이를 작성합니다. 문법 개념과
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수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 10 학년
Teacher-Created 커리큘럼 기반
4 units//50 lessons//16 Weeks
Unit 1Hero Unit
13 lessons4 Weeks
Hero Unit
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Week 1 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 2
Hero Unit Lesson 1
We will cover the Hero's Journey and the basics of what makes a hero. Students will watch and reflect on a hero film for homework. Choice Book: Book Bento.
Lesson 3
Hero Unit Lesson 2
We will cover the Epic Hero archetype, watch a film clip example, read an excerpt of Beowulf, and watch an excerpt from a documentary. Students will answer a multiple choice quiz on the reading/watching and pick one of three options to complete for homework: complete a chart comparing two epic heroes, complete a work of art, or create a short visual presentation.
 Week 2
Lesson 4
Week 2 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 5
Hero Unit Lesson 3
We will cover the Classical Hero archetype, watch a couple film clip examples, and read two excerpts. Students will answer a multiple choice quiz on the reading/watching and pick one of three options to complete for homework: complete a chart comparing two classical heroes, complete a work of art, or create a short visual presentation.
Lesson 6
Hero Unit Lesson 4
We will cover the Tragic Hero archetype, watch a film clip example, and read two excerpts. Students will answer a multiple choice quiz on the reading/watching and pick one of three options to complete for homework: complete a chart comparing two tragic heroes, complete a work of art, or create a short visual presentation.
 Week 3
Lesson 7
Week 3 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 8
Hero Unit Lesson 5
We will cover the Antihero archetype, watch several film and TV clips, and read an excerpt. Students will answer a multiple choice quiz on the reading/watching and pick one of three options to complete for homework: complete a chart comparing two antiheroes, complete a work of art, or create a short visual presentation.
Lesson 9
Hero Unit Lesson 6
We will cover the Superhero archetype, watch several film clip examples, and read two articles on comic book superheroes. Students will pick a superhero film to watch and complete a chart reflection on.
 Week 4
Lesson 10
Week 4 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 11
Hero Unit Lesson 7
We will cover the Unwilling Hero archetype, watch several film clips, and read an excerpt. Students will answer a multiple choice quiz on the reading/watching and pick one of three options to complete for homework: complete a chart comparing two unwilling heroes, complete a work of art, or create a short visual presentation.
Lesson 12
Hero Unit Lesson 8
We will cover the Everyman Hero archetype and watch several film and YouTube clips. No homework.
Lesson 13
Hero Unit Final Project
Student will complete a Hero Unit Tic Tac Toe where they will pick three mini-projects to complete. Extra credit projects will post (these assignments are not required, but can be completed for further enrichment and/or to raise a student's grade).
Unit 2Poetry Unit
13 lessons4 Weeks
Poetry Unit
 Week 5
Lesson 14
Week 5 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 15
Poetry Unit Lesson 1
We will go over some basic concepts related to poetry such as structure, watch YouTube videos on poetry, and read examples of sonnets, haiku, villanelle, and free verse. Homework will be to reflect on one of the poems and read two poems from Asian poets.
Lesson 16
Poetry Unit Lesson 2
We will go over diction and ambiguity, students will watch and reflect on a TV clip of The Sopranos (connected to ambiguity), and learn about Black Out Poetry. Homework will be to read a poem and write a reflection, create their own work of black out poetry, and read two poems from African poets.
 Week 6
Lesson 17
Week 6 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 18
Poetry Unit Lesson 3
We will go over what imagery is and watch several film clips and compare to poems that have similar imagery on a provided PDF. Homework will be turn in Imagery PDF, write a paragraph reflection on one of the poems, and read two poems from Greek poets.
Lesson 19
Poetry Unit Lesson 4
We will go over the difference between characters and speaker in a poem, analyze characterization by watching a film clip or short film, and read three poems known for their characterization. Homework will be to write a reflection on the film clip/short film on characterization, answer questions about one of the three poems, and read two poems from Caribbean poets.
 Week 7
Lesson 20
Week 7 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 21
Poetry Unit Lesson 5
We will go over figurative language techniques in poetry, watch three film clips connected to using weather as a literary technique, and read three poems. Homework will be to answer questions on one of the three poems, describe a scene from a film or book that uses weather as a figurative element, and read two poems from Pacific Island poets.
Lesson 22
Poetry Unit Lesson 6
We will go over using the literary techniques of personification and hyperbole, we will analyze an example of personification with a film clip or short film, and read three poems known for their personification. Homework will be to write a paragraph about the film clip/short film's personification, answer questions about one of the three poems read, and read two poems from Latin American poets.
 Week 8
Lesson 23
Week 8 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 24
Poetry Unit Lesson 7
We will go over using similes and metaphors, students will pick 2-3 songs from a list of six to listen to and analyze for similes and metaphors, and read three poems looking for figurative language elements. Homework will be to write a paragraph response on one of the songs they analyzed, write a paragraph response on one of the three poems they read, and read two poems from Eastern European poets.
Lesson 25
Poetry Unit Lesson 8
We will go over using allusions in poetry, students will analyze the allusion used in the film Interstellar with a film clip and reading the poem referenced, and read two more poems looking for allusions. Homework will be to write a response to the Interstellar activity, find an example of a film or song that uses an allusion and write a response, and read two poems from British Isles poets.
Lesson 26
Poetry Final Project
Students will pick and complete three mini-projects from a Poetry Tic Tac Toe. The options range from creative to analytical. Extra credit poetry options will post (these assignments are not required, but can be completed for further enrichment and/or to raise a student's grade).
Unit 3Drama Unit
15 lessons5 Weeks
Drama Unit
 Week 9
Lesson 27
Week 9 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 28
Drama Unit Lesson 1
