통화, 시간대 및 언어 설정 열기

드럼 패드 록 & 재즈 스타일

이 수업은 드럼을 치거나 리듬을 사용한 경험이 거의 없거나 전혀 없고 팝, 록 또는 재즈 스타일 밴드에서 공연하는 기본을 배우는 데 관심이 있는 젊은 음악가를 위해 고안되었습니다. 드럼 패드 환영!
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:
인기 선생님

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

1개의 라이브 미팅
주당 수업 20 분 시간
Practicing is a way to internalize and test your skills. Supplemental activities for the learner to engage with will be offered to support growth and development in general music skills and coordination skills as they apply to performing on a drum and move to advanced percussion techniques.
Each week, an achievement record of skill development will be provided in the post after class.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 1학년 - 3학년 학년
레벨 Beginner
This class is an authentic learning environment where we are learning the patterns and skills used to perform in a pop, rock, or jazz style band using a drum pad or drumming instrument. Learners will:
     1. read music as a set of instructions through standard notation for percussion for quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes and quarter and eighth rests. 
     2. learn skills specific to performing pop & rock beats and jazz grooves.
     3. use their drum pad and mental rehearsal techqniues or alternate instruments to perform patterns.

The role of the teacher will be to guide through active listening and responding to student technique and performance, and the development of basic music milestones to create, perform, respond, and connect with music through the performance of drumline rudiments using a drum pad or other suitable drumming response. We will discuss mental rehearsal techniques as a practice method when we are away from the drum.

Learners will have an achievement checklist that meets the below standards:
     1. generate musical patterns and ideas on the drum pad. (General Music: MU: Cr1.2b)
     2. making creative decisions using the elements of music. (General Music: Cr2.1.2a, Cr2.1.2b)
     3. discuss and apply personal and teacher feedback to refine personal music ideas with guidance from the teacher. (General MusicL MULCr3.1.2a)
     4. read selected music and perform rhythmic patterns using iconic or standard notation (General Music: MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.2b)

Below are the weekly course topics:

Week 1
March 21   - Drums for pop/rock/jazz band basics, stick position and grip
                  - Guidance for practicing anywhere and everywhere (mental 
                     rehearsal techniques)
                  - Counting out rhythms and identifying patterns
                  - Rhythm Set 1
Week 2	  
March 28   - Using our appendages
                   - Counting out rhythms
                   - Rhythm Set 1
Week 3	  
April 4        - Pattern development and progression part 1
                   - Rhythm Set 2
Week 4         
April 11        - Pattern development and progression part 2

Week 5         
April 18       - Using rhythmic cues as a director: discovering the role of 
                      leadership through drumming to band members and the audience
                   - Rhythm set 3
Week 6
April 25      - Drum Along: Put it all together

*Topics are taught on a cycle and repeat when we get to the end. You can enter the class at anytime.

Learners are encouraged to play their drum pad or drum instrument to expand their current skills and discover how rhythm and drumming and the role of drumming as a leader applies in the real-world as part of a professional band. Learners are further encouraged to come to the sessions to try something new, ask questions, give feedback, and share their musical interests. We will all learn and grow together.
학습 목표
As defined by the National Standards for Music Education, learners will develop a novice understanding and be able to:

     - understand the rudiments used for drums in a pop, rock, or jazz band;
     - apply their knowledge of reading standard percussion notation and what the role of the drummer is in a band;
     - participate and connect their performance to engage their audience and entertain.
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

학습 요구
The learning leader is able to adapt instruction according to student needs and learning styles.
사전 요구 사항
No experience is required.
수업 자료
You will need:

1. Drum sticks 
2. Drum pad or something to drum on
3. Pencil (ready to use)
4. Printed or digital copy of the weeks' rhythm sets for class discussion
가입일: January, 2024
14수강 후기
인기 선생님
교사 전문성 및 자격증
박사 학위 화학 The University of Tennessee에서
Mike Blanchard, Ph.D. Chemistry
학사 학위 화학 Ohio University 에서
Mike Blanchard, Ph.D. Chemistry
For over a decade, I have provided music instruction for PreK through high school across all types of instruments and ensembles. My students have gone on to successful careers with many of them performing in music. My skills of learning one instrument and being able to effectively transfer that understanding to many other instruments have served me well as a school music educator and earning a Master's of Music from the University of Tennessee for general, vocal, and instrumental education. I have been recognized in the music education industry for my innovative teaching and a dedication to ensuring my students receive appropriate teaching methods that help them effectively and safely develop their potential. Thank you for making me part of your journey.


실시간 그룹 수업


주당 1회

1 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
실시간 화상 수업
연령: 6-9
수업당 학습자 1-3 명

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