
농장 동물과 정원의 즐거움: Ms. Liz와 함께하는 Prek 학습

"소가 이웃에게 말했다", "농장에서 온 음식"과 같은 재미있는 농장 이야기를 읽고, 농부와 그들의 도구, 농장 동물, 농장에서 자라는 것에 대해 이야기하고, 숫자 세기와 그래프 프로젝트 또는 그림자 맞추기 게임과 같은 주제별 활동에 참여합니다!
Ms. Liz
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무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

1 라이브 미팅
35 분 수업시간
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 Preschool - Kindergarten 학년
레벨 Beginner
In this one-time class, we'll read fun farm books like "The Cow Said Neigh", and "Click, Clack Moo", talk about farmers and their tools, farm animals, what grows on a farm, and engage in themed activities like a count and graph project or a shadow match game!

Little learners can build great listening, observation and creative thinking skills during storytime, asking questions and using their imagination. In fact, did you know that reading aloud to kids has clear cognitive benefits? For example, brain scans show that hearing stories strengthens the part of the brain associated with visual imagery, story comprehension, and word meaning. One 2019 study from the National Library of Medicine estimated that children who are regularly read to in the 5 years leading up to kindergarten are exposed to 1.4 million more words than children who aren’t read to during those years. 

We'll talk about and make observations about farmers, farm animals and what grows on a farm while we look at pictures and read our stories. 

We'll engage in farm themed number and vocabulary projects and work on a farm animals count and graph project or a shadow match game in class!

We will use the included farm animal count and graph printable to practice a new way to show information. Graphs are a great way to teach mathematical information with lines, shapes, or colors because they can be easier to understand than numbers and words alone. Your learner can use crayons or markers to color in the graph as we count. 

We'll practice visual discrimination when we play the shadow match game. Visual discrimination is the ability to perceive the difference between objects or symbols like noticing colors, shapes, sizes, and orientations. 

Lots of opportunities for discussion and sharing which is encouraged but not required to be a part of this class! 

** It's not mandatory that your learner participate in the activity. If they prefer to observe and work on the count and graph after class, that's OK too!
학습 목표
Students will listen to stories and ask and answer questions throughout the readings, practice taking turns talking, listening and sharing observations about farms, who lives on them, and what grows on them.  In class, we will count our farm animals and color in the graph together. Graphs are a great way to teach mathematical information with lines, shapes, or colors because they can be easier to understand than numbers and words alone. We'll practice visual discrimination when we play the shadow match game. Visual discrimination is the ability to perceive the difference between objects or symbols like noticing colors, shapes, sizes, and orientations.  Learners can use crayons or markers to color in the graph as we count. 

(Please print out the activities before class and have the individual farm animal pictures in the shadow match game cut apart before class starts!

** It's not mandatory that your learner participate in the activity. If they prefer to observe and work on the count and graph after class, that's OK too!
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

학부모 가이드
Because of the age of the class I recommend a grown up be within "ear-shot" to help with any technical hiccups (mic and video) that might come up. Please print out the included activities before class and have the individual farm animal pictures in the shadow match game cut apart before class starts! ** It's not mandatory that your learner participate in the activity. If they prefer to observe and work on the count and graph after class, that's OK too!
수업 자료
Please print out the included activities before class and have the individual farm animal pictures in the shadow match game cut apart before class starts! ** It's not mandatory that your learner participate in the activity. If they prefer to observe and work on the count and graph after class, that's OK too!
 등록 시 2개의 파일을 볼 수 있어요.
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아웃스쿨 사이트의 기능 외 별도의 앱이나 웹 사이트를 사용할 필요가 없습니다.
가입일: October, 2020
383수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증
학사 학위 영어 University of Wisconsin- Madison에서
Hello Outschool Families!

My name is Liz Stone, better known as Ms. Liz, to my 3, 4 and 5 year old friends.  Did you know that reading aloud to kids has clear cognitive benefits? For example, brain scans show that hearing stories strengthens the part of the brain associated with visual imagery, story comprehension, and word meaning. 

Experts from the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning also explain that reading books to kids helps expand the number and variety of words they use. Think about it: The books you read often contain words you might not otherwise use in your everyday communications.

While reading a book, you might end up using more specific names for different plants or animals or use more adjectives  altogether. And this adds up.

One 2019 study from the National Library of Medicine estimated that children who are regularly read to in the 5 years leading up to kindergarten are exposed to 1.4 million more words than children who aren’t read to during those years.

Another study found that kindergarten children who were read to at least three times a week had a “significantly greater phonemic awareness than did children who were read to less often.” 

I created The Pebble Academy, an online learning and play experience for 3-5 year olds, after I fell in love with teaching and learning with Pre-K kiddos as I watched my own kids grow-up. I'm the mom of three and an early childhood educator who wants to help make reading togther and creative learning for 3-5 year olds more accessible!  I've observed the confidence my students gain when I encourage them to participate in an online learning and play experience that is welcoming, comfortable and tailored to them.

In my 30-40 minute interactive classes, I ​will introduce your children to new ideas with activities like picture book reading, songs, show and share and themed activity pages and projects we work on together. Most of my classes include in class activities or ideas for post class at home activities and all my classes ​incorporate ideas that promote pre-reading skills, early math strategies, nature, community, family, arts and crafts, music and physical activity.

Over the past 12 years, I have worked as a teacher and Site Coordinator for Northwestern University’s Weekend Enrichment Program, I’ve taught in my community's Early Childhood Program, I’ve been a lead teacher for 3 year olds at a local early childhood center and I created The Pebble Academy! 

Incorporating fun into reading and learning is what it's all about! For me, nothing compares to sharing an “Aha!” moment with a student. I hope we have the chance to learn together soon and I look forward to meeting you in one of my classes!

**If my posted class schedules don't work for you, I'm happy to try and schedule a class that is more convenient for your learner!


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1회 수업

11 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
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연령: 3-5
수업당 학습자 1-5 명

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