
프랑스어로 Chit-Chat (초급~중급)

자녀가 고등학교에서 1~2년 동안 프랑스어를 배웠거나 온라인에서 자기 주도적 과정을 수강했지만 대화할 사람이 없나요? Chit-Chat in French는 초보자에게 연습할 수 있는 안전한 장소를 제공합니다! 전적으로 프랑스어로 진행됩니다.

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

3 라이브 미팅
1 수업시간
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
레벨 Beginner - Intermediate
Each session lasts twenty minutes (I am an experienced language teacher and know that more than 20 minutes is too exhausting for language learners) with four topics of conversation that are to last around 5 minutes (but may be extended if students are very chatty about the topic!).  These guided conversation sessions are perfect for students who have been studying French but have no one to practice with!

Because the conversations are guided, there are no awkward "What do we talk about" moments.  Additionally, conversation starters are provided for lower-level students who know some French but are nervous about trying to speak it.  We will discuss many topics, from favorite soft drink beverage, favorite animal, favorite video game, what students like to do on the week-end, personal experiences, and more - all of which will lead to improved fluency over time.

Do be aware that SOME French experience is required for this session to be successful.  Beginners are welcome, but must be able to share what they want, like, do not like, who they are etc.  If you are an interested student (or parent of such a student) but not quite at that point, please check out another one of my classes such as Beginner French through Storytelling.

Finally, parents and students should be aware that not all students may have equal time to speak as others do during class - this is intentional as listening is just as important as speaking for improving in a language.  Know that your/your child's voice are valued by the teacher and will receive more time during the next session.
학습 목표
Students will become more fluent (able to quickly produce language, even if the language is not perfect) in spoken French.
Students will be able to better understand spoken French.
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

학부모 가이드
While nothing upsetting or disturbing will ever be intentionally be discussed, please be aware that students may respond to questions like "What is your favorite video game?" with responses like "Call of Duty!" or "Man Eater!" - be aware that such PG-13 content may occasionally be brought up but by students, but will not be pursued by the teacher beyond allowing the student to share their opinion.
사전 요구 사항
Students must have a basic working knowledge of French such as (self check-list) I can share my name and where I am from. I can give an opinion. I can state what I like. I can state what I am like. I can share activities I enjoy.
수업 진행 언어
가입일: August, 2024
교사 전문성 및 자격증
캔자스 교직증명서 외국어에
학사 학위 외국어 Pittsburg State University에서
I am an experienced high school French teacher of four years (still practicing), have a four-year degree in Modern Languages (French), and am state-certified to teach the language.  I have had many hours in my classroom of guiding and having enjoyable conversations with students on many topics from whose pet dog is the cutest to why ketchup does NOT belong on hotdogs.


실시간 그룹 수업
3 회 수업에


1주 동안 주당 3회

실시간 화상 수업
연령: 12-16
수업당 학습자 1-6 명

아웃스쿨 소개
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