An introduction to world theatre and William Shakespeare via YouTube videos, an introduction lesson to Much Ado About Nothing, and students will be provided with guided reading notes to help them understand the play. Homework is to read Much Ado About Nothing Act 1. Extra-credit option of watching a play in their local community will post.
Lesson 29
Drama Unit Lesson 2
We will go over the skill of analyzing quotes and look at a quote from Much Ado About Nothing. Homework will be to read Act 2, respond to reading questions, and complete research on courtship in Shakespeare's time period.
 Week 10
Lesson 30
Week 10 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 31
Drama Unit Lesson 3
We will go over MLA format for English essays and how to create a Works Cited page. Homework will be to read Act 3, respond to reading questions, and analyze the song "Sigh No More" from the play. The World Theatre Research Final Project will post to give students time to research their slideshow visual presentation project.
Lesson 32
Drama Unit Lesson 4
We will go over what a theme is and how to find it in literature with two different YouTube videos, Homework will be to read Act 4, respond to reading questions, and analyze malapropisms.
 Week 11
Lesson 33
Week 11 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 34
Drama Unit Lesson 5
Students will watch a few YouTube videos on the importance of Shakespeare and reflect on their experience of reading Shakespeare play. Homework will be to read Act 5, respond to reading questions, and write "tweets" that the characters from Much Ado About Nothing might say.
Lesson 35
Drama Unit Lesson 6
We will go over the themes in Much Ado About Nothing, introduction to The Importance of Being Earnest, and guided notes handout for TIBE. Homework will be to read Act 1 and reading questions.
 Week 12
Lesson 36
Week 12 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 37
Drama Unit Lesson 7
Students will read and analyze Oscar Wilde's poem "To My Wife With A Copy Of My Poems." Homework will be to turn in their analysis of the poem, read Act 2, and respond to reading questions.
Lesson 38
Drama Unit Lesson 8
Students will practice an important skill: timed writing. Students will set a timer for 10 minutes and use that time to plan, write and edit a response to a question related to the drama reading. Homework will be to turn in their timed writing and how they felt completing the activity, read Act 3, and respond to reading questions.
 Week 13
Lesson 39
Week 13 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 40
Drama Unit Lesson 9
We will go over the themes of The Importance of Being Earnest. Homework will be to pick one of the film adaptions of the play to watch and write a paragraph about.
Lesson 41
Drama Unit Final Project
Turn in Final Project on World Theatre.
Unit 4Nonfiction Unit
9 lessons4 Weeks
Nonfiction Unit
 Week 13
Lesson 42
Nonfiction Unit Lesson 1
We will introduce Born a Crime by Trevor Noah with YouTube videos on Trevor's childhood and Apartheid, and introduce the concepts of bias and perspective. Homework will be to write a response the video on false equivalence and start reading Born a Crime. Extra credit options will post.
 Week 14
Lesson 43
Week 14 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 44
Nonfiction Unit Lesson 2
We will dive deeper into perspective and types of bias, read an article on the difference between perspective and bias, and watch a video on the subject. Homework will be to read more of Born a Crime and write a response to either apartheid or a personal experience.
Lesson 45
Nonfiction Unit Lesson 3
Students will practice an important skill: timed writing. Students will set a timer for 10 minutes and use that time to plan, write and edit a response to a question related to the reading. The first of two required essays for this unit will be assigned: Personal Perspective Essay. A YouTube link on this style of essay will be provided. Homework will be to read Born a Crime, write a personal perspective essay, and turned in timed writing.
 Week 15
Lesson 46
Week 15 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 47
Nonfiction Unit Lesson 4
Continuing the lesson on bias, students will read two articles and look at a media bias chart. Homework will be to read Born a Crime and turn in a paragraph response to today's bias reading.
Lesson 48
Nonfiction Unit Lesson 5
Students will read various poems about race and write a response to one of the poems. Homework will be to turn in their response and read Born a Crime.
 Week 16
Lesson 49
Week 16 Bell Ringer
This week's bell ringer will cover one literary term, four vocabulary words, sentence grammar correction, and analysis of a nonfiction quote. Students will complete a multiple choice quiz.
Lesson 50
Nonfiction Unit Lesson 6 & Final Project
Students will write their final essay for this class. Resources will be provided. There is no mid-week lesson so they can spend their entire class time researching, writing, and editing this essay which is also the "final project" for this unit. Students will also finish reading Born a Crime and respond to some reading questions.
  • Students will practice and improve on their reading comprehension.
  • Students will practice and improve on their writing clarity.
  • Students will practice and improve on their analytical skills.
I studied literature throughout my bachelor's program as part of the creative writing emphasis. I have been teaching middle and high school level students for several years how to analyze texts (movies and books) as well as writing essays. 
Published writer in nonfiction (articles and books) and fiction (short stories, novellas, and novels).
Writing young adult fantasy and space opera under the pen name Angelia Almos. 
Master of Fine Arts in Screenwriting
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Arts: Creative Writing
Certificates from Institute of Children's Literature
Certificates from Institute for Writers
수업 외 주당 4+ 시간
빈도: 3-6 per week
피드백: 포함됨
세부 내용: Students will need to read and study the texts, do the weekly activity pages, do short written responses outside of class, and research and write papers/essays.
Letter Grade
빈도: 3-6 throughout the class
세부 내용: Projects and essays grading rubrics will be provided with the assignment. Reading questions and most of the homework is graded Pass/Fail with credit given for completing the activity; partial credit given if the activity wasn't complete or done incorrectly. Grammar quizzes will be graded.
빈도: 포함됨
세부 내용: Students can opt out of receiving a grade in the class. If they pick this option, they don't need to turn in the homework but are encouraged to complete the reading and do all "in class" activities.
Students will need a word processor to write paper assignments, a journal/notebook/google doc is recommended for journaling thoughts and extra/non-workbook assignments, a printer to print up the workbook pages or pdf editor to do them on their computer, and a cell phone with a camera/scanner to turn in workbook pages. 

