
초보자 프랑스어부터 DnD 던전 앤 드래곤 어드벤처까지

이 16주간의 DnD 모험에서 우리는 프랑스어의 기초 어휘를 연습할 것입니다.
Trammell Classes Dragon Academy, DnD, Coding , RPG
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:
인기 수업

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

1 라이브 미팅
1 시간 25 분 주당 수업 시간
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

Come Play Dungeons and Dragons and work on your French Vocabulary at the same time. Each week we will have key words each week and use them in conversations through the role playing game of Dungeons and Dragons.

(Week of 9-8-24)Weeks 1-2: Introduction and Setting the Stage
Session 1: The Call to Adventure

Objective: Introduce the players to the world of Francovia and the quest for Le Lexique Enchanté.
Key Vocabulary: Greetings and basic conversational phrases (bonjour, merci, s'il vous plaît).
Encounter: The players meet Le Sage, who explains the importance of Le Lexique Enchanté.
Challenge: A simple puzzle involving basic French words.
(Week of 9-15-24)Session 2: Journey to La Forêt des Mots

Objective: The adventurers begin their journey to the enchanted forest.
Key Vocabulary: Nature words (arbres, rivière, fleur).
Encounter: The players encounter enchanted trees that speak in riddles using nature vocabulary.
Challenge: Solve the riddles to proceed deeper into the forest.
Weeks 3-5: La Forêt des Mots
(Week of 9-22-24)Session 3: The Whispering Woods

Objective: Continue exploring the forest.
Key Vocabulary: Animal names (oiseau, renard, loup).
Encounter: The adventurers must identify animals in the forest to avoid traps.
Challenge: Matching the correct animal sounds to their French names.
(Week of 9-29-24)Session 4: The River Crossing

Objective: Cross a magical river that reacts to French words.
Key Vocabulary: Water-related terms (eau, rivière, poisson).
Encounter: A water spirit that only allows passage after players successfully translate words related to the river.
Challenge: Speak the correct French words to calm the spirit and cross the river.
(Week of 10-6-24)Session 5: The Forest Guardian

Objective: Face the guardian of the forest.
Key Vocabulary: Forest creatures and plant life (chêne, lierre, cerf).
Encounter: A battle with the guardian that requires using the learned vocabulary to weaken it.
Challenge: Players must describe different parts of the forest in French to gain an advantage in battle.
Weeks 6-8: Le Village des Paroles
(Week of 10-13-24)Session 6: Arrival at the Village

Objective: Enter Le Village des Paroles and meet the villagers.
Key Vocabulary: Everyday items and places (maison, marché, nourriture).
Encounter: Villagers provide quests and tasks that require basic French conversation.
Challenge: Roleplay interactions with the villagers using key phrases.
(Week of 10-20-24)Session 7: Market Day

Objective: Navigate the village market to gather supplies.
Key Vocabulary: Food and shopping (pain, fromage, acheter).
Encounter: A barter system where players must negotiate prices in French.
Challenge: Players need to correctly use French words for bargaining.
(Week of 10-27-24)Session 8: The Village Elder

Objective: Meet with the village elder to gather information about Malverbe.
Key Vocabulary: Descriptive words (grand, petit, rapide).
Encounter: The elder tests the players' knowledge by asking them to describe various items and people.
Challenge: Players must use descriptive vocabulary accurately to gain valuable information.
Weeks 9-11: La Bibliothèque Oubliée
(Week of 11-3-24)Session 9: Entering the Forgotten Library

Objective: Find and enter La Bibliothèque Oubliée.
Key Vocabulary: Academic and book-related terms (livre, page, auteur).
Encounter: A magical librarian who quizzes the players on French book vocabulary.
Challenge: Solve a puzzle that involves arranging French words in the correct order.
(Week of 11-10-24)Session 10: The Enchanted Tomes

Objective: Explore the library to uncover secrets about Malverbe.
Key Vocabulary: Advanced academic terms (recherche, étude, connaissance).
Encounter: Haunted books that only reveal their contents when the correct French word is spoken.
Challenge: Identify and pronounce French words to unlock the next part of the adventure.
(Week of 11-16-24)Session 11: Decoding the Clues

Objective: Decode clues found in the library that lead to Malverbe’s Castle.
Key Vocabulary: Phrases and idioms (chercher midi à quatorze heures, avoir le cafard).
Encounter: A riddle or code that requires understanding of French phrases.
Challenge: Use the phrases learned to solve the mystery and open the way to the castle.
Weeks 12-16: Le Château du Malverbe
(Week of 11-23-24)Session 12: The Castle Gates

Objective: Approach and enter Malverbe’s Castle.
Key Vocabulary: Castle-related words (porte, tour, escalier).
Encounter: A guardian that requires players to correctly describe parts of the castle in French.
Challenge: Gain entry by passing a vocabulary test involving castle terms.
(Week of 11-30-24)Session 13: Traps and Tricks

Objective: Navigate through Malverbe’s Castle filled with traps.
Key Vocabulary: Emotions and states (peur, colère, tristesse).
Encounter: Traps that react to the emotions of the players, needing them to use the correct French word to deactivate.
Challenge: Players must manage their emotions and use the appropriate vocabulary to avoid danger.
(Week of 12-6-24)Session 14: The Dark Library

Objective: Discover Malverbe’s personal library to weaken his power.
Key Vocabulary: Complex and rare French words (sorcellerie, malédiction).
Encounter: Books that contain dark spells which can only be countered with correct translations.
Challenge: Players need to translate complex French words to dispel the dark magic.
(Week of 12-13-24)Session 15: The Final Confrontation

Objective: Confront Malverbe and recover Le Lexique Enchanté.
Key Vocabulary: All previous themes.
Encounter: A multi-stage battle where each stage requires using different vocabulary learned throughout the adventure.
Challenge: Players must use everything they've learned to break Malverbe’s defenses and defeat him.
(Week of 12-20-24)Session 16: The Resolution

Objective: Return Le Lexique Enchanté and restore peace to Francovia.
Key Vocabulary: Reflect on all the vocabulary learned.
Encounter: A final roleplay session where players use their French skills to interact with NPCs, celebrating their victory.
Challenge: A celebratory feast where players must describe the events of their journey in French.
학습 목표
To have a solid use of the main keywords in French
Team Building and Cooperative Social Skills
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

학부모 가이드
Potential Scary and Violent scenes may occur during this adventure that can include combat
Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
아웃스쿨 사이트의 기능 외 별도의 앱이나 웹 사이트를 사용할 필요가 없습니다.
693수강 후기
인기 수업
교사 전문성 및 자격증
콜로라도 교직증명서 사회/역사에
Mrs. W
메인 교직증명서 외국어에
Mr. Fitz
위스콘신 교직증명서 사회/역사에
Ms. Zander
석사 학위 교육 National University 에서
Mrs. W
학사 학위 교육 University of Colorado Colorado Springs에서
Mrs. W
학사 학위 외국어 Gordon College에서
Mr. Fitz
This is taught by a French teacher with years of DM experience


실시간 그룹 수업


주당 1회

실시간 화상 수업
연령: 11-14
수업당 학습자 2-6 명

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