The following texts/books will be used throughout the class. Families may purchase (print, ebook, or audio) or borrow from their local library. Prices listed below were found on Amazon. 

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. $3.00.   
Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare. $5.19.
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah. $13.02
**Book of Choice by non-US writer**

Students will need to rent/stream/borrow: The Importance of Being Ernest (2002) PG or Much Ado About Nothing (1993) PG-13, and student will select films to watch related to the Hero Unit.

Some additional art supplies such as glue, markers/crayons/colored pencil, paper, etc. will be needed for certain assignments. 
이 수업에서는 아웃스쿨 교실 외에도 다음의 툴을 사용합니다:
Students will research some topics online, read articles on websites, and occasionally watch an informational YouTube video to complete homework assignments. I will refer to the Google Suite for completing homework assignments (for example, writing a short reading response in Google Docs), but learners are welcome to use any office suite they are familiar with, but will need to let me know so we can make sure I can view the files when they turn them in. 

Students will read and discuss in a matter-of-fact way the following texts which tackle some sensitive topics. Some of the topics tackled will be racism, abuse and violence, drinking and intoxication, some sexual situations, and foul language. The books tell stories that include these elements and the students will discuss these issues in a matter-of-fact way in context to when/where it happened or is depicted as happening. It is important for learners to know that these issues exist even if they don't have a personal connection to one or any of the topics. These books are taught to high school/secondary school aged children all over the world and are considered to be age appropriate with the knowledge of the sensitive issues that will be covered. 

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde  
Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah

Student will pick a fiction or creative nonfiction text to read in the class which could contain adult topics not listed in the content warning above. 
This class uses literature teaching units and activity guides from Prestwick House, and literature units and ELA/grammar resources from Lit & More, Powerpoint Guru, and Teen Tech University. We will be utilizing a google classroom to organize homework assignments. 
가입일: May, 2020
168수강 후기
인기 선생님
교사 전문성 및 자격증
석사 학위 영화/영화/비디오 연구 California State University, Fullerton에서
학사 학위 교양과학과 과학 Charter Oak State College에서
Pronoun: she/her/hers

NOTE: If you were looking at one of my flexible schedule classes and they are suddenly gone, yes, I still have them, and I am currently figuring out which classes will be able to go into the new self-paced designation that... 


자율 진도 수업


지불 또는 모든 콘텐츠를 ₩384에 이용
50 사전 녹화 레슨
16 선생님 지원 주간
시작일 선택 가능
1년간 콘텐츠 이용 가능

13 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
시작일 선택 가능
연령: 15-17

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